Grooming-intesive dogs

Dogs that have a long or wavy and curly coat and therefore need to be combed frequently are often described as high maintenance. It may also be necessary to visit a groomer and the vet several times a year to ensure that the coat is groomed optimally.

What are high-maintenance dogs in terms of grooming?

High-grooming dogs are ideal for people who are willing to invest more time and effort in grooming their pet. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of. We would like to present these to you in this article.

Advantages of high-maintenance dogs in terms of grooming

  • Deeper bond: Regular grooming can strengthen the bond between dog and owner, as this time is used as quality interaction.
  • Healthier coat: Frequent grooming ensures a healthy and shiny coat and can help identify and treat skin problems early.
  • Less shedding: Regular brushing reduces shedding in the home and keeps the environment cleaner.

Disadvantages of high maintenance dogs in terms of grooming

  • Time commitment: High-grooming dogs require significantly more time for daily grooming, which can be challenging for people with busy schedules.
  • Increased costs: The need for specialized grooming products and possibly professional grooming can increase maintenance costs.
  • Complexity: Some breeds have complex grooming needs that require specialized knowledge and techniques, which can be difficult for inexperienced dog owners.

20+ high maintenance dog breeds with pictures

Discover the fascinating world of high maintenance dog breeds! These demanding and beautiful companions are characterized by their high grooming requirements and elegant appearance. Perfect for people who have the time and passion for grooming, they bring elegance and joy to any household.


Säugetier, Hund, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Hunderasse mit Wischmop Fell, Hund mit langem Fell, großer weißer Puli, besondere Hunderassen Shutterstock / Volofin

The Puli is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its unique, cord-like coat needs regular attention to stay clean and healthy. Puliks are known for their intelligence and agility. This active breed loves exercise and is well suited to sporting activities. Note: The Puli's coat must be carefully groomed and dried to avoid skin problems. With the right coat care and sufficient exercise, the Puli is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Lhasa Apso

Ein kleiner junger hellbrauner, rehbrauner, beiger, grauer und weißer Lhasa Apso mit langem, seidigem Fell, der auf dem Gras läuft. Der langhaarige, bärtige Lhasa Hund hat ein schweres, gerades, langes Fell und ist ein Begleithund. Depositphotos / f8grapher

The Lhasa Apso is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its long, silky coat requires frequent brushing and grooming to prevent matting and knots. Lhasa Apsos are known for their intelligence and independence. This small breed is alert, loyal and very affectionate. Please note: Regular grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when choosing a Lhasa Apso. With the right care and lots of love, the Lhasa Apso is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.


Porträt von komondor Depositphotos / muro

The Komondor is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its long, cord-like coat requires regular grooming to keep it clean and tangle-free. Komondors are known for their intelligence and protective instincts. This large breed is alert, loyal and makes an excellent guard dog. Caution: The Komondor's coat must be carefully groomed and dried to avoid skin problems. With the right care and sufficient exercise, the Komondor is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Chow Chow

Chow Chow Hund. Sommerzeit. Depositphotos / Bokstaz

The Chow Chow is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its dense, fluffy coat needs to be brushed regularly to avoid matting and skin problems. Chow Chows are known for their alertness and loyalty. This independent breed is calm, but also very protective of its family. Note: Intensive grooming requires time and patience, so it is important to take this into account when choosing a Chow Chow. With the right care and lots of love, the Chow Chow is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.


Grauer zotteliger Pudel Nahaufnahme auf den Hinterbeinen stehend im Park beim Spazierengehen, trainierter Hund Depositphotos / MVolodymyr

The Poodle is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its curly, hypoallergenic coat needs to be brushed and trimmed regularly to avoid matting. Poodles are known for their intelligence and versatility. This breed is active, eager to learn and is ideal for families and individuals looking for a loyal and playful companion. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Poodle. With the right care and lots of love, the Poodle is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

White shepherd dog

Hund, Fleischfresser, Begleithund, Hunderasse, Pflanze, Schwanz, Gras, Baum, Arbeitstier, Terrier, Depositphotos / VolodymyrBur

The White Shepherd is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its dense, white coat requires frequent brushing to avoid matting and dirt. White Shepherds are known for their intelligence and loyalty. This active breed loves exercise and needs plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Please note: Intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a White Shepherd. With the right care and lots of love, the White Shepherd is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Toy poodle

Verspielter Toy-Pudel Welpe läuft Depositphotos / FotoJagodka

The Toy Poodle is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its curly, hypoallergenic coat requires frequent brushing and clipping to prevent matting. Toy Poodles are known for their intelligence and playfulness. This small breed is active, eager to learn and is ideal for families and individuals looking for a loyal and playful companion. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Toy Poodle. With the right care and lots of love, the Toy Poodle is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.


Hund,Spitz,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Deutscher spitz,Deutscher spitz mittel,Schnurrhaare,Begleithund,Deutscher spitz klein,Sportliche Gruppe, Depositphotos / Fxlogo

The Samoyed is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its dense, white coat needs to be brushed frequently to avoid matting and dirt. Samoyeds are known for their friendliness and stamina. This active breed loves exercise and needs plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Samoyed. With the right care and lots of love, the Samoyed is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Afghan Greyhound

Hund, Wolke, Himmel, Wirbeltier, Pflanze, Fleischfresser, Leber, Hunderasse, Begleithund, Grasland, Depositphotos / IgorVetushko

The Afghan Hound is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its long, silky coat needs to be brushed and washed regularly to prevent matting and keep it healthy. Afghan Hounds are known for their elegance and independence. This noble breed is active, graceful and needs a lot of exercise. Note: Intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when choosing an Afghan Hound. With the right care and lots of love, the Afghan Hound is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.


Hund,Fleischfresser,Leber,Hunderasse,Begleithund,Terrestrisches Tier,Gras,Schnauze,Arbeitstier,Sportliche Gruppe, Depositphotos / CaptureLight

The Newfoundland is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its thick, water-repellent coat requires frequent brushing to prevent matting and skin problems. Newfoundlands are known for their friendliness and gentleness. This large breed is affectionate, patient and ideal for families. Please note: The intensive coat care requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Newfoundland. With the right care and lots of love, the Newfoundland is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Bichon Frisé

Die Hunderasse Bichon Frise auf grünem Gras Depositphotos / DevidDO

The Bichon Frisé is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its curly, soft coat requires frequent brushing and professional trimming to prevent matting and keep the coat healthy. Bichon Frisés are known for their friendliness and playfulness. This small breed is cheerful, affectionate and ideal for families. Please note: intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when choosing a Bichon Frisé. With the right care and lots of love, the Bichon Frisé is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.


Porträt eines Malteserhundes im Winter im Freien Depositphotos / Laures

The Maltese is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its long, silky coat needs to be brushed and groomed regularly to avoid matting and knots. Maltese are known for their friendliness and affection. This small breed is lively, playful and ideal for families and individuals. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Maltese. With the right care and lots of love, the Maltese is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.


Pekinesen, auch Löwenhunde genannt, sind eine uralte Hunderasse, die auf dem Boden sitzend eine Ähnlichkeit mit chinesischen Wächterlöwen hat. Depositphotos / PhotoVelum

The Pekingese is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its long, dense coat needs to be brushed and groomed regularly to avoid matting and knots. Pekingese are known for their courage and loyalty. This small breed is independent, dignified and ideal for families and individuals looking for a loyal companion. Please note: The intensive coat care requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Pekingese. With the right care and lots of love, the Pekingese is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.


Porträt der schönen Briard Depositphotos / Lenkadan

The Briard is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its long, wavy coat needs to be brushed and groomed regularly to avoid matting and dirt. Briards are known for their intelligence and loyalty. This large breed is active, alert and ideal for families looking for a loyal and protective companion. Please note: Intensive grooming requires time and patience, so it is important to take this into account when choosing a Briard. With the right care and lots of love, the Briard is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Giant Schnauzer

Schwarzer Riesenschnauzer Hund Depositphotos / sbolotova

The Giant Schnauzer is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its dense, wiry coat requires frequent brushing and trimming to avoid matting and dirt. Giant Schnauzers are known for their intelligence and willingness to work. This large breed is active, alert and ideal for families looking for a loyal and protective companion. Please note: The intensive coat care requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Giant Schnauzer. With the right care and lots of love, the Giant Schnauzer is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Bedlington Terrier


The Bedlington Terrier is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its dense, curly coat requires frequent brushing and professional trimming to prevent matting and knots. Bedlington Terriers are known for their gentleness and stamina. This medium-sized breed is active, alert and ideal for families looking for a unique and loyal companion. Please note: The intensive coat care requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Bedlington Terrier. With the right care and lots of love, the Bedlington Terrier is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Small poodle

Kleiner weißer Pudel auf der Wiese. Haustier in der Natur. Depositphotos / averyanova

The Small Poodle is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its curly, hypoallergenic coat needs to be brushed and trimmed regularly to avoid matting. Small Poodles are known for their intelligence and playfulness. This breed is active, eager to learn and is ideal for families and individuals looking for a loyal and high-maintenance companion. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a small poodle. With the right care and lots of love, the miniature poodle is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.


Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Kitz,Begleithund,Schnauze,Schnurrhaare,Leber,Sportliche Gruppe,Fell, LéWuff

The Pumi is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its curly, dense coat requires frequent brushing and occasional clipping to prevent matting. Pumis are known for their intelligence and agility. This medium-sized breed is very active, alert and ideal for families looking for an energetic and loyal companion. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Pumi. With the right care and lots of love, the Pumi is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Standard Schnauzer

Bild eines Standardschnauzers, der über einen Holzbalken springt Depositphotos / Madrabothair

The Standard Schnauzer is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its dense, wiry coat requires frequent brushing and trimming to avoid matting and dirt. Standard Schnauzers are known for their intelligence and alertness. This medium-sized breed is active, courageous and is ideal for families looking for a protective and loyal companion. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Standard Schnauzer. With the right care and lots of love, the Standard Schnauzer is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Reinrassiger Berner Sennenhund, aufgenommen im Frühling. Depositphotos / Bigandt

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its dense, long coat needs to be brushed frequently to avoid matting and dirt. Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their friendliness and loyalty. This large breed is gentle, patient and ideal for families. Please note: Intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Bernese Mountain Dog. With the right care and lots of love, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Alaskan Malamute

Hunderasse Alaskan Malamute Depositphotos / fotorince74

The Alaskan Malamute is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its thick, double coat requires frequent brushing, especially during shedding to prevent matting and dirt. Alaskan Malamutes are known for their strength and stamina. This large breed is active, friendly and ideal for families who spend a lot of time outdoors. Please note: Intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on an Alaskan Malamute. With the right care and lots of love, the Alaskan Malamute is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Tibetan terrier

Tibet Terrier Hund sitzt auf der Straße zwischen Nadelbäumen im Wald mit Gehorsam, selektivem Fokus Depositphotos / Slast

The Tibetan Terrier is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest a lot of time in grooming. Its long, dense coat needs to be brushed and groomed regularly to prevent matting and knots. Tibetan Terriers are known for their friendliness and intelligence. This medium-sized breed is active, alert and ideal for families looking for a loyal and loving companion. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Tibetan Terrier. With the right care and lots of love, the Tibetan Terrier is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel im Laub auf Wiese Depositphotos / mashiki

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its long, silky coat requires frequent brushing and grooming to prevent matting and knots. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known for their friendliness and affection. This small breed is gentle, playful and ideal for families and individuals. Please note: Intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. With the right care and lots of love, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

American Eskimo Dog

Der schöne American Eskimo Dog war glücklich, als der Schnee in Jordanien fiel Depositphotos / MohammadArar

The American Eskimo Dog is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are prepared to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its dense, white coat needs to be brushed frequently to avoid matting and dirt. American Eskimo Dogs are known for their intelligence and playfulness. This breed is active, alert and ideal for families and individuals looking for a loyal and loving companion. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on an American Eskimo Dog. With the right care and lots of love, the American Eskimo Dog is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Lustiger Dandie Dinmont Terrier in einem Garten Depositphotos / CaptureLight

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a high-maintenance dog, ideal for people who are willing to invest time in grooming on a regular basis. Its soft, wiry coat requires frequent brushing and professional trimming to prevent matting and knots. Dandie Dinmont Terriers are known for their courage and friendliness. This small breed is active, alert and ideal for families looking for a loving and loyal companion. Please note: The intensive grooming requires time and patience, which is why it is important to take this into account when deciding on a Dandie Dinmont Terrier. With the right care and lots of love, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a wonderful, high-maintenance companion for you and your family.

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