Tolerant dogs

Tolerant dogs are characterized by their calm and peaceful nature. They get on well with other animals and people and are particularly suitable for families or multi-pet households. In our blog post, we introduce you to dogs that impress with their tolerance and balance and create a harmonious atmosphere.

Why are tolerant dogs so special?

Tolerant dogs are characterized by their peaceful nature, which helps them to get along well in different social environments. They rarely react aggressively and have remarkable patience, especially when interacting with children or other animals. Their easy-going personality makes them ideal companions in a household that can sometimes be lively.

Which breeds are characterized by tolerance?

If you are looking for a dog that is characterized by harmony and balance, these breeds are ideal for you. They calmly accept change and have a friendly attitude towards everything and everyone. These dogs are not only loyal companions, but also good friends for all family members, including other pets.

4 great breeds that are often tolerant

Tolerant dogs are true treasures for any home. They create an atmosphere of harmony and help to promote calm and relaxed coexistence. If you're looking for a dog that can adapt flexibly to different living situations, one of these tolerant breeds is the perfect companion for you.


Profil eines Beagle-Welpen - Nahaufnahme Depositphotos / Pierdelune

The Harrier is a friendly and tolerant dog that gets on well with other animals and people. With its calm nature and even-tempered disposition, it gets along well in most households. This breed is known for its social skills and patient nature, making the Harrier an ideal companion for families or multi-pet households.

English Foxhound

Englischer Foxhound, Porträt eines Hundes Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The English Foxhound is a calm and tolerant dog that gets along well with other animals and people. With its even-tempered nature, it shows a lot of patience and is a social companion that integrates well into a harmonious home. This breed is known for its friendly nature and ability to thrive in different social environments.


Süßer kleiner Beabull-Welpe auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Depositphotos / Jstaley401

The Beabull is a friendly and tolerant dog that gets on well with other animals and people. This mix of Beagle and Bulldog is characterized by its calm and social nature. With its patient nature, it gets on particularly well in families with children and other pets, making it an ideal companion for harmonious households.

Dogo Argentino

Der Dogo Argentino ist ein beeindruckender, großer, weißer und muskulöser Hund, der in Argentinien vor allem für die Jagd auf Großwild, wie Wildschweine und Pumas, entwickelt wurde. Der Dogo Argentino ist ein guter Wachhund und hingebungsvoller Familienhund. Depositphotos / Smeding

The Dogo Argentino is generally a very loyal and protective dog. In terms of tolerance, he can fit in well in a stable and loving home, especially if he is well socialized from an early age. Although he is very loyal and protective of his owners, he can be a little wary of strangers and other animals in certain situations.

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