Labrador mix on the beach Dog Husbandry Tips 23.08.2020

Dog beach at the German North Sea

Here you can find all tips for the dog beach North Sea in Germany and more.

Your next holiday with dog at the North Sea in Germany

No matter what type your dog is and what type you are. You are certainly one of those people who can't imagine going on holiday without your doggy darling. If you love the sea as much as your dog, then a dog beach on the North Sea is pretty easy for you to find.

Examples of a nice dog beach at the North Sea

There are beautiful dog beaches on many North Sea islands, but also on the mainland it is possible to have a holiday with your dog at the North Sea in many places. These places are just a few examples to show you how great the holiday offer is for dog lovers at the North Sea.

There is the possibility to take the dog with you to the beach,

  1. on the island of Sylt,
  2. on the island of Föhr,
  3. on the island of Amrum,
  4. in Sankt Peter-Ording,
  5. in Friedrichskoog,
  6. at the dog beach Sahlenburg near Cuxhaven or at the dog beaches
  7. dog beaches Hooksiel (Wangerland),
  8. Schillig (Wangerland),
  9. Naßmersiel (Dornum) and
  10. Norddeich (Norden).

With a little patience you can certainly find more beautiful dog beaches at the North Sea for you and your dog.

Dog, Mammal, Vertebrate, Canidae, Dog breed, Carnivore, Bearded Collie, Bearded Collie on the beach with leash

What else you need to consider on a holiday with a dog at the North Sea

Low tide and high tide, the so-called tides, determine life at the North Sea. You must pay attention to this when you are on holiday with your dog on a North Sea beach. It is also important that you have enough water with you for him if you are out for a long time. He should not drink salt water from the North Sea. That would be very unhealthy. Be careful with washed up sea animals. Your dog could cut himself on the shells or eat them and you don't know how long they have been there. Neither dogs nor humans should go swimming on a full stomach. Also, be careful about the sun. Due to the wind, the sun at the North Sea is often underestimated. Always take enough sun cream with you, also for your dog and its sensitive body parts. Did you know that the seals at the North Sea are actually distant relatives of the domestic dogs?

Where is the best place to stay with a dog at the North Sea?

If you want to holiday near a dog beach on the North Sea, then it is best to book a nice holiday apartment or holiday home for you on holiday. There is a large offer of such accommodations on the entire North Sea coast and also on the dog-friendly North Sea islands.

Banner: Shutterstock / Zivica Kerkez
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