Bernese Rottie:Bernese Mountain Dog and Rottweiler Mix

Hybrid Breed

Bernese Mountain Dog + Rottweiler


Bernese Rottie - Hybrid breed from Bernese Mountain Dog and Rottweiler

The Bernese Rottie is a fascinating blend of the majestic Bernese Mountain Dog and the robust Rottweiler. This unique cross combines the best qualities of both breeds to produce a versatile and loyal companion.

The Bernese Rottie is a designer dog breed that has only emerged in the last few decades. The combination of the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Rottweiler creates a mix with impressive looks and character. Although the exact origin story of the Bernese Rottie is not known, both source breeds are known for their working qualities and loyalty.

Alternate Name -
Origin Switzerland - Germany
Life expectancy 6 - 10 years
Care requirements high-maintenance - low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Bernese Rottie

The Bernese Rottie is an excellent family dog that gets along well with children and other pets. He is loyal, loving and adaptable, making him an ideal companion for active families. Due to its size and strength, consistent training and sufficient exercise is important to ensure a harmonious life together.

The Bernese Rottie is a fascinating mixture of the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Rottweiler. With his imposing appearance, loyal nature and versatility , he is a wonderful companion for active families. Loving training and proper care are important to bring out the best in this special breed.

Care and health maintenance

As with all dog breeds, the Bernese Rottie may have certain health problems that can be inherited from the parent breeds . These include joint problems, eye disease, and heart disease. Regular vet visits, a balanced diet and proper exercise will help maintain the Bernese Rottie's health.

The Bernese Rottie is an imposing dog with a muscular build and a thick, glossy coat. He often inherits the beautiful black and brown coat of the Bernese Mountain Dog and the strong build of the Rottweiler. With his dark eyes and friendly expression, he exudes confidence and calm.

Fur length medium - short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Triangle
Tail fanned out - lang
Anatomy massive, hefty, rugged, massive, square, hefty
Size ♀ 56 - 66 cm
Weight ♀ 35 - 48 kg
Size ♂ 61 - 70 cm
Weight ♂ 38 - 60 kg
Suitable For -
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Cancer

    May be common in older dogs.

  • Kidney disease

    Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs: increased urination (polyuria) increased water intake. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Loss of appetite

  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • Elbow dysplasia (ED)

    Elbow joint dysplasia is a chronic disease complex of the elbow joint of fast growing dog breeds.

  • Heart disease

    Can occur frequently in dogs and can sometimes be treated with medication.

  • Joint damage

    In some breeds, joint damage can occur later in life, affecting the musculoskeletal system.

  • These mixed breeds are intelligent, energetic, playful and friendly dogs that love to get lots of attention. They are very loyal and loving, but also adaptable and willing to adjust.

  • Bernese Rotties are curious and always want to learn something new, which makes them easy to train. They are also very affectionate and clingy, which means they like to spend some time with their owners.

  • No, it's not hard to train this mix as long as you use the right approach. They respond well to rewards, especially positive reinforcement, and they appreciate a stable routine. In addition, they are very intelligent and learn quickly when trained correctly.

  • Yes, Bernese Rotties need a lot of exercise and movement to stay fit and healthy. They need at least half an hour a day in the fresh air to let off steam and be. In addition to daily walks, they should also be motivated to swim, exercise and play. This way they will stay mentally active and physically fit.

  • The ears should be checked and cleaned regularly to avoid infection.

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