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Dog Eats Dirt: We Know Why he eats soil

Dog eats soil - from a flower pot or outdoors! Reasons why your dog eats soil.

Dog eats soil - from a flower pot or outdoors dirt! Reasons why your dog eats dirt

Dogs don't always behave the way their owners imagine or expect them to. Your dog is eating soil and this is understandably causing you concern. However, when dogs eat soil, it can be for a variety of reasons.

  • It can be harmless,
  • but it can also indicate a behavioral or other health problem.

If your dog eats clay soil frequently, it is a natural urge for internal detoxification. If a dog suspects food under the soil, it will only dig up the soil briefly to get at it. To the dog owner, however, it then looks as if the dog would like to eat soil. If you are worried about your dog eating soil, it is possible that behind this atypical behaviour there is only boredom. Many dog breeds want to be kept busy, if this is not the case, then inner stress is quickly accumulated and eating soil is nothing more than a valve to relieve inner tension.

Dog eats earth Shutterstock / Shedara Weinsberg

Poisoned soil can quickly lead to an upset stomach in the dog

If the dog eats forest soil or compost conspicuously often, a manifest nutrient deficiency may well be hiddenbehind this behaviour. If necessary, it may be important to check the quality of the food. Dental problems or even an infestation with various parasites can also cause dogs to start eating soil. Also, if an obsessive-compulsive disorder is behind this behavior, it is usually time to see a veterinarian to initiate adequate therapy. Infrequent or occasional eating of soil by dogs is considered by most veterinarians to be non-pathological, i.e. not pathological, especially if the dog owner is completely unaware of this behavior during daily walks. However, eating large amounts of soil can quickly overwhelm the animal 's digestive tract and lead to, for example, an upset stomach in the dog. If the dog does not ingest normal, but poisoned soil, this can be noticed immediately by the corresponding symptoms. So if your dog salivates more, trembles or is apathetic, the nearest veterinary clinic or vet should be visited immediately. As a dog owner, you should therefore keep a very close eye on how often and what kind of soil your dog eats.

At the latest when a dog eats a lot and often soil, there is a need for action.

Because from these observations alone, it is not uncommon to be able to clearly deduce whether a serious problem in need of treatment is present at all. In addition these own observations of the animals are also very helpful for the veterinary surgeon, if nevertheless medical treatment must be given. Combinations must also be taken into account, for example the simultaneous ingestion of soil and faeces or roots. The visible ingestion of faeces by a dog should definitely be clarified by a veterinarian, regardless of the cause behind this behaviour. Because animal excrement can be

  1. highly infectious and therefore very dangerous not only for the dog,
  2. but also to you as the owner.

Dogs that usually prefergrass also like to dig for roots in the spring or fall. Chewing around on root systems can be an important fun factor for dogs and is usually harmless as long as they are not poisonous plants. Not every dog eats soil, but it is not too rare a phenomenon either.

Dog likes to eat dirt Shutterstock / ZitaIle
Banner: Shutterstock / Steve Bruckmann
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