Responsive dogs

Dogs that are particularly responsive are characterized by their high level of attention and willingness to learn. These characteristics make them great companions for families, dog sports enthusiasts or people looking for close interaction with their dog. In this blog, we introduce you to dog breeds that impress with their communicativeness and adaptability - ideal for harmonious coexistence!

Perfect partners for communication and training

Dogs that are particularly responsive impress with their high level of attention and willingness to learn. They listen carefully, respond to commands and build a close bond with their humans. These characteristics make them ideal companions for families, dog sports enthusiasts and anyone looking for an active and intensive relationship with their dog.

Why is responsiveness important?

A responsive dog is not only easy to train, but also a reliable partner in everyday life. Whether in dog sports, at work or in family life, these dogs are characterized by their ability to respond quickly to signals and learn new tasks. As a result, they promote close communication and harmonious coexistence.

Who are responsive dogs suitable for?

These dog breeds are perfect for people who enjoy actively encouraging their dog. They love to learn new things and need regular mental and physical exercise. Whether they are beginners or experienced owners, responsive dogs adapt well and inspire with their willingness to cooperate.

15+ breeds that are particularly responsive, with pictures

In this blog, we introduce you to dog breeds that impress with their eagerness to learn, attentiveness and close bond with humans. Find out more about their characteristics, needs and what makes them so special!

Border Collie

Schwarz weißer Border Collie im Platz Depositphotos / Ksuksann

The Border Collie is considered one of the most intelligent and responsive dog breeds in the world. This hard-working breed is characterized by its quick comprehension and high trainability. With its alert nature and pronounced herding instinct, the Border Collie is ideal for active owners who can provide it with sufficient mental and physical exercise. He loves challenges and shows a close bond with his owner.


Schöner Havaneser sitzt im Wald Depositphotos / mdorottya

The Havanese is a friendly and extremely responsive companion dog that delights with its high willingness to learn and loving nature. This intelligent breed loves to be the center of attention and responds quickly to training and signals. With its silky coat and adaptable personality, the Havanese is ideal for families and owners looking for close contact with their dog.

Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog

Catahoula-Rasse Hund posiert im Freien Depositphotos / ots-photo

The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog is a versatile and responsive working dog known for its intelligence and strong bond with its people. This energetic breed loves a challenge and responds well to training and clear direction. With his eye-catching, speckled coat and eagerness to work, he is ideal for active owners who challenge him physically and mentally.

Ardennes hound

Bouvier des Ardennes in Showposition Depositphotos / riha.martin13

The Ardennes Sheepdog is an intelligent and responsive working dog that was originally bred for herding. This robust breed is characterized by its high willingness to learn and its close bond with its owner. With its weatherproof coat and stamina, it is ideal for active owners who want to challenge and encourage it both physically and mentally.

Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdog beißt in eine menschliche Hand Depositphotos / huettenhoelscher

The Shetland Sheepdog, also affectionately known as the Sheltie, is a highly intelligent and extremely responsive herding dog. This eager to learn and sensitive breed responds quickly to training and shows a close bond with its family. With its long, thick coat and affectionate nature, the Sheltie is an ideal companion for active owners who keep it mentally and physically challenged.

Large Griffon Vendéen


The Great Griffon Vendéen is an energetic and responsive hunting dog that is prized for its stamina and intelligence. This friendly breed is characterized by its rough, weatherproof coat and its close bond with its people. The Great Griffon Vendéen requires consistent training and regular exercise to remain happy and balanced, ideal for active owners.

Large blue Gascony hound

Großer Blauer Gascognerhund Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Great Blue Gascon Hound is an intelligent and responsive hunting dog known for its impressive nose and stamina. This noble breed has a striking blue and black mottled coat and a gentle, friendly nature. With its high energy level and eagerness to learn, it is ideal for active owners who want to encourage it both physically and mentally.


Malteser Toy Pudel Mix Welpe mit seinem Hundeleckerli. Depositphotos / jjvallee

The Maltipoo is a charming and highly responsive companion dog resulting from a cross between the Maltese and the Poodle. This intelligent breed is characterized by its eagerness to learn and its loving nature. With its soft, hypoallergenic coat, it is easy to care for and ideal for allergy sufferers. The Maltipoo loves training, close bonding and is perfect for families.

Large Anglo-French White and Orange Hound

Großer anglo-französischer weißer und oranger Hund, Hund, der Gras riecht Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Large Anglo-French White and Orange Hound is an elegant and responsive hunting dog known for its stamina and cooperation. This versatile breed is characterized by its striking white-orange coat and high willingness to learn. With its friendly nature and willingness to work, it is suitable for active owners who encourage it through training and sufficient exercise.

Slovakian Chuvach

Slowakischer Chuvach stehend und lächelnd in weißen Blumen Depositphotos / Zuzule

The Slovakian Chuvach is an imposing and responsive guard dog known for its intelligence and loyalty. This robust breed has a dense, snow-white coat that should be groomed regularly. The Tschuvatsch shows a close bond with its family and needs clear instructions as well as sufficient exercise to be balanced and content.

Serbian hound

Serbischer Bluthund auf der Jagd im Wald Depositphotos / patrisyu

The Serbian Hound is an energetic and responsive hunting dog that is prized for its stamina and willingness to work. This intelligent breed is characterized by its short, low-maintenance coat and its close bond with its people. The Serbian Hound requires regular exercise, consistent training and mental workload in order to fully develop its abilities.

Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

Das Porträt des Bergamasker Hirtenhundes im Garten Depositphotos / CaptureLight

The Bergamasco Shepherd Dog is an intelligent and responsive herding dog known for its willingness to work and loyalty. This hardy breed has a characteristic shaggy coat that requires regular grooming. The Bergamasco shows a strong bond with its people, is eager to learn and needs both physical and mental exercise to stay happy and balanced.

Big spitz

Porträt eines netten deutschen Spitzes Depositphotos / Lenkadan

The Greater Spitz is a versatile and responsive companion dog that is prized for its intelligence and alertness. This friendly breed has a dense, weatherproof coat that requires regular grooming. With its high willingness to learn and close bond with its humans, the Großspitz is an ideal companion for active families or individuals who provide it with sufficient activity.

Basset bleu de Gascogne

Gascony Blue Basset oder Basset Bleu de Gascogne Hund, Welpe stehend auf Gras Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Basset bleu de Gascogne is a charming and responsive hunting dog known for its stamina and calm nature. This intelligent breed has a striking blue and black speckled coat and long, characteristic ears. With his high willingness to learn and friendly personality, he is an ideal companion for active owners who provide him with exercise and training.

Short-haired Italian hound

Ein junger, wunderschöner, rehbrauner, glatthaariger Segugio Italiano steht wachsam im Gras. Der Italienische Jagdhund hat einen langen Kopf und lange Ohren und wird als Jagdhund eingesetzt. Depositphotos / f8grapher

The Italian Shorthaired Hound is an elegant and responsive hunting dog that is prized for its stamina and high trainability. This active breed is characterized by its short, low-maintenance coat and alert nature. With its eagerness to learn and close bond with its owner, it is ideal for active owners who can provide regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Large Anglo-French Tricolor Hound

Großer Anglo-Französischer Tricolour-Hund, Erwachsener Kläffer Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Large Anglo-French Tricolor Hound is an imposing and responsive hunting dog known for its stamina and willingness to work. This intelligent breed has a striking tricolor coat and a close bond with its human. With its high energy level and eagerness to learn, it is ideal for active owners who can provide regular training and challenges.

Tricolored Serbian hound

Serbischer Tricolor-Hund. Männlicher Jagdhund. Depositphotos / Milosp86

The Tricolor Serbian Hound is an energetic and responsive hunting dog prized for its intelligence and stamina. This versatile breed has a striking tricolor coat and a strong bond with its people. With its high willingness to learn and friendly nature, it is ideal for active owners who can provide regular exercise and mental exercise.

Dwarf Pinscher
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Pinscher,Carnivore,Miniature pinscher,German pinscher,Austrian black and tan hound,
Dog,Dog breed,Canidae,Puppy,Purple,Rottweiler,Carnivore,Flower,Snout,Pinscher,
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Toy manchester terrier,German pinscher,Manchester terrier,Carnivore,Miniature pinscher,
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Pinscher,German pinscher,Carnivore,Miniature pinscher,Puppy,
Dog,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Mammal,Italian greyhound,Whippet,Carnivore,Sighthound,Companion dog,
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