Jura hound

Jura hound Breed description: Character & Co


Origin and history

The Jura hound, a traditional Swiss hunting dog, has a rich history and a special origin.

  • Origin: This breed comes from the Jura, a mountainous region between Switzerland and France. Its roots go back to the Middle Ages.
  • Development: The Jura hound was bred for hunting in the rugged mountain landscapes. It is closely related to other European hounds and was developed specifically for hunting small game such as hares and foxes.
  • Historical significance: Historically, these dogs were very popular with local hunters as their strong sense of smell and stamina made them ideal for hunting in difficult terrain.

Suitability and use

The Jura hound is not only an experienced hunting dog, but also a versatile companion.

  • Hunting skills: With an exceptional sense of scent and a pronounced stamina, the Jura hound is particularly suitable for tracking and hunting in mountainous regions.
  • Working ability: Its intelligence and independent character make it an effective and independent working dog.
  • Family dog: In addition to its suitability as a hunting dog, the Jura hound is also known for its friendly and sociable nature, which makes it a good family dog as long as it gets enough exercise and mental stimulation.


The Jura Hound is a versatile and hardy dog breed, ideal for hunters and active families. Its adaptability to different hunting scenarios and its friendly nature make it a valuable companion both in the field and at home. However, when acquiring a Jura hound, its need for regular exercise and mental challenge should be considered to ensure its health and well-being.

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Jura or Bruno Hound, a Swiss breed Jura or Bruno Hound, a Swiss breed
Alternate Name Bruno du Jura, Jura Hound, Sabueso del Jura
Origin Switzerland
Life expectancy 10 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group Scent hounds
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits of the Jura hound

  • Pronounced hunting instinct: The Jura hound has a strong hunting instinct, which makes it an excellent scent hound, particularly suitable for hunting small game such as hares.
  • Intelligence and willingness to learn: This breed is known for its intelligence and ability to learn quickly. The Jura hound responds well to consistent training and positive reinforcement.
  • Independence: During the hunt, the Jura hound often shows a high degree of independence and determination.

Temperament and social behavior

  • Friendliness and sociability: The Jura Hound is known for its friendly nature and can fit in well with a family. It is gentle and patient, which makes it a pleasant companion.
  • Loyalty: These dogs develop a strong bond with their owners and are known for their loyalty and devotion.
  • Adaptability: Although the Jura Hound is primarily a hunting dog, it can adapt well to family life as long as it gets enough exercise and activity.


The Jura Hound is a versatile, intelligent and loyal companion, ideal for active families or as a hunting dog. Its friendly nature and adaptability make it a valued member of the family. However, it is important to consider its needs for regular physical and mental activity to ensure a balanced and healthy life.


Grooming the Jura hound

The Jura hound, known for its robust appearance and endurance, requires a specific grooming routine.

  • Coat care: The coat of the Jura hound is short, dense and smooth. Regular brushing, about once a week, keeps the coat clean and reduces shedding.
  • Bathing: Frequent bathing is not necessary. A bath when needed with a mild dog shampoo is enough to keep the coat healthy.
  • Ear and claw care: Ears should be checked regularly for signs of infection and cleaned if necessary. Claws may need to be trimmed to prevent foot problems.

Health aspects

The Jura hound is generally robust and healthy, but there are some health aspects that should be considered.

  • Regular veterinary check-ups: Schedule regular visits to the veterinarian to monitor the dog's overall health and react early to any potential problems.
  • Balanced diet and exercise: A balanced diet and adequate exercise are critical to maintaining the dog's ideal weight and health.

Breeding and selection

When purchasing a Jura running dog, you should consider the following points.

  • Reputable breeder: Choose a responsible breeder who provides transparent information about the health and pedigree of the puppies.
  • Health tests: Make sure that the breeder carries out the necessary health tests to rule out hereditary diseases.
  • Puppy selection: Pay attention to the puppy's temperament and health as well as the behavior of its parents.


The Jura hound is an easy-care, robust and healthy dog, ideal for hunting and as a companion. Responsible breeding and careful selection contribute significantly to a healthy and happy life for this special breed.

Bruno du Jura

The Jura Hound, a hunting dog originating from Switzerland, has a characteristic coat that is typical of its breed.

  • Coat type: The coat of the Jura hound is short, dense and smooth, which makes it easy to groom.
  • Coloring: Typically, the coat is tricolor, with a combination of black, white and tan markings.

Visual characteristics

The Jura hound is characterized by its striking appearance, which emphasizes its abilities as a hunting dog.

  • Build: It has a slender but robust build designed for endurance and agility.
  • Head shape: The head is well proportioned, with a pronounced muzzle and alert eyes.
  • Ears: The ears are medium sized, set high and drooping, giving the dog a characteristic expression.

Size and weight

The physical characteristics of the Jura Hound are important for its agility and performance.

  • Size: Male Jura Hounds reach a shoulder height of around 46 cm to 58 cm, while females are slightly smaller.
  • Weight: The average weight varies between 15 kg and 20 kg, depending on sex and constitution.


The Jura Hound is a medium-sized, athletically built hunting dog with a low-maintenance coat and a characteristic tricolor coloring. Its physical characteristics make it an ideal companion for hunting trips in various terrains. When grooming the Jura hound, attention should be paid to regular brushing and a balanced diet in order to maintain its health and vitality.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 47 - 57 cm
Weight ♀ 15 - 20 kg
Size ♂ 49 - 59 cm
Weight ♂ 15 - 20 kg
Suitable For -

Sources and relevant links

FCI-Rassestandard (Deutsch)

Accessed on 16.01.2024

Hans Räber (2014). Enzyklopädie der Rassehunde, Band 2. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmbh & Company KG.

Schweizerischer Laufhundclub

Accessed on 16.01.2024

Klub für Schweizer Laufhunde

Accessed on 16.01.2024

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