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Platinum dog food

A Platinum dog food review that is subjective. Not sponsored!

Platinum Dog Food Review

A new dog is coming into the family and you are thinking about what to feed him? Or you are dissatisfied with your dog's food and want to change the feeding? The following blog article explains what dog food needs to offer to support your four-legged friend's optimal health. It also introduces Platinum dog food and lists the ingredients.

What dogs want - the right dog food

The dog descends from the wolf, everyone knows that - and wolves eat meat. The four-legged family member is also a carnivore. Despite this, many dogs are fed a diet of mainly grains. This is not so much the fault of dog owners as it is the fault of the food manufacturers. Many dry dog foods contain a high percentage of grains. But the dog's digestive tract is not designed to process large amounts of plant materials. It takes too long to break down plant matter and break it down into the individual nutrients, and your dog isn't getting the best nutrition.

When a wolf kills a prey, he eats the meat and the semi-digested plant matter that is in the prey's digestive tract. This provides him with everything he needs. This kind of food would also be optimal for the dog. Now, of course, you don't want your dog to kill the neighbor's boy rabbit. That is understandable. But you can also give your dog a balanced and well-digestible food by bowl. For a complete diet, the food must contain the following:

  • high quality protein (from the high meat content of the food)
  • easily digestible carbohydrates
  • vitamins
  • trace elements and minerals
Canidae, dog, dog breed, carnivore, wolfdog, wolf, wolfdog, dog food, dish, kitchen, barf, barf food

The Platinum dog food - the ingredients

PLATINUM makes a promise on their website that the following substances are not contained in any of the Platinum dog foods:

  1. Flavorings and odorants
  2. colourings and fragrances
  3. flavour enhancers
  4. genetically modified products

Many dogs cannot tolerate these additives. They develop coat problems, allergies or even digestive problems such as diarrhoea or constipation.

PLATINUM has been certified by TÜV Rheinland - for the use of fresh meat in its dog food products. To obtain certification, the fresh meat content must be at least 50%. In Platinum dog food, the meat content is 70%. This can be different types of meat depending on the food. Other foods that have been processed as ingredients include:

  • Broccoli, carrots, leeks and other vegetables.
  • Camomile and green tea
  • Chicken liver
  • cranberries and dried apples
  • various oils and herbs
  • green lipped muscle extract
  • legumes (e.g. lentils)

The complete list of ingredients can be found on the PLATINUM Pet Foods website. If you decide to buy a new food, it is best to study the declaration on the packaging carefully. There are not only the ingredients listed, but also the proportions of the ingredients in percent.

All Platinum dog foods are available at low prices online in various online shops or via the direct sales on the PLATINUM website.

Banner: Shutterstock / absolutimages
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