Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Puppy,Carnivore,Snout,Puggle,Companion dog, Dog guide 01.03.2021

Dog breeder in Bavaria

This is the list of Bavarian dog breeders.

Which breeding clubs are there in Bavaria?

The VDH (Verband für das deutsche Hundewesen) has the  Landesverband Bayern für das Hundewesen e.V. in Bavaria. There you can get an overview of the different dog breeding clubs in Bavaria under the heading  Puppies.

These include:

  • Boxer Club e. V.
  • Bavarian Dachshund Club e. V.
  • St. Bernard Club Germany e. V.
  • Berger des Pyrénées Club
  • Great Danes
  • Eurasier Club e. V.
  • Breeders Club for Hovawart Dogs e. V.
  • German Shepherd Dog Club
  • Hunting Spaniel Club e. V. LG Bavaria
  • Terrier Club e. V.
  • Lagotto Romagnolo

In addition, there are still several small breed clubs in Bavaria, such as the 2018 founded Bayerische Kynologenverband e.V. and the Vereinigte Rassehunde-Züchter e. V..

Dog, mammal, vertebrate, breed of dog, Canidae, breed similar to Golden Retriever, carnivore, dog similar to Retriever, companion dog, Sporting Group, often confused but is a Hovawart, dog with long blond coat

Further dog breeders in Bavaria

  • Association Landseerfriends and Breeders Germany e. V.

  • Pinscher-Schnauzer Club e. V. LG Bavaria

  • Club for Terriers e. V.

  • KZG Eurasier e. V.

  • International Club for French Bulldogs e. V.

  • Doberman Club e. V.

  • German Retriever Club e. V.

  • Club E.L.S.A. (Rhodesian Ridgeback)

  • General German Rottweiler Club ADRK

Legal rules about fighting dogs in Bavaria

In the law "fighting dogs" in Bavaria are called breeds with an "increased aggressiveness and dangerousness". These include primarily the breeds Bandog, Pitbull, Tosa-Inu, Staffordshire Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier. If you want to acquire such a dog, you must first obtain a permit from your municipality of residence (Art. 37 Landesstraf- und Verordnungsgesetz - LStVG). Furthermore, no so-called fighting dogs may be bred or imported in Bavaria (Art. 37a LStVG).

Furthermore, there is a second category of dogs in the "Ordinance on Dogs with Increased Aggressiveness and Dangerousness", whose owners or breeders are given the opportunity to make it known to the authorities by means of an expert opinion that their dog does not possess the characteristics mentioned. This includes the breeds Rottweiler, Mallorquin, Perrode Presa, Mastino Napoletano, Mastin Espanol, Mastiff, Fila Brasileiro, Dogue de Bordeaux, Dogo Argentino, Cane Corso, Bull Terrier, Bull Mastiff, American Bulldog and Alano (Dogo Canario).

Other important information

In general, there is a muzzle and leash exemption in Bavaria. In contrast to most other federal states, there is also no requirement to take out insurance in Bavaria. Even owners of dangerous dog breeds are free to take out dog liability insurance. However, if you do not want to pay for any damage caused by your dog yourself, you should definitely take out insurance for your dog. Depending on the breed, it is also recommended that you take out dog surgery insurance and dog health insurance.

The dog tax in Bavaria ranges from 0 euros (in Windorf) to 132 euros (in Nuremberg) per year. For keeping a fighting dog according to § 5 Abs. 1 to 4 HStS you pay up to 1050 Euro per year.

Banner: Shutterstock / ch_ch
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