Family dogs

Family dogs are loyal companions that impress with their friendly nature, patience and adaptability. They adapt to the everyday life of their family and are ideal companions for both children and adults. Whether active or relaxed - a good family dog is a real team player who brings joy and harmony into the home.

Loving companions for young and old

A family dog is more than just a pet - it becomes a loyal companion, playmate and part of the family. Thanks to their friendly nature, patience and adaptability, many dogs manage to enrich everyday life and bring harmony into the home. However, there is no "one perfect breed".

What makes a good family dog?

A good family dog should:

  • Bepatient, especially when dealing with children.
  • Beadaptable to different lifestyles.
  • Befriendly and even-tempered.
  • Beenergetic and active without being over-excited.

However, it is important to consider each dog individually, as character and behavior depend heavily on upbringing and environment - regardless of breed.

Don't forget the mixed breeds!

In the discussion about family dogs, mixed breeds from shelters are often overlooked, even though they can be excellent companions. Mixed breeds often combine the best traits of different breeds and have just as much love and loyalty to offer as purebred dogs. Those who give a mixed breed a home often gain a unique and especially grateful friend for life.

The 15+ best breeds for family dogs

In the next section, we introduce you to some breeds that are particularly suitable as family dogs. From gentle giants like the Golden Retriever to playful companions like the Labrador Retriever - get inspired and find out which dogs could be perfect for your everyday family life!

Golden Retriever

Süßes Mädchen spielt mit Golden Retriever Hund, im Bett liegend Depositphotos / GekaSkr

The Golden Retriever is known for its friendly and even-tempered nature, which makes it an ideal family dog. He is intelligent, adaptive and loves to spend time with his people. Whether playing with children or going for long walks, this dog always shows loyalty and patience. His loving character makes him a true dream companion.


Phalene oder Continental Toy Spaniel, Hund stehend auf Sofa Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Phalène, another variety alongside the Papillon, is a small, elegant family dog with a friendly nature. It is intelligent, playful and particularly adaptable, which makes it ideal for families. Despite his size, he has a lot of energy and loves to be active. His affection and close bond with his humans make him a charming companion.

Bolonka Zwetna

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Begleithund,Spielzeughund,Leber,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Canidae,Terrier, Depositphotos / karegg

The Bolonka Zwetna is a small, cheerful family dog that impresses with its friendly nature and adaptability. It loves to spend time with its family, is very patient with children and is easy to train. His easy-care temperament and small size make him ideal for apartments, without lacking any joie de vivre.

Small poodle

Kleiner weißer Pudel auf der Wiese. Haustier in der Natur. Depositphotos / averyanova

The Small Poodle is an intelligent and versatile family dog that impresses with its friendly nature and adaptability. It loves to play with children, is easy to train and loves to learn.


Whippet-Hunde laufen, Rennen auf der Rennbahn Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Whippet is an elegant and sensitive family dog that impresses with its gentleness and friendliness. Despite his athletic build and love of running, he also enjoys spending cozy hours with his family. The Whippet is easy to care for, adaptable and ideal for active families who can provide him with sufficient exercise. His close bond makes him a loving companion.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Reinrassiger Berner Sennenhund, aufgenommen im Frühling. Depositphotos / Bigandt

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a gentle and loyal family dog whose friendly nature and patience are particularly impressive. Its even-tempered nature makes it an ideal companion for families with children. He loves long walks and shows a strong bond with his humans. His robust build and affection make him a loving and reliable companion.

Long-haired collie

Hund,Rough Collie,Shetland Schäferhund,Fleischfresser,Collie,Pflanze,Hunderasse,Begleithund,Gras,Hütehund, Depositphotos / baronb

The Long-haired Collie is an intelligent and gentle family dog that impresses with its friendliness and patience. With its affectionate nature and love of learning, it is ideal for families with children. Its easy-care temperament and love of exercise make it an active and loving companion. The Long-haired Collie builds a strong bond with its people and is extremely loyal.


BARBET-HUND, ERWACHSENER SCHAUT AUF Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Barbet is a rare but versatile family dog that impresses with its friendly nature and adaptability. With its intelligence and eagerness to learn, it is easy to train and is ideal for active families. The Barbet loves exercise and shows a close bond with its family.

Shih Tzu

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Leber,Begleithund,Gras,Spielzeughund,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Shih tzu, Pexels / Pexels

The Shih Tzu is a charming and lovable family dog that impresses with its friendly nature and affection. Despite its compact size, it has a lively personality and loves to spend time with its family. Its easy-care temperament and adaptability make it ideal for families with children or older people. The Shih Tzu is a loyal companion.

Volpino Italiano

Italienischer Volpino-Hund sitzt auf den blauen Stufen Depositphotos / DevidDO

The Volpino Italiano is a lively and affectionate family dog that impresses with its friendliness and attentiveness. With its small stature and charming temperament, it is ideal for families looking for an active companion. The Volpino loves playtime as much as cuddles and shows a strong bond with his humans. A lively but loving companion!

King poodle

Königspudel läuft einen Slalom bei einem Agility-Parcours Depositphotos / Madrabothair

The King Poodle is an intelligent and elegant family dog that impresses with its eagerness to learn, adaptability and friendly nature. It is not only a loyal companion, but also extremely active and loves long walks or playtime. Its hypoallergenic coat makes it ideal for allergy sufferers. The King Poodle builds a strong bond with his family and is a true all-rounder.


Hund, Pflanze, Halsband, Fleischfresser, Gras, Hunderasse, Begleithund, Kitz, Hundezubehör, Hundehalsband, Depositphotos / 5seconds

The Beagle is a cheerful and energetic family dog that impresses with its friendly nature and curiosity. With its adaptability and love of children, it is an ideal companion for active families. The Beagle needs plenty of exercise and loves walks where it can put its keen sense of detection to good use. Its loyal nature makes it a faithful companion.

French Bulldog

Schwarze Französische Bulldogge steht auf Schreibtisch Depositphotos / AllaSerebrina

The French Bulldog is a charming and affectionate family dog, but should be viewed critically due to its agony breeding characteristics such as breathing problems and joint damage. Although they impress with their friendly nature, keeping them often requires high veterinary costs and intensive care. For ethical reasons and for the welfare of the dogs, the acquisition of this breed is not recommended.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier Hund auf brauner Terrasse - geringe Tiefenschärfe Depositphotos / bubutu

The Boston Terrier is an intelligent and charming family dog that impresses with its friendly nature and lively personality. He is adaptable, easy to care for and loves to spend time with his family. Despite his energy, he is also suitable for living in an apartment. His close bond with people makes him a loving and loyal companion.


Hund, Pflanze, Fleischfresser, Hunderasse, Begleithund, Gras, Bodendecker, Wasserhund, Schwanz, Schnauze, Depositphotos / Photoboyko

The Affenpinscher is a small, lively family dog that impresses with its witty nature and curiosity. However, many dogs show signs of agony, such as breathing problems or eye diseases, which is why a responsible breeder is crucial when choosing one. Despite its size, it is courageous and alert. The Affenpinscher loves playtime and shows a strong bond with its family.


Ein schöner Blick auf einen süßen Otterhund, der im Park läuft Depositphotos / wirestock_creators

The Otterhund is a strong and enduring family dog that was originally bred for hunting in water. With its friendly nature, curiosity and adaptability, it is well suited to active families. However, he needs plenty of exercise and loves to be outside. His loyalty and close bond with his humans make him a loving companion.


Brauner Boxer im Profil auf der Wiese Depositphotos / atomadog

The Boxer is an energetic and loyal family dog that impresses with its friendly nature and playfulness. It is intelligent, easy to train and particularly patient with children. The Boxer needs plenty of exercise and loves to be active. With its strong bond to the family and its protective instinct, it is a reliable and loving companion.


Studio-Porträt von Stabyhoun oder Friesischer Vorstehhund isoliert auf hellblauem Hintergrund Depositphotos / ysbrand

The Stabijhoun is a versatile and loving family dog that impresses with its intelligence and adaptability. Originally a Dutch hunting dog, today it has a calm nature and a strong bond with its family. The Stabijhoun is easy to care for, loves long walks and is ideal for active families who appreciate his friendly and gentle nature.

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