Cuisine, Dog food 08.08.2020

Beef Pizzles as Bully Sticks for the dog

Beef Pizzles for the dog - what is it anyway? Where do you get it and how much does it cost? Is it healthy?

You can give your dog a great treat with a beef pizzle, a bully stick is just the thing. It is a very popular treat for the dog, but at the same time also a chewing tool and is suitable for cleaning teeth.

So what is a bully sticks anyway?

Well this treat is suitable for any dog, it is the dried skin of the bovine penis. This skin is naturally cleaned, stretched and partially twisted. This creates a firm surface, which is then dried. The result is long straps that are tough and your dog can chew for a long time until the treat can be eaten. The color is dark brown or black and unfortunately it has a very unpleasant smell for humans, but your dog loves this smell. You can buy the bullwhip for the dog in every pet shop and also in the internet you can find quite interesting offers. Since you can divide these "bones" only very heavily, they are offered in handy pieces. A really good idea.

beef pizzle for dogs

Satisfy the need to chew with beef pizzle

  1. Every dog has an innate urge to chew
  2. The dog sees the chewing articles as prey
  3. Snacks should only have natural ingredients
  4. Chemicals could be harmful to the dog's health

A toy?

Yes of course, it's hard and it will take your dog a while to chew off a piece. Your dog can play with it for hours, so this treat is also a toy. Plus, your dog can relieve stress and frustration won't arise in the first place. In order to be successful, your dog will need to spend ample time with it, he can keep biting off small pieces, but this can take time.

Dental care

This snack helps your dog to clean his teeth, due to its hardness and toughness it cleans your dog's teeth. The dog chews on this snack for hours and thus the tartar is loosened and the gums are well supplied with blood again. The jaw muscles are also strengthened.

Chew sticks for dogs, Dentastix, dog snack

It is a good alternative to other objects

Your dog wants to chew, this is innate and not a bad habit. Let your dog pursue his passion, only in this way he will be satisfied and happy. If he is not offered these snacks permanently, he will "nibble" on other objects. Furniture, shoes or clothes, nothing is safe from him.

You should pay attention to the following when buying

This treat is heavy and sturdy, the quality of a Ziemer must be right. It's better to keep your hands off a treat that's thin and easy to bend. Also the smell plays a role, if the smell is really very strong, then the Ziemer could have become moist and it is so no longer edible for your dog. Of course you should pay attention to the quality of the meat, a species-appropriate and organic husbandry of the animals is a basic requirement. Only then can you be sure that there are really no chemical additives.

Chew sticks beef pizzle for the dog

Buy large or small quantities?

You can buy larger quantities, because these snacks have a really long shelf life. If you buy larger quantities, the snacks are usually cheaper and you can also save money on shipping costs. The cost is about 5-10Euros for a big bar.

The storage

Of course the Beef Pizzle have to be packed airtight, otherwise they could get moist. Now they are no longer usable and have to be thrown away. Freezer bags with a zip closure are quite ideal. The Bully Sticks are then put in handy portions and the air is simply pressed out and the bag is sealed. If necessary, you can then remove individual Beef Pizzle. However, two to three beef pizzle are sufficient per week.

Banner: Shutterstock / Dmitriev Mikhail
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