Dalmatian Podenco Ibicenco Mix

Dalmatian Podenco Ibicenco Mix:Dalmatian and Podenco Ibicenco Mix

Hybrid Breed

Dalmatian + Podenco Ibicenco


PROFILE: Dalmatian-Podenco Ibicenco Mix - The combination of elegance and energy.

The Dalmatian-Podenco Ibicenco Mix combines two fascinating breeds: the Dalmatian, known for its distinctive black or liver spots and alertness, and the Podenco Ibicenco, an elegant hunting dog from the Balearic Islands. While the Dalmatian was often used as a carriage dog in the past, the Podenco Ibicenco has its roots as a Mediterranean greyhound.

This mix is a lively and loyal companion that combines both elegance and energy. With proper care and training, he will be a loyal friend and wonderful family member. It is important to adapt to his needs and give him the love and attention he deserves.

Banner: Susanne Buchmann
Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Grau,Begleithund,Fawn,Schnurrhaare,Schnauze,Arbeitstier,Sportliche Gruppe, Hund,Pflanze,Wasser,Dalmatiner,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Gras,Halsband,Kitz,Bodendecker, Hund,Fleischfresser,Arbeitstier,Halsband,Rehbraun,Begleithund,Dalmatiner,Hunderasse,Deutsche Dogge,Hundehalsband, Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Kitz,Arbeitstier,Begleithund,Ohr,Schnauze,Halsband,Schnurrhaare,
Alternate Name -
Origin Croatia - Spain
Life expectancy 10 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits of the Dalmatian-Podenco Ibicenco mix.

This mix is known for its intelligent and active nature. The Dalmatian-Podenco Ibicenco often displays the playful and friendly side of the Dalmatian coupled with the sensitive and alert nature of the Podenco Ibicenco. He can be independent, which can be a challenge in training, but also brings a deep loyalty and affection for his family.

Suitability and attitude

The Dalmatian-Podenco Ibicenco Mix is a particularly good fit for active families or individuals:

  • Activity: daily exercise and mental stimulation are essential.
  • Training: consistency and early socialization are important to get the most out of his intelligent and sometimes independent nature.
  • Housing: A secure garden or yard is recommended to accommodate his hunting instincts, although care must be taken to ensure he cannot escape.
Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Halsband,Boden,Begleithund,Bodenbelag,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Arbeitstier,

Care and health

The coat of this mix can vary, but it tends to be short to medium length, making it low maintenance. Regular brushing helps to remove dead hair and keep the coat shiny. Both breeds can be prone to certain health problems, so it is important to ensure regular vet visits and good nutrition.


In terms of appearance, this mix can have a variety of appearances. It may inherit the distinctive spots of the Dalmatian or display the smoother and often reddish coat of the Podenco Ibicenco. The ears can be either erect or semi-pendulous, and the eyes can show any shade of color between the two breeds.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Triangle - Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy sporty, slim, sporty
Size ♀ 56 - 67 cm
Weight ♀ 16 - 29 kg
Size ♂ 58 - 72 cm
Weight ♂ 16 - 29 kg
Suitable For -
Hund,Fleischfresser,Arbeitstier,Halsband,Rehbraun,Begleithund,Dalmatiner,Hunderasse,Deutsche Dogge,Hundehalsband,
Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Halsband,Boden,Begleithund,Bodenbelag,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Arbeitstier,
  • Allergies

    Can occur in a number of breeds, regardless of genetic makeup.

  • Numbness

    Often occurs in old age.

  • This mixed breed has a short, shiny coat with a soft undercoat.

  • Dalmatian-Podenco Ibicenco mix is a very affectionate dog, which is very playful and lively. He is very friendly and good-natured.

  • Each dog should be fed a diet that is appropriate for its age, activity level and size.

  • Typical diseases that can occur in the Dalmatian and Podenco Ibicenco mixed breed are hip dysplasia, heart disease, metabolic disorders and respiratory problems.

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