Canadian Eskimo Dog

Canadian Eskimo Dog Breed description: Character & Co

Canadian Eskimo Dog


PROFILE: Canadian Eskimo Dog - Origin, History & Suitability.

The Canadian Eskimo Dog, also known as the "Canadian Eskimo Dog" or "Qimmiq", is one of the oldest and rarest Arctic sled dog breeds. It was originally brought to the Arctic regions of Canada by the Thule people, the ancestors of the Inuit, over 1,000 years ago. Historically, the Canadian Eskimo Dog played a central role in the survival of the Inuit. It served not only as a means of transportation, but also as a hunting aid and source of warmth during the cold nights.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the number of these dogs declined drastically as snowmobiles took over their traditional role as a means of transportation. Fortunately, rescue efforts have been made to ensure that this impressive breed does not become extinct.


The Canadian Eskimo Dog is strong, enduring and hardy. As an original working dog, he has tremendous energy needs and requires regular physical exercise. Therefore, he is best suited to owners who can provide him with sufficient exercise and mental stimulation.

  • Climate: This dog is most comfortable in cooler climates. His dense coat provides protection from extremely cold temperatures.
  • Training: He is intelligent and adaptive, but can also be independent and stubborn. Early socialization and consistent training are required.
  • Family Dog: Although loyal and protective of his family, his size and energy can be overwhelming for families with young children.


The Canadian Eskimo Dog is an impressive breed with a rich history and tradition. He is best suited for active people who have the time and commitment to meet his needs. With proper care and training, he will become a loyal and reliable companion.

Banner: Depositphotos / ruramos
Canadian eskimo dog clipart. Different poses, fur colors.  Vector illustration A Canadian Arctic Eskimo dog stands outdoors in Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada.
Alternate Name Qimmiq, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Canadian Inuit Dog
Origin Canada
Life expectancy 12 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Nordic Sledge Dogs
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Basic features of the character

The Canadian Eskimo Dog is known not only for its impressive appearance, but also for its unique character traits:

  • Willing to Work and Enduring: Traditionally used as a sled dog, this dog possesses remarkable endurance and a strong will to work. His energy and drive are unparalleled.

  • Loyal and Protective: He forms a deep bond with his family and tends to be a loyal protector. This makes him an excellent watchdog, but also requires careful socialization at a young age.

  • Independent: His independence can sometimes be interpreted as stubbornness. It is important to treat him with patience and consistency.

Interaction with other animals and children

  • Socialization is key: While the Canadian Eskimo Dog can get along with other dogs, especially if raised with them, his dominant nature can lead to conflict. Early and regular socialization is recommended.

  • Child Friendly: With its loving and playful nature, it usually gets along well with children. However, a supervisor should always be present when he interacts with younger children.


The Canadian Eskimo Dog is a proud and independent animal with a heart of gold. With proper training and socialization, he can become a wonderful family member, valued both as a working partner and a loyal companion.



The Canadian Eskimo Dog has a dense, double coat that protects it from extreme weather conditions. Therefore, there are a few things to keep in mind when grooming:

  • Regular brushing: At least once a week, the coat should be brushed to remove dead hair and prevent matting. During the shedding seasons - spring and fall - daily brushing may be necessary.
  • Bathing: It is recommended to bathe the dog only when necessary. His coat has a natural layer of grease that makes it water repellent. Frequent bathing can destroy this protective layer.
  • Ears and paws: They should be checked and cleaned regularly for infections or injuries.


The Canadian Eskimo Dog is robust and hardy, yet there are some health issues that should be considered:

  • Hip dysplasia: A common condition in larger dogs.
  • Eye Disease: Certain eye problems can occur, so regular examinations are advisable.
  • Diet: A balanced diet is crucial to avoid obesity, which could stress the joints.


Breeding the Canadian Eskimo Dog requires expertise and responsibility.

  • Genetic Testing: Before breeding, both parents should be tested for hereditary diseases.
  • Socialization: early socialization of puppies is critical to their development into well-adjusted and social dogs.
  • Breeding standards: It is important to follow the standards set by the breed association to maintain breed quality.


Proper care and attention to the health of the Canadian Eskimo Dog will ensure that it lives a long and healthy life. Breeding should always be done with the welfare of the animal in mind.

A Canadian Arctic Eskimo dog stands outdoors in Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada.

The Canadian Eskimo Dog is an imposing, athletic dog whose appearance reflects its Arctic origins. The coat consists of two layers: a dense, soft undercoat and a coarse, water-repellent topcoat. Coat color varies and can be white, black, red or even multi-colored.

Special feature of the coat

The double coat of fur serves as an effective protection against the freezing temperatures of the Arctic habitat. Therefore, it is not surprising that this breed is particularly well adapted to colder climates.

Size & Weight

  • Males: On average, males reach a height of 55 to 70 cm and weigh between 30 and 40 kg.
  • Females: Females tend to be slightly smaller and lighter, with a height of 50 to 60 cm and a weight of 18 to 30 kg.
GenderHeight in cmWeight in kg
Males55 - 7030 - 40
Bitches50 - 6018 - 30

Important note

Due to its size and weight, the Canadian Eskimo Dog requires a lot of space and is less suitable for living in a small apartment or a house without a garden.


The Canadian Eskimo Dog is an impressive breed that is optimized for survival in extreme conditions, both in physical appearance and coat structure. Proper coat care is essential, especially if the dog is kept in warmer climates. With proper care, this handsome dog will become a stunning and loyal companion.

Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy sporty
Size ♀ 50 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 18 - 30 kg
Size ♂ 58 - 70 cm
Weight ♂ 30 - 40 kg
Suitable For -
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

Other large dogs

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