GPS tracking for dogs, Beagador Loki, Danube in Budapest swimming with dog, Tractive experience report Dog accessories 09.09.2020

Tractive experience review - is it worth it?

Tractive is a GPS tracker for dogs that works worldwide and can be attached to any collar.

Tractive testimonial - how to find your dog and measure your health at the same time.

Smartwatches and fitness trackers are becoming increasingly popular. But GPS tracking of the little four-legged friends is also becoming more and more popular at the moment. Whether dog, cat or horse, with the Tractive tracking system you can retrieve the location of your pet at any time from anywhere and accompany him on small and large discovery tours. Real-time tracking is also possible with the help of the live tracking function and the accompanying free app. The following blog post is intended to show all the advantages of the Tractive tracker and give you a good overview of the product.

Models and application

The tracker is offered in different models. On the one hand, there is the model "Classic" GPS tracker for the dog. Another variant is the "XL for dogs version". This was specially developed for large dogs, but also horses, sheep, cows, etc.. The third version offered is specially designed for cats, but also other small animals. The prices of all offered products are between 30€ and 50€. In addition, you can choose different versions of protective covers and clamping aids in the online shop.

Coupon Code Tractive: labloki25

By entering this code you will receive a 25% discount on the entire webshop purchase.

After you have decided on a model, you have to select and take out a subscription on the manufacturer's website. You can find out more about this in the next section.

Using the tracker is very easy. The tracker is attached to the collar or halter (fixed on each collar!). Then you just have to start the tracking app and you can accompany your four-legged friend on their discovery tour.

black beagador on the Danube with Tractive GPS tracker for dogs

The app can be downloaded from the following links: PlayStore & AppStore

Selection of the appropriate subscription

To be able to use the tracker, you have to sign up for a subscription. You can choose between Basic and Premium. Depending on the subscription period (1-2-5 years) the Basic package costs between 3,75€ and 7,99€ per month. The Premium package can be purchased for €3.33 or €4.99 per month, depending on the subscription period.

The tariff includes the following features:

  • Unlimited access to live tracking
  • GPS tracking in 2-60 minute intervals
  • tracking of activities and activity level
  • sharing with friends and family (public and private)
  • nationwide application at home and abroad
  • unlimited position history
  • export of GPS data possible
  • Using the Premium Customer Service
Loki the Beagador, dog name for male, black and white mixed breed with GPS Tracker Tractive

You need the subscription so that the tracker can dial into the mobile network. This is the only way to determine the exact location of your pet. A separate sim card is not required. The costs for data communication are covered by the manufacturer. You only pay the subscription fees. This way, your four-legged friend can be reliably located around the clock and you can use the app to its full extent.
Das Abo könnt ihr außerdem jederzeit beenden. Für die Abolaufzeit bezahlt ihr im Voraus und könnt es so jederzeit vor Ablaufdatum beenden. Das Abo bleibt bis zum Ende der Aboperiode aktive und wird danach nicht mehr verlängert.

Advantages Tractive

With the GPS tracker for dogs, you can locate your four-legged friend within a very short time without distance restrictions. This feature can be used anytime and anywhere. With the help of the free app, you can view the position history and access live tracking. Another benefit of the app is that a virtual fence can be set. If your pet leaves this safety zone, you will receive a notification.Another advantage of the tracking system is that the built-in tracking device is waterproof. So your four-legged friend can romp in the water or explore the area when it rains without the tracking being restricted. At the same time, the tracker is particularly robust and complies with the IPX7 standard.

Tractive GPS tracker waterproof, swimming in the city grove for dogs, Varosliget Budapest dogs

The GPS tracker can be used in over 150 countries worldwide. This means that tracking is also possible on holiday. So you can also find your lost pet abroad quickly and easily.
The tracker offers the possibility to show the activity level of your animal. This allows you to get a comprehensive overview of the state of health. The steps taken and the calories burned are displayed. This evaluation helps you to keep your four-legged friend fit.

IMPORTANT: The GPS Tracker for the dog does not replace the leash! Please keep this in mind!

Transparency note: This post is not sponsored, but we received the tracker as a PR sample to test it and give our personal opinion. I'll tell you honestly - since we live abroad: We feel much more comfortable with the feeling that in the worst case scenario - which hopefully never happens - we can instantly find our favorite. Plus, we think the control of his activity level is mega cool and also the waterproof feature of the device, is an absolute game changer when it comes to dog accessories. Practical and super important to always be "in control".

Dog with Tractive GPS tracker for dogs, Beagador and Shiba Inu on a dog run in Budapest
Banner: Sissi
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