IRVINE, CALIFORNIA - DECEMBER 4, 2022: One box of NexGuard chewable tablets for flea and tick control in dogs. Dog Health 02.11.2023

NexGard dog: comprehensive guide, education as well as dosage.

Introduction to NexGard - An Effective Antiparasitic for Dogs

NexGard, often used as a chewable tablet for dogs, has established itself as a reliable remedy against fleas and ticks. Thanks to the innovative action of the main ingredient afoxolaner, this drug provides lasting protection for up to five weeks. In this detailed article, we will thoroughly review all aspects of NexGard - from its application to its potential side effects.

Main effects and benefits of NexGard

NexGard is primarily used as a preventative measure as well as an active treatment for flea and tick infestations. When these parasites start biting the dog and sucking blood, the contained active ingredient afoxolaner kicks in. It not only prevents the survival of these pests, but also stops their spread. Moreover, NexGard proves to be an efficient agent against demodexmites and can therefore be used in the therapy of demodicosis. In addition, it combines well with deworming agents. On average, the effect of NexGard is maintained for about four to five weeks.

Mann füttert Kautablette gegen Flöhe und Zecken an sein Haustier. Ein orales Tierarzneimittel wird mit der Hand in das offene Maul des Rottweilers gegeben. Ein großer schwarzer Hund sitzt auf dem Boden eines Wohnzimmers. Selektiver Fokus Depositphotos / Gastello

Guide to the correct use of NexGard

These tasty chewable tablets - whether from NexGard or NexGard Merial - are accepted enthusiastically by most dogs. You can give them alone or with a snack. When using NexGard to control a flea infestation, it is essential to ensure that all pets in the same household are treated simultaneously. If the dog vomits within two hours of ingestion, you should re-administer the dose.

Dosing Instructions: How do you determine the right amount?

NexGard can be safely administered to puppies that are at least 8 weeks old. The ideal dosage is based on the dog's exact body weight and should be given monthly. There are different dosage recommendations based on weight:

  • For very small dogs (2-4 kg).
  • For small dogs (4-10 kg)
  • For medium dogs (10-25 kg)
  • For large dogs (25-50 kg)

If you are unsure which dosage is best for your dog, please consult your veterinarian.

Frequency of use: When and how often should NexGard be administered?

During peak flea and tick season, NexGard can be used monthly. There should always be a 30-day period between administrations.

Duration of action: How effective is NexGard really?

Several studies have shown that NexGard eliminates 100% of fleas within 24 hours of administration. The effect occurs after only 8 hours. Ticks, on the other hand, are controlled within 48 hours. It is therefore advisable to check your dog regularly for ticks during this period and remove them if necessary.

Potential side effects and precautions

Although NexGard is well tolerated in many dogs, there are some potential side effects. The most common are nausea, vomiting and itching. In rare cases, lethargy and neurological problems may occur. In the event of an observed abnormal reaction after NexGard administration, you should contact a veterinarian immediately.

Where to buy and how to obtain it

As a prescription medication, NexGard is not readily available over-the-counter at pharmacies. It is recommended that you contact your veterinarian for a prescription well in advance of flea and tick season. With this prescription, you can also conveniently order NexGard from online pharmacies.

Alternative products to NexGard

There are several other products on the market that can serve as alternatives to NexGard. Among the best known are Bravecto, Simparica, and Credelio. It is important to note that each of these products has its own advantages and disadvantages. If your dog has any known health problems, such as neurological conditions or allergies, it is essential to discuss the administration of prescription medications with your veterinarian.

Feedback from the community: what other dog owners are saying.

Many dog owners have had varying experiences with NexGard. Although most reviews are positive, there are also some reports of side effects. A veterinarian should always be consulted if there are any problems or concerns after administering NexGard.

NexGard provides a convenient oral solution that offers proven protection of over five weeks against fleas and ticks. Most dogs readily accept it because of its beef flavor. One possible drawback is its relatively high price and lack of effectiveness against certain parasites, such as heartworms and mosquitoes.

What else concerns you

Is NexGard deadly to dogs or are there any fatal side effects?

NexGard is generally safe when used according to directions. However, there have been rare reports of serious side effects that could be potentially dangerous.

Can I buy NexGard Spectra without a prescription?

No, NexGard requires a prescription. It is important to check with your veterinarian about the need for and dosage of

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