Dogbible - The Compass for Life with Dogs! 

Dogbible is all about passion for dogs and the desire to share knowledge and experiences to make the world even more beautiful for dogs and their humans.

The mission of dogbible is to provide dog owners and those who aspire to become one with reliable information, advice, and tips that foster a harmonious, happy coexistence. The belief: Our four-legged friends deserve only the best - and dogbible helps achieve just that for them!

The extensive knowledge library encompasses topics on nutrition, health and care, training, behavior and breed profiles, along with product reviews, events, and touching stories from the world of dogs.

Dogbible was born out of years of experience and passion for dogs. The dedicated team, comprising 9 experts and staff, work diligently each day to provide the finest information and advice. To do this, dogbible relies on a network of experts and sustains partnerships with key players in the pet sector.

Dogbible takes pride in accompanying dog owners and pet enthusiasts on their journey through everyday pet life. Whether you're already experienced with dogs or just embarking on the canine adventure - dogbible is the right place for everyone!

Discover the world of dogbible and let's work together to make the lives of your best friends even better.

Our team




Sissi, the founder of dogbible, started her blogging career in 2014 and discovered her love for dogs in 2018. Since then, she has been exploring the world together with her faithful companion Loki every day, completing her 10,000 steps. Loki, a charming Beagdor (Labrador-Beagle mix), has a special talent as a therapy dog for children and even accompanies Sissi to schools. In addition to her deep attachment to Loki, Sissi secretly dreams of one day adding a French Bulldog to her family as a second dog.




Thomas has contributed the technical know-wau uh know-how to dogbible and is not only enthusiastic about Japan, but also calls the Shiba his favorite dog, which hopefully may soon take up residence in his Rooftopgarden.




Johann is a passionate dog fan since 1986 and a proud dog dad of a Labrador mongrel since 2018. Besides his work as an IT expert, he also writes for dogbible and shares his knowledge and experiences about dogs there.




In keeping with her native Hungary, Tina grew up with a Magyar Vizsla and has loved dogs from an early age. As a dog aunt of Bora, she is still involved with dogs on a daily basis. Personally, she dreams of one day becoming a dog mom to a little Bichon Frisé.




Victoria is currently studying veterinary medicine. Growing up with animals in the countryside, they are still a constant companion in her life - even in the big city.



Editor & Translator

Alison is from Chile and will soon finish her Master's degree in Linguistics and Spanish. She has two rescued dogs aged 14 and 1. Alison loves dogs as much as the Spanish language, so she is the perfect editor and translator for dogbible.




Lisa is a dog mommy of 3 Chihuahua girls and therefore knows exactly what is important when living with several dogs. For several years she has been intensively involved with dogs, breeding and special breeds.




Viki is a dog owner since childhood and loves not only her mongrel Luni but also cats more than anything. Luni lives since her rescue from moderate conditions in Hungary, now happily in Tyrol with Viki.




Kerstin came to dogs through sports. She combines action, fun and adventure with a love of four-legged friends, which is why her favorite breed is the husky, as you can easily see.

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dogbible - a platform for people who love dogs
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