Short-haired Italian hound

Short-haired Italian hound Breed description: Character & Co


Origin and history

The Segugio Italiano a pelo raso, also known as the Italian shorthaired hound, is a breed with deep roots in Italian history. Originally developed for hunting, its history dates back to ancient times. Depictions of dogs similar to the Segugio Italiano have even been found on Roman reliefs.

Development of the breed

Over the centuries, the dog was prized for its exceptional nose and stamina when hunting. It was mainly used for welding work, the search for wounded game. In Italy, the Segugio Italiano a pelo raso has a loyal following and is kept both for work and as a companion dog.

Suitability and use

Today, the Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is appreciated not only in Italy, but worldwide for its versatility and even temperament. Its suitability includes:

  • Hunting and tracking: thanks to its heritage as a hunting dog, it is still much in demand in these areas.
  • Family companion dog: With appropriate socialization and training, he proves to be a loving and loyal companion.
  • Dog sports: His intelligence and agility predestine him for activities such as agility and obedience.

Final thoughts

The Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is a dog with a rich history and a variety of talents. Whether hunting, competing in sports or being part of the family, he is an adaptable and loyal companion. His tracking skills are legendary and make him a valuable partner for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.

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A young, beautiful, fawn-colored, smooth-haired Segugio Italiano stands watchfully in the grass. The Italian hunting dog has a long head and long ears and is used as a hunting dog. A young, beautiful, fawn-colored, smooth-haired Segugio Italiano dog that runs on the grass. The Italian Hound has a long head and long ears and is used as a hunting dog. A young, beautiful, fawn-colored, smooth-haired Segugio Italiano dog that runs on the grass. The Italian Hound has a long head and long ears and is used as a hunting dog. A young, beautiful, fawn-colored, smooth-haired Segugio Italiano stands watchfully in the grass. The Italian hunting dog has a long head and long ears and is used as a hunting dog.
Alternate Name Segugio Italiano a pelo raso
Origin Italy
Life expectancy 12 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Balanced temperament

The Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is known for its calm and even temperament. These dogs are both patient and determined, which makes them excellent hunting companions. In the family, they are affectionate and loyal.

Intelligence and trainability

This Italian hound is characterized by a high level of intelligence. It is easy to train and responds well to positive reinforcement. Patience and consistency are required, however, as the hunting instinct is deeply rooted in their nature.

Social behavior and family life

The Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is considered social and compatible with other dogs and pets, especially if it has been well socialized from an early age. It is gentle and patient with children, which makes it a good family dog.

Activity requirements and occupation

Adequate physical and mental exercise is very important for the well-being of the Segugio Italiano a pelo raso. Long walks, play and training are required daily to channel its energy into positive channels.

Characteristic traits

  • Patient and persistent: Ideal characteristics for hunting.
  • Affectionate and family-oriented: Loyal to his family.
  • Adaptable: Can live in both rural and urban environments.
  • Vigilant: Good sense of its surroundings without being aggressive.


The Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is a versatile and adaptable dog that can be a loyal companion both in the countryside and in the city. Its friendly nature makes it an ideal companion for active families looking for an intelligent and trainable dog. Early socialization and regular exercise are crucial to fully develop his qualities as a balanced and happy dog.


Skin and coat care

The Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is characterized by a short, low-maintenance coat that requires minimal grooming. Regular brushing, about once a week, is sufficient to remove loose hair and promote skin health. This brushing keeps the coat shiny and distributes the natural skin oils evenly.

Bathing and hygiene

As the Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is a working dog, it should only be bathed when necessary to prevent its skin from drying out. The use of a dog-specific shampoo is recommended to prevent skin irritation.

Health and preventative care

It is important to carry out regular veterinary examinations to monitor health. This includes vaccinations, deworming and prevention against parasites such as fleas and ticks. The Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is a generally robust breed, but like all dog breeds it can be predisposed to certain genetic diseases.

Responsible breeding

Responsible breeders attach great importance to the health and temperament of their animals. Genetic testing and careful selection of breeding animals help to avoid hereditary diseases and strengthen the breed.

Important aspects of care and health

  • Simple coat care: Short coat that requires little brushing.
  • Health monitoring: Regular check-ups at the vet.
  • Nutritional management: A balanced diet is essential.
  • Sufficient exercise: To maintain physical and mental health.


The care of the Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is uncomplicated, although regular brushing and veterinary checks should not be neglected. In breeding, particular emphasis is placed on the health and temperament of the animals in order to ensure and improve the quality of the breed.

A young, beautiful, fawn-colored, smooth-haired Segugio Italiano stands watchfully in the grass. The Italian hunting dog has a long head and long ears and is used as a hunting dog.

The coat of the Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is one of its most striking features. It is short, dense and shiny, which not only gives it an elegant appearance, but also makes it easy to care for. Grooming can be kept to a minimum with regular brushing, which ensures the removal of dead hair and dirt. This also promotes healthy skin and a shiny coat.

Visual characteristics

  • Color: Traditionally fawn or black and fawn, often with a white chest marking.
  • Expression: Clear, dark eyes and a characteristic mask give it an alert appearance.
  • Build: Lean, muscular build with strong legs and a deep chest.

Size and weight

In terms of size, the Segugio Italiano a pelo raso is a medium-sized dog:

  • Males: size between 52 and 58 cm
  • Bitches: Slightly smaller with a size of 48 to 56 cm

The weight should be in a healthy proportion to the size:

  • Males: average weight is between 18 and 28 kg
  • Bitches: Tend to weigh slightly less at 16 to 26 kg


The Segugio Italiano a pelo raso with its easy-care coat and balanced build is not only an eye-catcher, but also a practical companion for hunting and leisure. Its size and weight make it an ideal middle ground for dog lovers who are not looking for a dog that is too big or too small. Thanks to its robustness and elegance, it represents the ideal combination of beauty and functionality.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 48 - 56 cm
Weight ♀ 18 - 28 kg
Size ♂ 52 - 58 cm
Weight ♂ 18 - 28 kg
Suitable For -

Other large dogs

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