All American Foxhound crossbreeds at a glance

The American Foxhound, one of the oldest American dog breeds, is known for its stamina, speed and musical bark. Originally bred for fox hunting, this hound is characterized by its lean, athletic appearance and long, strong legs, which help it to pursue game. With its friendly and independent character, the American Foxhound is suitable both as a hunting dog and as a family companion. He is characterized by his love of exercise and his social nature, making him an ideal companion for active owners who enjoy spending time outdoors.

American Foxhound breed description, dog similar to Beagle

American foxhound


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Things we love about American Foxhound mixes

Discover the exciting world of mixed breeds influenced by an American Foxhound. These dogs stand out with their lean, athletic build and an often short-haired, low-maintenance coat that can come in a variety of colors such as tri-color, black, white or brown. Their long, strong legs give them an impressive appearance and the ability to be fast and persistent.

These mixed breeds are known for their extraordinary energy and passion for exercise, making them ideal companions for active people. Their friendly and sociable nature allows them to make friends easily, both with people and other dogs. Their intelligence and trainability make training a pleasure and provide a variety of activities.

Ideal for you if you are looking for a fun-loving and loyal friend, these crossbreeds offer a perfect combination of vitality and companionship. Their dynamic traits and adaptable personality make them a valuable addition to any family looking for an active and attentive companion.

Cute American Foxhound mixes with pictures

When American Foxhounds are combined with other breeds, unique crossbreeds are created that can be enchanting both visually and in terms of character. In the following overview, we introduce you to some of these mixed breeds, accompanied by photos that emphasize the unique characteristics and irresistible charisma of these coveted four-legged friends.

American Foxeagle: American Foxhound & Beagle

Hund,Fleischfresser,Pflanze,Blumentopf,Komfort,Halsband,Zimmerpflanze,Rehkitz,Begleithund,Couch, Dagmar Benkert

The American Foxeagle is a fascinating crossbreed that combines the quick agility of the American Foxhound with the keen intelligence and stamina of the Beagle. This mix results in a dog that is known for both its lively and friendly characteristics.

As an owner of an American Foxeagle, you will quickly come to appreciate its passionate nose and energetic nature. These dogs love to explore new scents and are excellent companions for outdoor activities. Their affectionate nature makes them ideal family dogs that get along well with children and other pets.

The American Foxeagle is easy to train and enjoys mental challenges, making it a perfect candidate for agility and other dog sports activities. If you are looking for an active, intelligent and loyal friend, the American Foxeagle is an excellent choice that will bring joy and companionship to your life. Their dynamic appearance and courageous heart make them a valuable member of any family.

And so much more!

There are so many more mixed breeds with the American Foxhound that you should get to know. We have also received photos of many of these hybrid mixes from you, our dogbible community. Take a look and find your special mix.

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