Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Carnivore,Goldendoodle,Cockapoo,Poodle crossbreed,Sporting Group, Dog guide 05.03.2021

Designer dogs - These "breeds" are particularly popular and originated from two different breeds

You should know the designer dogs.

Designer Dogs - These "breeds" are particularly popular and evolved from two different breeds

Designer breeds or hybrid dogs are becoming increasingly popular. The name sounds strange at first. Basically, designer dogs are hybrids that are on their way to establishing themselves as a breed in their own right.

From the crossbreed to the breed

Decades can pass before a dog type becomes a breed. In order to be recognized by the FCI, VDH or Kennel Clubs, strict guidelines must be met. These include reliable breed standards, the uniqueness of the dog type and the organization of the breeding.

Designer dogs are basically nothing more than newly emerging breeds that currently cannot meet these criteria.

Dog, Canidae, Mammal, Dog breed, Goldendoodle, Poodle mix, Brown golden retriever dog mixed with poodle, Mongrel, Goldie mix

Who came up with the idea?

The designer dog trend started in the 1990s in the USA. Wally Conron, a dog trainer living in Hawaii, wanted to breed a special guide dog that was also suitable for allergy sufferers.

To do this, he crossed certain breeds with the poodle, which was considered allergy-friendly. Thus Labradoodle and the Golden Doodle were born. Due to the lovable appearance and the combination of the advantages of two established dog breeds, the designer dogs spread rapidly in the USA. In the meantime, the new breeds have also arrived in our country.

Many serious dog breeders have jumped on the bandwagon - but unfortunately also enough free riders.

As a buyer you have to be aware that Labradoodles and Co. are still ordinary crossbreeds without special papers or pedigree. Unfortunately, all too often astronomical prices are charged for these designer dogs. The German animal welfare association, veterinarians and the press warned already several times before the Geldmacherei with the mode dogs.

But now to the most important designer races:

Labradoodle and Goldendoole are very well known hybrid mixes. More about this, in this blogpost from


The classic among the hybrid breeds originated, as already mentioned, in the 1990s in Hawaii. As a cross between Labrador and Poodle, these dogs are considered to be particularly intelligent, sporty and allergy-friendly. However, it is not always entirely clear which parent will prevail in the adult animal. There can be no hundred percent guarantee for allergy sufferers with a Labradoodle puppy.

Either the coat is medium long and smooth like the Labrador or curly like the Poodle. The colors vary from black to brown, cream or also pied. Depending on whether Toypoodle, Dwarf Poodle or the King Poodle were crossed, the Labradoodle reaches sizes between 25 and 40 cm shoulder height and a weight of 12 to 40 kg.


In the Golden Doodle the advantages of the Golden Retriever and the King Poodle should unite. Again: The dog is only suitable for allergy sufferers if the poodle heritage is more prominent in the coat.

The size is between 32 and 65 cm and the weight is between 15 and 45 kg.

The Golden Doodle is available in all common poodle colors from cream, brown, reddish brown to black. The nature is just like the Labradoodle friendly, extremely docile and well-behaved.


How about a successful mixture of Pug and Beagle? Crossing with the agile Beagle improves the stocky build and short muzzle in the Pug. The result is a small to medium-sized dog with mostly cream-colored fur and strikingly large beagle ears.

The Puggle grows to about 25 to 40 cm and high and reaches a weight of 7 to 14 kg.

Puggles are active and cuddly dogs. At best, the hunting instinct of the Beagle has disappeared because of the Pug. But this cannot be guaranteed.


Here the Maltese meets the Miniature Poodle. The result of this mixture is a sweet, playful and very docile dog. The color is mostly light and the size varies from 25 to 30 cm. The weight is just 3 to 5 kg.

Dog, Mammal, Vertebrate, Dog Breed, Canidae, Puggle, Snout, Carnivore, Companion Dog, Beagle Pug Mix, Mixed Breed Dog, Pug Mix, Beagle Mix, Small Brown Dog, Dachshund Similar Breed


The Schnoodle combines two allergy-friendly breeds: the Poodle and the Schnauzer . Schnoddles are bred in four sizes between 25 and 60 cm. The weight is between 2 and 40 kg.

Other and rather rare designer dogs include.

Aussiedoodle: Australian Shepherd + Poodle

Aussiedor: Australian Shepherd + Labrador

Buggle: English Bulldog + Beagle

Chiweenie: Chihuahua + Dachshund

Cockapoo: Cocker Spaniel + Poodle

Doxiepoo: Poodle + Dachshund

Morkie: Maltese + Yorkshire Terrier

Westiepoo: West Highland White Terr ier + Poodle

Yorkiepoo: Yorkshire Terrier + Poodle

Banner: Shutterstock / Lopolo
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