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Top 10 Chinese dog breeds with pictures

Discover the top 10 Chinese dog breeds with their unique traits, temperaments and characteristics.

Chinese dog breeds at a glance

Chinese dog breeds have a long history and are popular all over the world because of their special characteristics and beauty. From small and playful dogs like the Shih Tzu and Pekingese to larger and majestic breeds like the Chow Chow and Tibetan Mastiff, there are a variety of Chinese dog breeds, each with their own traits and husbandry requirements. If you're thinking about keeping a Chinese dog as a pet, it's important to understand the specific traits and needs of each breed in order to build a happy and healthy relationship.

Our Top 10 Most Popular Chinese Dog Breeds

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, schwarz weißer Shih tzu gepflegt, Begleithund, Schnauze, Fleischfresser, Hund ähnlich Löwchen, Anfängerhund, Hund unter 10 kg, neigt zu Übergewicht Shutterstock / Angel Sallade

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a small, hardy breed that originated in ancient China. The dog breed is known for its long, silky coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. The Shih Tzu has a loving, playful personality and makes an excellent companion dog. They are intelligent and relatively easy to train, although they can be a bit stubborn at times. Shih Tzus need regular grooming to keep their coats in good condition.

Hund, Mops, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Haut, Schnauze, Begleithund, Falten, Shutterstock / Yuttana Jaowattana


The Pug is a small, sturdy dog breed from China that is popular for its charming appearance and friendly nature. Pug dogs have short, smooth fur that can come in a variety of colors, such as black, beige or silver. They are known for being excellent companion dogs, as they are very loyal and loving. However, Pug dogs also have a reputation for being a bit stubborn, which means they need consistent training and guidance. With the right care and attention, a Pug can be a wonderful addition to any family.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, roter Chow-Chow, Rasse ähnlich Pomeranian, roter Hund mit langem Fell, blaue Zunge, Begleithund, Spitz, Shutterstock / Otsphoto

Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is an imposing dog breed from China that is very famous for its thick, fluffy coat and unique appearance. These dogs have a distinctive blue tongue and a wide muzzle that gives them a special look. Chow Chows are known for their independence and stubbornness, which means they need an experienced hand in training and education. They can be very loyal and loving if handled properly. Chow Chows require special grooming to avoid matting and skin problems due to their thick coats.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Shar pei, Ori-pei, Fleischfresser, nicht sportliche Gruppe, Begleithund, Faltenhund mit gerollter Rute, hässlicher Hund Shutterstock / Alexeysun

Shar Pei

The Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog breed that originated in China. This breed is known for its characteristic wrinkles and short-haired, sandpaper-like skin. The Shar Pei is a loyal and independent companion that can form a close bond with its owner. Because of their protective instincts and alertness, they also make excellent watchdogs. However, Shar Peis need consistent training and socialization as they can be territorial and dominant at times.

If you are looking for a loyal and faithful companion that is also a good guard dog, the Shar Pei may be the perfect choice for you.

Wirbeltiere, Säugetiere, Natur, Wildtiere, Hund ähnlich Löwen, Fleischfresser,  Do Kyhi Tibetan Mastiff rot, Listenhund Shutterstock / Tatyana Kuznetsova

Do Khyi / Tibetan Mastiff

The Do Khyi, also known as the Tibetan Mastiff, is a large and majestic breed of dog bred in Tibet. These dogs are known for their imposing appearance, loyalty and guardian instinct. The Do Khyi has a thick, dense coat and strong bone structure that makes it suitable for harsh weather conditions and difficult terrain. They are independent and can be stubborn, but with loving and consistent training they can be excellent family dogs. The Do Khyi needs plenty of space and regular exercise, so it is best suited for owners who have a large property or garden.

Hund, Säugetier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Sportgruppe, Rasse ähnlich Schnauzer, Tibet Terrier, Rasse aus Tibet, schwarz weißer Hund auf Santorini, Hund im Urlaub, Hund mit langem Fell Shutterstock / Slavica Stajic

Tibetan Terrier

The Tibetan Terrier is a breed that originated in Tibet, where it is revered as a good luck charm and guardian. These dogs have dense, woolly coats of various colors and are known for their resistance to extreme weather conditions. The Tibetan Terrier is an intelligent and playful animal that adapts well to family life. They need regular exercise and grooming. With their loyal and loving nature, Tibetan Terriers make great companions for people of all ages.

kleiner blonder Hund der einen Vorbiss hat, Pekingese Hund mit langer Zunge, gelbe Hunderasse, kleiner Hund mit langem Fell und kurzer Schnauze Shutterstock / everydoghasastory


The Pekingese, also known as the Lion Dog, is a Chinese dog breed that has been around for centuries. These small dogs have a proud and courageous character and are known for their short legs and long, lush coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Pekingese are excellent watchdogs and love to cuddle with their owners. However, they can be stubborn at times and need consistent but loving training. Since their coats require a lot of grooming, prospective owners should be willing to invest time and effort into regular grooming.

Hund, Säugetier, chinesischer Schopfhund, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Fleischfresser, Begleithund, Schnauze, Terrier, Nackthund, hässlicher Hund, hässliche Hunderasse, nackte Hunderassen, weißer Chinesischer Schopfhund, schwarz weißer und grauer Chinesischer Schopfhund mit Stehohren behaart Shutterstock / Anna_Bondarenko

Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested Dog, also known as the Chinese Crested, is a unique and striking breed of dog that originated in China. These dogs have a unique hair texture consisting of a bald or nearly bald skin and long silky hair on the head, tail and legs. There is also a variety called the Powder Puff, which has a full, silky coat. The Chinese Crested Dog is known for its playfulness and intelligence, as well as its affection for its owners. They are a great choice for people looking for a unique and loving companion breed.

Wirbeltier, Hund, Säugetier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Lhasa apso, Nicht-Sportgruppe, weißer Lhasa Apso steht im Wald Shutterstock / SubertT

Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is an ancient breed that originated in Tibet. These dogs are known for their long, silky coats that come in a variety of colors. The Lhasa Apso has an independent personality and can be stubborn at times, but with positive reinforcement and consistent training, they can be a loyal companion. They require regular grooming to keep their coats in good condition, but they are otherwise relatively low maintenance. Lhasa Apsos make good watchdogs and can be kept indoors as long as they get enough exercise and mental stimulation.

Anfängerhund für Senioren, Tibet Spaniel, Anfängerhunderasse, heller Hund mit kurzen Beinen, kleiner Hund für Anfänger, Stadthund Shutterstock / Zanna Pesnina

Tibet Spaniel

The Tibetan Spaniel is a small, friendly dog breed with a long history in Tibet. These dogs have a thick, silky coat and a distinctive facial mask that gives them a unique appearance. Tibetan Spaniels are intelligent and lively and have a strong bond with their owners. They are also good watchdogs and tend to bark in response to strangers. Tibetan Spaniels are low maintenance and are well suited for families looking for a loyal companion who will be happy even in a small apartment.

Conclusion: Which Chinese dog breed suits you?

There are many wonderful Chinese dog breeds, each with their own characteristics and requirements. Before you choose a particular breed, you should take time to understand their characteristics and needs to make sure they are a good fit for your lifestyle and personality. If you have an active lifestyle and like to spend a lot of time outdoors, the Tibetan Mastiff or Chow Chow might be a good choice. On the other hand, if you're looking for a smaller and more playful pet, the Shih Tzu or Pekingese might be a better fit for you. Ultimately, it's important to choose a breed that fits your lifestyle and needs to build a happy and healthy relationship.

Banner: Shutterstock / Anna_Bondarenko
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