Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Carnivore,Great dane,Sporting Group,Giant dog breed,Working dog, Dog guide 30.06.2021

The biggest dog in the world

This really is the biggest dog in the world.

Largest dog in the world is or was the Great Dane Freddy. Unfortunately, Freddy passed away on January 27, 2021.

The measurements of the biggest dog in the world

In 2016, a measurement for the Guinness World Record revealed a height of 103.50 cm. Standing on his hind legs, the Great Dane was as tall as 2.26 meters. At the same time, Freddy weighed in at a whopping 90 kilos.

Freddy lived with his mistress, Claire Stonemann, and his Great Dane sister Fleur in Great Britain, in a small house. Unfortunately, because of his dimensions, he did not fit on the sofa there.

Most expensive was the food for the two dogs. Annually the owner spent nearly 15.000,00 € for it. Freddy's favourite food was toast with chicken and peanut butter. The owner could just about provide for the needs of her two Great Danes with her job as a taxi driver.

Meanwhile, she was deeply saddened by Freddy's death. He unfortunately became only eight years old, his cause of death is not yet known.

Nevertheless, Freddy will certainly not be forgotten because of his world record and his enormous size. Because first another dog has to imitate him. Until then, Freddy remains the record holder even after his death and thus the biggest dog in the whole world.

Before Freddy set up a new world record as the biggest dog in the world, the record was also held by a Great Dane - George from the USA.

Large dog breeds

The Great Dane is one of the largest dog breeds in the world. This is clearly reflected in the latest record holders. However, the largest dog breed in the world is considered to be the St. Bernard, which can also reach measurements of 90 cm.

In addition, there are also other dog breeds that can reach similar dimensions:

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However, no dog of these breeds has ever reached such a size as Freddy, not even a St. Bernard.

The sizes of these dogs arereally hard to imagine. Some even become bigger than ponies. The mind of the huge dogs is then also rather calm and relaxed. While small dogs are often lively and not to be calmed down, bigger dogs are rather more calmly inclined. Because the whole kilos must be moved also first once.

Who of you plays with the thought to get such a big dog, however, should also have enough space, run and money. Because a big dog needs much more food than the smaller ones. In addition, he must of course have more exercise, at best a garden to let off steam. And there should also be enough space in the apartment. It is something different to live with a Jack Russell or a Pug than with a Great Dane. These take also in the flat clearly more place away. In addition, of course, any accessories (such as a dog basket) must be purchased in a much larger and therefore more expensive version. As future dog owners, you should definitely think about this, because such a dog must also be kept properly.

Comparison of grey mastiff with French bulldog, black and white French bulldog, dog, mammal, vertebrate, dog breed, Canidae, carnivore, Great Dane, guard dog, working dog, non-sporting group,
Banner: Shutterstock / Roger costa morera
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