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Vacation in the Salzkammergut with dog

If you are on holiday in the Salzkammergut, you can take your dog with you. These are the tips for the stay.

Bathing and hiking with dog in Salzkammergut

Vacation without dog? For us as dog owners this is hardly imaginable. Especially in summer it is a good idea to take the dog with you on holiday and spend time together. But which regions are suitable for a time out with a dog?

A great tip for a holiday with a dog is the Salzkammergut in Austria. Here there are many sights that you can visit together with your dog. The Dachstein region also offers great hiking opportunities and a variety of excursion destinations. In summer, the beautifully situated lakes invite you to linger and swim.

Swimming with your dog at the lake

Your dog loves the cool water? Then it's good for you to know where you can let your dog into the water without any problems in the Salzkammergut. Some popular dog beaches are listed below:

Dog beach at Lake Hallstättersee

Lake Hallstättersee offers a public lido with a kiosk and restaurant on the shore in Obertraun. However, your dog is not welcome here. But there is an own dog beach at the Hallstättersee. You will find it on the road between Obertraun and Hallstatt at the "Landbettler" in the Winkl district. There is a parking lot and a large lawn for sunbathing with a dog toilet and a public toilet. Nothing stands in the way of bathing fun with your dog here.

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Mondsee near Salzburg

At the Mondsee between Plomberg and Scharfling there are some dog beaches where your dog can splash in the water.

Lake Zell near Salzburg

At the Zeller lake bathing with dog is permitted everywhere, except at the public beach baths!


Dogs are not allowed in the public bathing beaches, but there are many freely accessible bathing areas.

Bathing with dog in the Traunsee

In general, dogs are allowed everywhere around the Traunsee where there are no "no dogs" signs. You will find beautiful bathing bays with your dog on the eastern shore of the Traunsee.

Wolfgangsee near Salzburg

In Abersee you can take your dog for a swim! Dogs are also allowed around the Wolfgangsee at Hotel Fürberg, at Seecamping Appesbach and at the Berau bathing area.


Swimming with your dog is also allowed at the Vordere and Hintere Gosausee.

If you not only want to swim, but also explore the region, then choose a hiking trail that suits you. Important: always have enough water for your dog and choose the hikes according to the condition of your dog.

Hiking trails in the Salzkammergut


An approximately 11 km exciting hike leads from Obertraun through the Koppenwinkel, below the Dachstein massif, to the Koppenwinkelalm and on to the Koppelwinkelsee, where your four-legged friend can also cool off. Afterwards you can stop at the inn "Koppenrast" and enjoy the Austrian cuisine. Then it goes back to Obertraun.

Hike at the Gosauseen

The magnificent scenery of the Gosauseen lakes not only invites you to swim, but also to go for a walk. A circular hike leads around the Vorderer Gosausee. If you have plenty of time, you can walk with your dog over a long ascent to the Hintere Gosausee. The route is a bit strenuous, but the breathtaking view of the lake surrounded by mountains makes up for it. You can stop off in the beer garden of the "Hohen Holzmeisteralm", a rustic mountain hut, where you can fortify yourself for the way back with delicacies of down-to-earth cuisine. Attention: your dog will probably find the free-roaming alpine cows, in summer with calves, interesting.

If you prefer to explore the villages in the Salzkammergut, you can also do this with your dog. A nice possibility is a trip through the famous village Hallstatt. It is adventurous if you take your dog from Obertraun to Hallstatt on one of the original salt boats across Lake Hallstatt and listen to the stories of the boatman.

Conclusion: The Salzkammergut offers the perfect holiday with your dog. Whether hiking, swimming or city trips, here you can spend an unforgettable time together with your dog.

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Banner: Shutterstock / Katja El Sol Cemazar
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