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Can dogs eat chicken hearts?

These are the nutrients and preparation tips.

Yes, your dog can definitely eat chicken hearts! These small but mighty organs are not only a safe but also an exceptionally nutritious food option for your four-legged friend. Chicken hearts are more than just a simple snack - they are a source of valuable nutrients that can often be missing from your dog's daily diet.

In this blog post, we'll look at why chicken hearts are so beneficial for your dog's health. We'll look at their specific nutritional values, vitamins and minerals that make them an ideal addition to your dog's diet. From high protein content to essential fatty acids, taurine and key vitamins, chicken hearts offer a wealth of health benefits.

We also look at practical aspects such as correct preparation, portion size and introducing chicken hearts into your dog's diet. Whether as part of a balanced meal or as a healthy snack between meals, chicken hearts are an excellent choice.

Chicken hearts for dogs - a healthy snack

  1. Size and weight: The chicken hearts are small, with a diameter of around 1.5 to 2.5 cm. A set of five weighs between 40 and 60 grams. This size makes them a handy and easy-to-feed snack.
  2. Nutritional content: Chicken hearts are rich in protein (49.8 %) and have a high fat content (34 %). They also contain approximately 4.9 % moisture, 3.61 % crude ash and 2 % crude fiber.
  3. Odor and texture: These hearts have a medium odor and texture, which makes them attractive to many dogs. They are not too hard and not too soft.
  4. Chewiness: Although chicken hearts offer a short chew, their texture and size make them an excellent reward or snack between meals.
  5. Taurine and vitamins: Chicken hearts are a natural source of taurine, an important amino acid for your dog's heart health. They also contain B vitamins, especially vitamin B12, which is crucial for energy metabolism and brain function.
  6. Minerals: In addition to iron and zinc, which strengthen the immune system, chicken hearts provide other essential minerals.
  7. Feeding instructions: Despite their nutrient density, chicken hearts should only make up a small part of the daily feed ration. Look for fresh quality and prepare them safely - cooked to kill bacteria or raw if your dog is used to it.
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Chicken hearts are a nutritious and tasty addition to your dog's diet. They provide a good balance of protein, fat and essential nutrients. Nevertheless, you should feed them in moderation and always pay attention to your dog's reaction. In case of intolerances or questions, it is advisable to consult a vet.

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