A woman's hand touches a cute, relaxed Jack Russell dog. The atmosphere of a cozy home. A terrier lies on a gray blanket. Dog Husbandry Tips 17.08.2023

Expressing Proper Condolences on Death of Dog + Inspirational Quotes

Dog died: These are nice quotes to express condolences.

The loss of a beloved pet is a painful event that is often underestimated. When a friend or family member's faithful dog dies, it can be difficult to find the right words to offer comfort. This blog post discusses ways to express condolences and shares inspirational quotes that can be helpful during this difficult time.

How can condolences be expressed when your dog dies?


Listening is one of the easier ways to offer comfort. Sometimes just a listening ear and understanding are needed.

Finding personal words

It is often appreciated when honest and personal words are found. An example might be, "Your dog was a very special friend. I will miss him too."

Send a memorial card

A handwritten card with insightful words can be a beautiful gesture.

Inspirational quotes

Often a fitting quote can say more than many words. Here are some examples:

Quotes about loving dogs

  • "The dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than itself." - Josh Billings
  • "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than it loves itself." - Frederick the Great

Dog Died: Quotes to describe the loss

  • "Until one day, my friend..." - Unknown
  • "Dogs don't die, they just sleep in our hearts." - Unknown
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Quotes about friendship with dogs

  • "A dog is a heart on four legs." - Irish saying
  • "The size of a dog is not measured in inches, but in the depth of his heart." - Unknown
  • "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole." - Roger Caras

Quotes about the character of a dog

  • "The more I see of people, the better I like my dog." - Frederick the Great
  • "Dogs never lie when it comes to love." - Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Quotes that provide comfort when your dog has died

  • "When a beloved dog leaves the world, he does not go away, but enters a room in your heart." - Unknown
  • "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I go where they went." - Will Rogers
  • "A good dog never dies, he always stays across the street, far away, waiting." - Mary Carolyn Davies

Wisdoms about dogs and people

  • "The dog knows his master better than man knows his friend." - Jean de La Fontaine
  • "Anyone who has ever had a dog knows what unconditional love is." - Astrid Lindgren
Golden Retriever Hund erkältet sich im Bett erholend Depositphotos / edu1971

Gifts and memories

Create a photo album

Creating a photo album with pictures of the deceased dog can be a beautiful keepsake.

Give a memento when the dog has passed away

A personalized gift, such as a locket with a picture of the dog, can be a nice gesture.

Losing a beloved dog is a painful experience. Comfort can be provided through active listening, personal words, sending a memorial card, sharing inspirational quotes and giving keepsakes. It's the little things that really count at such a difficult time.

Banner: Depositphotos / Almaje
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