Pointer Pit:American Pit Bull Terrier and English Pointer Mix

Hybrid Breed

American Pit Bull Terrier + English Pointer


Pointer Pit - a hybrid breed

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) and the English Pointer are two popular hybrid breeds known and loved not only for their attractive appearance, but also for their intelligent and physical ability. The APBT is a dog breed that has a reputation for being very hardy and long-lived. They are active and energetic, but also loving and affectionate. The English Pointer is a very talented and intelligent dog breed with excellent agricultural and hunting skills. He is alert, curious and very affectionate. Both breeds prefer exercise and activity, so they need regular training and walks. When these two breeds are crossed together, owners often get a very energetic, intelligent, and loving dog that has both athletic and hunting qualities.

Alternate Name -
Origin USA - UK
Life expectancy 10 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average - high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of an American Pit Bull Terrier and English Pointer Mix

The American Pit Bull Terrier and English Pointer Mix is an intelligent, friendly and affectionate breed. They are very active and need lots of exercise and training opportunities on a regular basis. Some of these dogs have a strong protective instinct and may react aggressively to strangers or other dogs. It is important to teach them to respect good behavior.

They are very curious, playful and strong-willed, and a precise daily routine will help them adapt to the regime. However, if you do not train them regularly, it can be difficult to maintain attention, discipline and general control. Therefore, they need an owner with energy and patience to teach and stimulate the dog's handling.

Despite their size, the Pointer Pit is a gentle dog that enjoys spending time serving and pleasing its owner. Since they were originally bred as herding and working dogs, they love to put concentrated energy into activities that make the owner proud. These include hunting, agility, obedience, and protection work, among others.

This dog breed is loyal, energetic and loving, but it requires strong leadership. An owner must be willing to invest a lot of time and patience to make sure their dog is safe and responsible. The best way to ensure a harmonious coexistence is to teach a dog to learn positively through rewards and to be treated with patience and love.

What diseases can occur in Pointer Pits?

American Pit Bull Terrier-English Pointer mixes are a popular, alert breed known for their good character and ability to be a family or friends dog. Although these dogs are usually robust and healthy, they can sometimes suffer from some common hereditary diseases.

Some of the most common diseases that can occur in Pointer Pits are bone and joint diseases such as HD (hip dysplasia), OCD (osteochondritis dissecans), and EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency). There are also several other congenital conditions that can occur in the APBT English Pointer Mongrel. These conditions include allergies, thyroid problems, allergic dermatitis, hereditary defects, and some neurological conditions such as epilepsy and Wobbler syndrome.

To avoid potential health problems in this hybrid breed, they should receive regular veterinary examinations to prevent potential diseases early. Also, in all cases, ensure that the parents have been health tested prior to mating to minimize the likelihood that the offspring will develop inherited diseases. Genetically tested parents also help prevent disease in the puppies and ensure the health of the litter.

The American Pit Bull Terrier and English pointer mixed breed has a dense, short and shiny coat. The color of the coat can come in various shades, from black, brown, red to blue, gray and even white. The undercoat is black and the majority of the coat is slightly lighter. This breed can also have white and black spots on the back known as 'jack spots'.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

An American Pit Bull Terrier and English Pointer mix dog is usually described as strong, muscular and athletic. They have a medium sized, muscular and long haired coat. The color of the coat is usually a combination of white, black and other colors. Their body is very compact with a broad top of the head and a straight back line. They have a muzzle of medium length. The most common body measurements of one of these dogs are about 35-45 cm shoulder height as well as 15-25 kg weight.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear - Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy muscular, square, slim, sporty
Size ♀ 43 - 66 cm
Weight ♀ 14 - 30 kg
Size ♂ 45 - 70 cm
Weight ♂ 16 - 34 kg
Suitable For -
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Nervous disorders

    Nervous disorders are manifested, for example, by disturbances in perception, neurological abnormalities such as tremors, apathy, convulsions, paralysis, tilting of the head, uncontrolled urination and defecation, and behavioural abnormalities.

  • The characteristics depend on the mix of each parent, but what most representative specimens have in common is that they are very lively, curious, energetic and more intelligent than average dogs. They are also very loyal companions and friends.

  • Yes, this type of breed can be kept in an apartment as long as their daily exercise needs are met. These dogs are usually very adaptable.

  • This type of breed needs a lot of attention and affection, but it is important to give an appropriate amount of attention. They enjoy playing and spending time with their owners, so it is important not to treat them just as a "backyard dog".

  • In general, a healthy diet for an American Pit Bull Terrier and English pointer mix dog should include a balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Some dogs have special dietary needs, so the advice of a veterinarian should be sought to tailor a nutritional program.

  • It is important to have a collar or harness for each dog so that you can control them better and have easier access to their collar or harness when you are out and about. Also, both items can be used to better handle the dog in case of emergency.

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