Boston Cattle Dog:Australian Cattle Dog and Boston Terrier Mix

Hybrid Breed

Australian Cattle Dog + Boston Terrier


Origin and history of the Boston Cattle Dog

The Boston Cattle Dog is a hybrid of the Australian Cattle Dog and the Boston Terrier. This hybrid breed combines the working characteristics of the Australian Cattle Dog with the friendly nature of the Boston Terrier. Although the Boston Cattle Dog is a relatively new mix, it is gaining popularity due to its unique characteristics and charming appearance.

Suitability and use

Because of its working characteristics, the Boston Cattle Dog is best suited for active families or individuals who can provide it with sufficient exercise and mental stimulation. This breed may require an activity or task to channel its energies. The Boston Cattle Dog is well suited for various activities such as agility, obedience training, or even as a rescue dog.

Alternate Name -
Origin Australia - USA
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Boston Cattle Dog

The Boston Cattle Dog is an intelligent and active dog with a friendly and affectionate nature. He inherits the working characteristics of the Australian Cattle Dog, such as high energy, stamina and willingness to work. At the same time, he also exhibits the playful and affectionate character of the Boston Terrier. The Boston Cattle Dog is usually loyal, alert and eager to learn. He is often well behaved with children and other pets, especially if socialized early on.

Overall, the Boston Cattle Dog is a fascinating hybrid breed that combines the best traits of the Australian Cattle Dog and the Boston Terrier. With his friendly nature, intelligence and love of work, he can be a wonderful companion and family dog, bringing joy and activity to the lives of his owners.

Care and health

The Boston Cattle Dog can benefit from the genetic advantages of both parent breeds, as the mixture of genes results in some diversity. However, genetic health problems of both breeds can also occur. Potential health problems in the Boston Cattle Dog may include eye problems, hip dysplasia, and allergies. Regular veterinary examinations, a balanced diet and adequate exercise are important to maintain the Boston Cattle Dog's health.

Grooming the Boston Cattle Dog is usually straightforward. The short coat requires regular brushing to remove loose hair and facilitate grooming. It is also important to check the ears regularly for cleanliness and clean as needed to prevent infection. Teeth should be brushed regularly and claws trimmed as needed. A balanced diet and adequate exercise are also important to promote the Boston Cattle Dog's health.

The Boston Cattle Dog is usually a medium-sized dog with a muscular build. His coat is short and dense and can be a variety of colors, including blue, red, black, or a combination of these colors. It often has the characteristic upright ears of the Boston Terrier and the lively eyes of the Australian Cattle Dog.

Fur length short
Fur - flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail fanned out - stubby
Anatomy rugged, muscular
Size ♀ 38 - 48 cm
Weight ♀ 7 - 15 kg
Size ♂ 38 - 51 cm
Weight ♂ 8 - 16 kg
Suitable For -
  • Numbness

    Often occurs in old age.

  • Nervous disorders

    Nervous disorders are manifested, for example, by disturbances in perception, neurological abnormalities such as tremors, apathy, convulsions, paralysis, tilting of the head, uncontrolled urination and defecation, and behavioural abnormalities.

  • Eye infections

    Chronic eye infections can be very painful in dogs and can be treated with medication. In rare cases, the cornea must be treated.

  • Shortness of breath

    Difficult breathing can be recognized by the dog's rattling and sometimes accelerated breathing rate.

  • Patellar problems

    Problems with the Patellar can be a displacement or weak kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs, also because of overweight.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Spinal disorders

    However, as the dog ages, this elasticity can be lost and completely inhibited by diseases such as spondylosis.

  • This breed can grow between 35 cm and 50 cm.

  • This breed is intelligent, bright, active, affectionate and playful. They are loyal companions and love to spend time with their families.

  • The mixed breed dog usually has a white coat with various shades, including brown, black, red or other adaptations.

  • This mixed breed is prone to eye problems, skin problems, respiratory problems and joint problems. Since this breed is a combination of different breeds, some unexpected health problems may occur.

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