Basset has very large ears which are pulled by a human like a bat, brown white dog, tricolored dog breed similar to Beagle Dog guide 23.10.2023

Quiet dog breeds - list & what makes them so special

Particularly calm dog breeds, you will find today at the dog blog.

The dog, as they say, man's best friend, is also known for its loud organ. When something happens, when danger approaches or even for joy, he starts barking loudly. In some breeds this is more pronounced, in some less. Here there are differences and definitely breeds that are known for their barking.

Calm and loving dog breeds

Then there are also breeds that bark less. This can be a first classification, if you prefer to do without too loud barking. Here we present you some breeds that are classified as quiet, which do not bark as much as others. How the individual dog is then really depends of course always also on the respective character. After all, dogs have personalities too.


Golden retriever puppy, calm dog Shutterstock / Master1305

In the first place of the calm dogs are probably the retrievers. The English "to retrieve" means "to bring back", i.e. "to retrieve". The retrievers are originally hunting dogs, which were bred to bring the hunter the shot small game. So they always had to behave quietly and unobtrusively, persevering by the side of the hunters. Today we have two popular species, the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever. Both are known as calm family dogs. What you can't underestimate, however, is their urge to move. Retrievers need to run a lot too!

Irish Wolfhound

Irish wolfhound, calm dog breed, calm dog Shutterstock / Angel Sallade

These big, shaggy fellows are true cuddly dogs. They don't think too much of barking and so we also put them in the list of quiet dogs. Wolfhounds are the largest dogs in the world. They are considered to be great family dogs. They are very trusting, affectionate and open.

Basset Hound - a family dog

Hund,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Begleithund,Gras,Schnauze,Spürhund,Pflanze,Sportliche Gruppe,Jagdhund, Depositphotos / art_man

Not only the Queen loves the Bassets. They are, even if you do not immediately see it in their big eyes, very cheerful, funny dogs. The Basset is very friendly, a true family dog and he doesn't think much of barking. The Basset likes to follow - if he wants to! This breed is considered to be very smart and therefore a bit stubborn. However, the big heart always makes up for that.

Saint Bernard as a calm dog breed in the family

calm family dog breed, Saint Bernard Shutterstock / Fotokostic

The St. Bernard is also a quiet dog. He does not have to bark to attract attention. The St. Bernard is also a very calm dog in character. A gentle giant, as they say. This breed is well-bred and particularly good-natured. One of the breeding goals of this breed is that the Saint Bernard is an absolute family dog. He finds his place in the pack and is very compatible with children. He is friendly, but also a protector. So when he senses danger, he will go to great lengths to protect his people.

Banner: Shutterstock / Siberian spring
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