Border Collie Munsterlander Mix:Border collie and Münsterländer Mix

Hybrid Breed

Border collie + Münsterländer


Profile: Border Collie Munsterlander Mix - The agile all-rounder.

The Border Collie Munsterlander Mix is created by combining the Border Collie, one of the most intelligent and agile dog breeds, and the Munsterlander, a passionate hunting dog from Germany. The Border Collie Munsterlander Mix is undoubtedly an impressive dog for those who are willing to channel its energy and intelligence. With the right environment and care, this mix will be a loyal and lively companion that will shine both in the field and at home.

Suitability of the parent breeds

Both parent breeds have a deep connection to working the land, with the Border Collie traditionally used as a herding dog and the Munsterlander as a hunting and retrieving dog .

Alternate Name -
Origin UK - Germany
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance - low-maintenance
Activity level high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits of the Border Collie Munsterlander mix.

The combination of these two breeds often results in a dog that is both intelligent and lively. The mix often inherits the Border Collie's eagerness to work and the Munsterlander's drive to retrieve. As a result, these dogs are usually active, eager to learn, and loyal. Their high intelligence and desire to please make them quick learners, but they also want to be challenged mentally and physically.

Suitability and attitude

Because of their energy level and intelligence, this mix requires a special environment:

  • Active Owners: The Border Collie Munsterlander Mix needs regular exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Dog-savvy individuals: Consistent education and training are important to keep the dog's eagerness on track.
  • House with a garden: A securely fenced garden gives the dog the space it needs to play and romp.

Care and health

Although both parent breeds are hardy, attention should be paid to regular health checks. Hip problems, which can occur in the Border Collie, or ear problems, which occur in the Munsterlander, should be kept in mind.

Coat can vary depending on the dominant breed, but a weekly brushing is usually sufficient to keep it clean and healthy.

In terms of appearance, the Border Collie Munsterlander mix can show a variety of characteristics of both parent breeds . It can range in size from medium to large. The coat can range from short to medium length and come in colors such as black, white, brown or a combination of these colors. The ears may be pendulous or semi-erect.

Fur length medium
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out
Anatomy slim, sporty, slim
Size ♀ 46 - 58 cm
Weight ♀ 12 - 27 kg
Size ♂ 48 - 58 cm
Weight ♂ 14 - 27 kg
Suitable For -
  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • A Border Collie Munsterlander mix is active, intelligent, loyal, obedient and adaptable.

  • This hybrid breed requires at least one hour of exercise and training daily.

  • Yes, in some cases they are very talented hunters and can be trained for a variety of hunting sports.

  • Since this hybrid breed has a double coat, it should be brushed regularly. They also need regular exercise and mental workout to match their intelligence.

  • This mongrel can live from 12 to 14 years.

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