Our Editorial Guidelines at dogbible.com: The Creation of our Articles

The Method Behind Our Work

Before any guide is published on dogbible.com, a meticulous process is carried out. We are committed to complete transparency, so we gladly provide a glimpse into this process:

Our editorial team, composed of dog enthusiasts, copywriters, veterinary students, and therapy dog owners, conducts thorough research on a product category or a (mixed) breed, defining key criteria relevant to the respective dogs and products. Factors such as FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) criteria, breed descriptions from breeders, product safety, equipment, accessories, popularity, customer feedback, independent test reports, availability, and price are considered, alongside the quality and composition of the information and materials.

Following this, our expert board steps in for the final review. Our experts, equipped with vast knowledge and years of experience, offer a unique perspective and grant final approval to the articles. Occasionally, certain passages or segments may be removed or replaced with other details after the team's evaluation. Our community of dog lovers also contributes with their personal experiences and feedback. Thanks to your input, articles can be updated, and specific products and breed characteristics can be substituted with more accurate and detailed information.

Our Recommendation Promise

At dogbible.com, you will not find fake reviews, paid rankings, or fabricated tests. We recommend products independently, objectively, and primarily from the perspective of fellow dog owners.

Once initial research for our recommendation articles is complete, a specialist editor refines the text with their expertise, selects suitable products, and - when feasible and appropriate - puts the recommendations through a practical test.

Our Objective

Our aim is to provide you with the most exhaustive and reliable product guide for dog owners. We aim to save you from spending hours on the internet searching for the perfect product for your canine friend. We shoulder this task for you, freeing up your time and energy to be spent with your pet.

Our breed descriptions follow a similar methodology: We use specialized literature (both print and digital) to gather all crucial facts about each breed. These are then efficiently incorporated into profiles and descriptions of appearance, temperament, and breeding to ensure easy understanding and knowledge enhancement about each breed. Additionally, we include pictures to aid in visually identifying your favorite breeds. Some of our breed descriptions pertain to FCI-recognized breeds, while others are about mixed breeds. The information on mixed breeds primarily comes from your firsthand experience and the intersection of information about the purebred parents of the respective mixed breed dogs. Most of the photos of mixed breeds (which we consistently add to) come directly from our community.

We make sure to list and link all the sources consulted to create the breed descriptions at the end, ensuring full transparency for you.

Our Expertise

While we maintain high standards for our dog platform, we acknowledge that we don't know everything. Hence, we depend on a network of over 9 experts and specialist editors, as well as proofreaders and translators. This expert board reviews our recommendations, revises information and sources, researches new critical details, translates, and ultimately approves the content. A veterinary student and a therapy dog owner also contribute to the editorial board.

Ultimately, you are the key to our success: with your help, the fantastic dog-owning community, we are able to offer something unique: Real experiences and photos that depict purebred dogs, special mixes, and even products.

Learn more about the team behind dogbible.

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dogbible - a platform for people who love dogs
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