Kong toys, dog toys, dog stuffed toys, stuffed animals for dogs Dog accessories 04.12.2020

Dog toys - what you need to look out for

This is what you need to pay attention to when buying toys for the dog.

Dog toys - this is what you should pay attention to

Dogs want to play. Dogs are allowed to play. Whether it's tug-of-war games that playfully clarify the position in the pack, intelligence games that provide material for the little head or rather search games for enthusiastic sniffers.

The choice is huge. Especially when a cute puppy moves in, you have to be careful not to indiscriminately buy everything that looks cute.

What should you look for when buying dog toys?

Of course, you don't want the toy to be dangerous for your dog. So the toy should definitely be sturdy and not contain small parts that can fall off or be bitten off. If small parts or possibly the whole toy are swallowed, there is a risk of intestinal obstruction.

The toy should be made of non-toxic material - wood and rope are good options. Be careful with plastic: plasticizers are highly toxic! Any paints and varnishes used must be of food quality - it is well known that young dogs will nibble at anything. Leather should not be tanned with chrome.

The toy should not splinter and have no points. Of course, there is no such thing as a truly indestructible dog toy. But it should withstand quite a bit, whether wild romping or persistent gnawing.

Buy dog toy Shutterstock / TeamDAF

Which toy is suitable for which dog?

Balls are suitable for various games. They are especially popular for retrieving. They move surprisingly and quickly for the dog and can thus satisfy the dog's hunting instinct. For puppies, retrieving games are not yet suitable, because they are easily overloaded. For agile adult dogs they are perfect. The ball should not have a surface that harms the teeth. The dog must grasp it with its mouth, but must not be able to swallow it. It is clear that the ball must be made of non-toxic material.

Other throwing toys are also suitable for retrieving. Here there are various forms, such as Frisbees or clubs. The same applies to shape and material as to balls.

Tug games are loved by many dogs. They correspond to the social play of dogs among themselves. Suitable toys are available in various versions, from rope to plastic handles. You should not play tug games with puppies, as their teeth and also bones can suffer. Physically fit dogs can benefit greatly from a game of tug with you. Make sure that you also win sometimes! Tug toys should be harmless to the teeth and non-toxic - and fit the size of the dog's mouth.

Tug toy, dog, canidae, dog breed, dog toy, tennis ball, puppy, ball, carnivore, companion dog, terrier, Shutterstock / alexei_tm

Chew toy is especially suitable for puppies or for other dogs that like to nibble. In any case, it should be non-toxic. If it is to help clean teeth at the same time, it needs a somewhat rough surface. Ropes or even edible toys with a rough surface texture are ingenious here.

Plush toys are loved by some dogs for cuddling or retrieving. Here you must make sure that the plush toy is intended for dogs. Plush toys for children are much less durable and often have an interior or individual parts that your dog can swallow.

Intelligence toys are ideal for dogs that aren't allowed to move around much, but also for bright specimens whose heads you want to keep additionally occupied. Here, too, there is a wide assortment. Since the dog does not get it without supervision, it does not have to be quite as robust as chew toys. In any case, the size should fit the dog's size and everything should be saliva-proof. What kind of toy your dog enjoys the most, you just have to find out.

Kong in mouth of dog, dog running across meadow, filling Kong Shutterstock / anetapics
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