Photograph,Beauty,Dog,Canidae,Yellow,Snapshot,Ceremony,Interaction,Wedding,Companion dog, Dog Husbandry Tips 08.02.2021

Dogs at the wedding - here's how you can incorporate your favorite one

This way your dog can attend the wedding and be incorporated.

Dogs at the wedding - this is how you can include your darling.

A wedding is a unique experience in which the whole family takes part. Of course, your dog is also part of the family! But such big events are rather exhausting and stressful for four-legged friends - aren't they? Well, that's true, but there are ways you can involve your dog in the festivities so that it's fun for it too, and besides, there are great photos of the three of you together.

The four-legged ring bearer

When the moment comes to exchange rings, it's usually the best man who pulls out the velvet box. But your four-legged friend can also do it for you. Put a collar around its neck and attach your rings to it. It is best to leave them in the box and hang them on the collar. Your dog waits behind the wedding guests on their chairs and when it's time, you call it to the front and lure it with a treat if necessary. Be sure to film this moment and have it sit next to you as you put on the rings. If that doesn't make for some unforgettably cute videos....

Dog at the wedding, installation of the dog at the wedding, dog decoration at the wedding, ring bearer dog

Wedding photos for a third

After the wedding ceremony, guests often have refreshments while the bride and groom disappear for an hour to take photos. Take your dog with you as this situation is more relaxing for him than being at the ceremony. Include it in the photos as you would with a child together - or as you would with a horse, if it's a larger four-legged friend. You'll get inspiration all over social media.

Dog at the wedding: dog play zone for the guest dogs

Do some of the other wedding guests have a dog too? Then make the most of it during the ceremony and set up a play area for the dogs. It's best to have this a little further away from the ceremony itself, as this can be exhausting and stressful for some dogs. Especially when it gets late, the dogs are sure to be grateful for a quiet area where they can be among themselves. The children among the guests will certainly enjoy being there, petting and playing with the four-legged friends from time to time. In addition, this relieves your guests, if they do not have to look for a dog guardian for the day of your wedding celebration, if it is getting late.

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The first dance with the dog

If your dog joins in on all the fun, why not switch roles for the first dance? The groom gets a break, and your dog takes its place instead. Either the bride takes her hands in its paws for this and you do a slow waltz, or you practice dog dancing before the wedding. Who knows... maybe you will like this dog sport and continue with it after the wedding? You're sure to have a cute memory video with your dog! More tips for getting married can be found on our partner site:

photo, husky, canidae, dog, wedding dress, dress, bride, dog breed, ceremony, dress, bride and groom with dog
Banner: Shutterstock / Denis Kushnarenko
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