All Alaskan Malamute crossbreeds at a glance

Alaskan Malamute mixes are widely prized for their impressive size and strength, coupled with a gentle, loyal nature. By combining the Alaskan Malamute breed with other dog breeds, attempts are made to implement these advantages.

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Alaskan Malamute


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Why mixed breeds with Alaskan Malamute are fascinating

The Alaskan Malamute is known for its impressive strength, stamina and independence. Originally bred as a sled dog, he impresses with his willingness to work and his friendly nature. Crossbreeds with him often inherit his robustness, energy and intelligence.

A mix of free spirit and family friendliness

Crossbreeding with other breeds produces dogs that can be both persistent and eager to work as well as loyal and affectionate. Many mixed breeds retain the free spirit and social nature of the Malamute.

What crossbreeds are there?

In this article you can find out more about exciting mixed breeds with Alaskan Malamute, their special characteristics and their character.

Alaskan Malador

Hund,Pflanze,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Gras,Bodendecker,Blumentopf,Schwanz,Sportliche Gruppe,Arbeitstier, Janine Anselment

The Alaskan Malador is an energetic, intelligent and loyal mix of Alaskan Malamute and Labrador Retriever. It combines the stamina and strength of the Malamute with the friendliness and eagerness to learn of the Labrador. These dogs are eager to work, need plenty of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are family-friendly, but also active companions for outdoor enthusiasts.

Aussie - Alaskan Malamute Mix

Hund,Auge,Himmel,Hunderasse,Schlittenhund,Fleischfresser,Pflanze,Grau,Baum,Schnurrhaare, Daina Geisler

The Australian Shepherd - Alaskan Malamute mix is an intelligent, energetic and loyal dog. It combines the working spirit of the Australian Shepherd with the strength and stamina of the Alaskan Malamute. This mixture results in an active companion who is eager to learn and needs plenty of exercise and mental activity. With consistent training, he is a loyal family and working dog.

Malamute Czechoslovakian Wolfhound Mix

Hund,Fleischfresser,Halsband,Tierbedarf,Hunderasse,Gras,Begleithund,Arbeitstier,Schwanz,Landtier, Yvonne Vyplel

The Malamute Wolfdog is a powerful, enduring and intelligent hybrid of the Alaskan Malamute and Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. It combines the robustness and willingness to work of the Malamute with the instinctive strength and independence of the Wolfdog. These dogs are loyal, but also independent and require consistent training and plenty of exercise. They are best suited to experienced owners who understand their original character.


    Hund,Himmel,Wolke,Halsband,Fleischfresser,Hundeversorgung,Hunderasse,Haustierversorgung,Arbeitstier,Hundehalsband, Nicole Kaster

    The Alusky is an energetic, intelligent and enduring hybrid of the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky. It combines the strength and robustness of the Malamute with the speed and playfulness of the Husky. These dogs are eager to work, need a lot of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal but also independent companions, ideal for active owners.

    Alaskan Shepherd

    Hund,Fleischfresser,Kiefer,Hunderasse,Pflanze,Kitz,Begleithund,Tierbedarf,Schnauze,Halsband, Sabrina Misimi

    The Alaskan Shepherd is an intelligent, loyal and hard-working mix of Alaskan Malamute and German Shepherd. It combines the strength and stamina of the Malamute with the docility and alertness of the German Shepherd. These dogs are protective, need consistent training and plenty of exercise. With the right leadership, they are loyal but also independent companions, ideal for experienced owners.

    Malamute Collie

    Hund,Fleischfresser,Schnee,Hunderasse,Schnauze,Schwanz,Arbeitstier,Begleithund,Fell,Sportliche Gruppe, Alina Matern

    The Malamute Collie is an intelligent, persistent and loyal hybrid of Alaskan Malamute and Collie. It combines the strength and robustness of the Malamute with the docility and friendliness of the Collie. These dogs are eager to work, need plenty of mental and physical exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal companions that are well suited to active families.

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