All Fox Terrier crossbreeds at a glance

Fox Terrier crossbreeds are dogs that are created by crossing a Fox Terrier with another dog breed. These dogs are characterized by their intelligence and energy and are often known as active and adaptive companions. Each Fox Terrier crossbreed is unique and can have a combination of traits from both parent breeds, resulting in a wide variety of character traits and conformation. If you are looking for a bright and adaptable dog, a Fox Terrier mix can be a great choice.

Fox Terrier Breed Description

Fox Terrier


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Things we love about Fox Terrier mixes

Discover the fascination of mixed breeds with a fox terrier touch! These charming four-legged friends combine the best characteristics of both parent breeds and surprise with their unique appearance and personality. With their lively nature and playful nature, they bring joy and life to every household.

Their coats can come in a variety of colors and patterns, making each mixed breed an individual treasure. They are known for their intelligence and willingness to learn, which makes training a pleasure. Although they often have a strong passion for hunting, they also prove to be loving and loyal companions. Their adaptability allows them to feel at home in a variety of environments, be it in the city or in the countryside. With their unmistakable charm and versatility, mixed breeds with a Fox Terrier touch are sure to become a valued member of your family. Get to know them and see how they can enrich your life!

3 great Fox Terrier mixes with photos

When fox terriers are combined with other breeds, unique crossbreeds are created that can charm both visually and in terms of character. In the following overview, we introduce you to some Fox Terrier mixes, accompanied by photos that highlight the unique characteristics and irresistible charisma of these coveted four-legged friends.

Foxy Russell: Jack Russell Terrier & Fox Terrier

Hund,Fleischfresser,Halsband,Hunderasse,Hundezubehör,Begleithund,Hundehalsband,Leine,Gehweg,Straßenoberfläche, Annemarie Lange

The Foxy Russell is a fascinating mix of a Fox Terrier and a Jack Russell Terrier that stands out for its unique combination of characteristics. As such, it enjoys a growing popularity among dog lovers. The Foxy Russell is often characterized by a small to medium stature and can have either the characteristic short coat of the Jack Russell Terrier or the dense coat of the Fox Terrier.

He is known for his energy and playful nature, making him a bright companion for families and individuals. Foxy Russells are often extremely affectionate and loyal, and they often show a strong bond with their owners. They also have a strong passion for hunting, which stems from their parent breeds, and can therefore have a penchant for following scent. Foxy Russells need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy, but with the right care and attention they can grow into loyal and loving companions that enrich the lives of their owners.

Mudi Fox Terrier: Mudi & Fox Terrier

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Pflanze,Arbeitstier,Kitz,Begleithund,Gras,Schnauze,Schwanz, Nicole Schmalenberg

The Mudi Fox Terrier is an exciting cross between a Mudi and a Fox Terrier, prized for its unique blend of characteristics. As such, it is enjoying a growing popularity among dog lovers.

The Mudi Fox Terrier is usually of medium build and can have either the characteristic coat of the Mudi or the wiry coat of the Fox Terrier. He is known for his intelligence and energetic nature, making him a lively companion for families and individuals. Mudi Fox Terriers are often extremely affectionate and playful, making them a pleasure to spend time with. They also have a strong willingness to work, which comes from their parent breeds, and can therefore have a preference for physical and mental challenges. Mudi Fox Terriers need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy, but with the right care and attention they can grow into loyal and loving companions that enrich the lives of their owners.

Parson Fox Terrier: Parson Russell Terrier & Fox Terrier

Hund,Pflanze,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Begleithund,Rehkitz,Gras,Schnauze,Landtier,Sportliche Gruppe, Karin Cargill

The Parson Fox Terrier is a charming breed of dog with a lively nature and distinctive appearance. It is characterized by its medium to large stature and wiry coat, which is often white with coloured markings.

It is known for its energetic character and intelligence, which makes it an attentive and playful companion. Parson Fox Terriers are extremely affectionate and loyal to their owners and often form strong bonds with them. They are also known for their bravery and determination, which makes them excellent guard dogs. Due to their eagerness to work and agility, they are well suited for various activities such as dog sports or outdoor walks. Parson Fox Terriers need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy, but with the right care and attention, they can grow into loyal and loving companions that enrich the lives of their owners.

And so much more!

There are so many more mixed breeds with the fox terrier that you should get to know. We have also received photos of many of these hybrid mixes from you, our dogbible community. Take a look and find your special mix.

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