Independent dogs

Independent dogs are characterized by their independence and self-reliance. These breeds often show a natural tendency to make decisions on their own and can act intuitively in certain situations. They are typically self-confident, have a strong personality and may need a little more training to be cooperative in training. Nevertheless, independent dogs are loyal and loving companions who often form a deep bond with their owners.

Dogs with an independent character

Dogs with an independent character often have a special ability to be self-reliant and independent. These breeds tend to actively explore their environment and make decisions independently.

Intuitive and independent

Independent dogs often show a pronounced intuition and can act independently in various situations. They have a natural tendency to trust their instincts and are able to tackle challenges with confidence.

Loyal companions with a strong will

Despite their independent character, these dogs are loyal companions who can form a deep bond with you. They often show a strong personality and sometimes need a little more patience and consistent training to meet your expectations.

Independent dogs are ideal for experienced dog owners who are looking for a breed that gives them room to develop while building a strong bond. With the right guidance and training, they will be a loyal and loving companion that will enrich your life.


Porträt eines lächelnden Shikoku-Hundes Depositphotos / anahtiris

The Shikoku is an impressive dog breed from Japan, known for its independent personality and robust nature. With its strong build and weatherproof coat, it exudes self-confidence and intelligence. The Shikoku is prized as a loyal companion and skilled hunter who can form a close bond with you. This breed requires patient training and is ideal for dog lovers looking for a loyal companion with a strong personality.


Kangal Shepherd Dog vor weißem Hintergrund Depositphotos / cynoclub

The Kangal Shepherd Dog is an imposing dog breed known for its independent personality. With its strong build and impressive appearance, it embodies strength and reliability. The Kangal Shepherd Dog is valued as a protective companion and loyal guardian that can form a deep bond with you. This breed requires consistent training and is ideal for experienced dog owners looking for a dog with a strong personality and a strong protective instinct.

Shiba Inu

Hund,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Kitz,Begleithund,Schnurrhaar,Landtier,Dingo,Sportliche Gruppe,Canidae, LéWuff

The Shiba Inu is a fascinating dog breed with an independent personality. With its characteristic appearance and self-confident nature, it is known for its independence and intelligence. The Shiba Inu is a faithful companion and loyal companion that can form a strong bond with you. This breed requires consistent training and is ideal for dog lovers looking for a dog with a strong will and a unique personality.

Chow Chow

Chow Chow Hund. Sommerzeit. Depositphotos / Bokstaz

The Chow Chow is a unique breed of dog that is known for its independent personality. With its dense, stand-off coat and prominent tongue, it exudes confidence and pride. The Chow Chow is a faithful companion and loyal companion who can form a close bond with you. This breed requires patient training and is ideal for dog lovers looking for a dog with a strong personality and a distinctive look.

Karelian bearhound

Hund, Fleischfresser, Hunderasse, Pflanze, Gras, Begleithund, Arbeitstier, Schwanz, Hütehund, Halsband, Depositphotos / annafrby

The Karelian Bear Dog is an impressive dog breed known for its independent personality. With its strong build and thick coat, it embodies strength and robustness. The Karelian Bear Dog is valued as a loyal companion and reliable guardian that can form a close bond with you. This breed requires consistent training and is ideal for experienced dog owners who are looking for a dog with a strong personality and a pronounced protective instinct.

Kai Ken

Weiblicher Kai Ken Hund, die nationale japanische Rasse, steht von der Seite gesehen isoliert auf einem weißen Hintergrund Depositphotos / Miraswonderland

The Kai Ken is a fascinating dog breed with a distinct and independent personality. With its robust build and characteristic tiger stripe pattern, it radiates self-confidence and intelligence. The Kai Ken is a faithful companion and loyal companion that can form a close bond with you. This breed requires patient training and is ideal for dog lovers looking for a dog with a strong personality and unique appearance.

Mastín del Pirineo

Hund, Schuh, Fleischfresser, Hunderasse, Begleithund, Baum, Gras, Arbeitstier, Turnschuhe, Schnauze, Depositphotos / kvddesign

The Mastín del Pirineo is an impressive dog breed that is known for its independent personality. With its imposing build and dense, weatherproof coat, it embodies strength and reliability. The Mastín del Pirineo is a loyal protector and calm companion that can form a deep bond with you. This breed requires consistent training and is ideal for experienced dog owners who are looking for a dog with a strong personality and a pronounced protective instinct.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd beim Coursing Depositphotos / riha.martin13

The Australian Shepherd is a versatile dog breed, known for its independent personality and intelligent nature. With its medium-sized, athletic build and appealing coat pattern, it radiates energy and activity. The Australian Shepherd is a loyal partner and attentive companion who can form a close bond with you. This breed requires a mental and physical challenge and is ideal for dog lovers looking for a dog with a strong will and a lively personality.

Saarloo wolfhound

Saarloos Wolfshund Hundekopf im Profil mit Fluss im Hintergrund Depositphotos / Gleti

The Saarloos Wolfhound is a fascinating dog breed known for its independent personality and natural grace. With its wolf-like appearance and strong build, it embodies elegance and strength. The Saarloos Wolfdog proves to be a loyal companion and attentive companion that can form a close bond with you. This breed requires sensitive training and is ideal for experienced dog owners looking for a dog with a strong personality and well-developed instincts.

English Bulldog

Laufende Englische Bulldogge Depositphotos / ammmit

The English Bulldog is an iconic dog breed known for its distinct personality and characteristic appearance. With its muscular build and striking facial expression, it radiates composure and strength. The English Bulldog is a loyal companion and loving family dog that can form a close bond with you. This breed requires gentle training and is ideal for dog lovers looking for a dog with a strong personality and unique charm.

Moscow watchdog

Weiblicher Moskauer Wachhund geht durch das Wasser Depositphotos / 6bears

The Moscow Watchdog is an imposing dog breed known for its independent personality and excellent guarding instincts. With its strong build and protective nature, it embodies security and reliability. The Moscow Watchdog is a loyal protector and attentive companion who can form a close bond with you. This breed requires consistent training and is ideal for experienced dog owners who are looking for a dog with a strong personality and a pronounced protective instinct.

Thai Ridgeback

Hunderasse Thai Ridgeback stehend auf dem Bürgersteig Depositphotos / DevidDO

The Thai Ridgeback is a fascinating breed of dog known for its distinct personality and unique physical characteristics. With its characteristic ridge on its back and athletic build, it exudes pride and elegance. The Thai Ridgeback is a loyal companion and attentive guardian that can form a close bond with you. This breed requires sensitive training and is ideal for dog lovers looking for a dog with a strong personality and independent spirit.

Siberian Husky

Liebenswerter Siberian Husky Welpe auf weißem Hintergrund Depositphotos / sbolotova

The Siberian Husky is a fascinating dog breed known for its independent personality and robust nature. With its expressive appearance and energetic nature, it embodies a thirst for adventure and freedom. The Siberian Husky is a loyal companion and persistent sled dog that can form a close bond with you. This breed requires an active lifestyle and is ideal for dog lovers looking for a dog with a strong personality and independent spirit.


Horizontales Porträt eines Hundes der Rasse Basenji mit kurzen Haaren in dreifarbiger schwarzer, weißer und roter Farbe, stehend im Freien mit grünem Hintergrund im Sommer. Depositphotos / TatyanaBelka

The Basenji is a unique dog breed known for its independent personality and characteristic traits. Originally from Africa, the Basenji is characterized by its independence and alertness. It is considered a bark-free breed, characterized by its calm nature and intelligent behaviour. The Basenji is a loyal companion that can form a close bond with its humans and is perfect for dog lovers looking for a dog with a strong personality and independent character.

Thai Bangkaew Dog

Porträt eines thailändischen Bangkaew-Hundes Depositphotos /

The Thai Bangkaew Dog is a fascinating dog breed from Thailand that is known for its independent personality and robust nature. Originally bred as a guard dog, the Thai Bangkaew Dog shows a strong bond with its family and protects its surroundings with great vigilance. This breed is known for its intelligence and independence and is well suited to experienced dog owners looking for a loyal and independent companion. The Thai Bangkaew Dog is both courageous and affectionate and forms a deep bond with its people.

Tibetan Mastiff

Der Tibetanische Mastiff Hund liegt auf dem Teppich und schaut in die Kamera. Tibetanischer Mastiff Welpe mit roter Farbe in Nahaufnahme. Der große braune Hund ruht sich auf dem Teppich aus. Depositphotos / tanyki88

The Tibetan Mastiff is a majestic dog breed known for its independent personality and impressive size. Originally from the Himalayan mountains, it embodies strength and self-confidence. The Tibetan Mastiff is a protective companion that can form a close bond with its humans. This breed is prized for its alertness and loyalty and is suitable for experienced dog owners looking for an imposing and independent dog.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Hund Rhodesian Ridgeback spielt im Sand des Meeres, rennt, springt Depositphotos / averyanova

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is an impressive dog breed with an independent personality and strong presence. Originally bred as a hunting dog in South Africa, it is known for its characteristic ridge on its back. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is fiercely independent, yet loyal and protective of its family. This breed is prized for its courageous nature and intelligent adaptability and is well suited to active people looking for a robust and independent companion.

Akita Inu

Hund, Fleischfresser, Gras, Begleithund, Pflanze, Schwanz, Hunderasse, Landtier, Halsband, alte Hunderassen, Depositphotos / f8grapher

The Akita Inu is a fascinating dog breed known for its independent personality. With a strong and independent character, the Akita Inu impresses not only with its formidable appearance, but also with its deep loyalty and alertness. Originally from Japan, it is a symbol of loyalty and courage. You can find out more about the unique characteristics and needs of this majestic dog on our page.

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Seitenansicht eines schönen anatolischen Hirtenhundes (sivas kangal kopek/kopegi) in einer Hundefarm in der Stadt Kangal, Sivas Türkei. Depositphotos /

Looking for an extraordinary companion with a strong personal charisma? The Anatolian Shepherd Dog fascinates not only with its imposing appearance, but also with its independent personality. This breed is known for its loyal nature and ability to make independent decisions. Originally bred as a herding and guard dog in Turkey, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog shows impressive intelligence and determination. Find out more about this fascinating dog breed, which is characterized by robustness and self-confidence.


Bandog Depositphotos / ketta

Discover the Bandog: With its imposing appearance and robust personality, the Bandog fascinates dog lovers all over the world. Originally bred as a guard dog, it impresses with its independence and adaptability. Its intelligence and loyalty make it the ideal companion for experienced dog owners. Find out more about this impressive breed, its history and why it is one of the most sought-after dogs with a mind of its own.

Afghan Greyhound

Hund, Wolke, Himmel, Wirbeltier, Pflanze, Fleischfresser, Leber, Hunderasse, Begleithund, Grasland, Depositphotos / IgorVetushko

The Afghan Hound, also known as the Afghan Hound, fascinates with its unique elegance and majestic appearance. With its long, silky coat and slender build, it embodies grace and pride. Originally bred for hunting, it captivates with its independent personality and gentle composure. Its history stretches back centuries, shaped by its role as a loyal companion in royal palaces and as a symbol of royal grace. Discover the world of this fascinating dog full of charm and character.

Tyrolean Bracke

KOMONDOR HUND, ERWACHSEN, LÄUFT AUF GRAS Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Komondor, also known as the Hungarian Shepherd Dog, is a remarkable sight with its characteristic white, cord-like coat. This breed is known for its level-headed and protective nature, ideal for guarding herds and properties. The Komondor is not only an imposing guardian, but also a loving family dog with a deep bond to its people. Its origins date back to ancient Hungary, where it left its mark as a fearless protector. Discover the unique personality of this extraordinary dog.

Korthals Griffon

Der Griffon ist eine französische Hunderasse Depositphotos / Tinieder

The Korthals Griffon, also known as the German Wirehaired Griffon, is a fascinating breed of dog that stands out for its wiry coat and versatile abilities. Originally bred for hunting, this dog is both an enduring worker and a loving family companion. Its intelligent expression and determined attitude make it a loyal partner for outdoor enthusiasts and hunters alike. Discover the history and unique personality of this versatile dog that embodies both grace and ruggedness.

Canaan Dog

Ein junger, wunderschöner, weiß-cremefarbener, brauner und orangefarbener Canaan, der fröhlich und verspielt über das Gras läuft. Kelef K'naani sind mittelgroße Hunde mit aufrechten Ohren, mandelförmigen Augen, intelligent und sehr gute Wachhunde. Depositphotos / f8grapher

The Canaan Dog, also known as the Bedouin Dog, is a fascinating breed with a deep-rooted history in the Middle East. Its rugged appearance and natural adaptability make it a remarkable survivor in challenging environments. Originally used as a watchdog and guardian, the Canaan Dog displays an independent and intelligent personality. Its coat is short and weather-resistant, perfect for the heat of the desert. Discover the unique qualities of this ancient dog, known for centuries as a Bedouin companion.

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