All bloodhound crossbreeds at a glance

The bloodhound, also known as the Saint-Hubert hound, is famous for its impressive nose and is often considered the ultimate tracking dog. With its distinctive deep wrinkled face and long, drooping ears, this dog has an unmistakable appearance. Its dense, smooth coat can come in various shades of black, liver and red. Bloodhounds are known for their patience, endurance and calm nature and are excellent for search and rescue work. Their exceptional scent detection and affectionate personality make them valued family members and reliable working dogs.

Hubertus dog, St.Hubert dog, bloodhound, brown dog with many folds

Chien de St. Hubert


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Things we love about bloodhound mixes

Dive into the world of mixed breeds influenced by a bloodhound. These impressive dogs stand out for their large stature and the characteristic deep wrinkle relief of their face, which gives them a striking appearance. Their coats are typically smooth and in a palette of earthy tones such as brown, black and tan, often with distinctive markings.

These mixed breeds are known for their incredible scent sensitivity, a trait that makes them excellent scent hounds. They are extremely patient and persistent, ideal for long days outdoors, whether working or playing. Their calm and composed nature makes them ideal companions for families.

Thanks to their intense loyalty and affectionate nature, they make excellent companions. Their ability to adapt well to everyday family life and their affectionate interaction with children and other pets increase their popularity as pets.

Ideal for you if you are looking for a reliable and protective friend, these crossbreeds offer a perfect combination of gentle temperament and alert character. They enrich any family with their presence and are a source of constant joy and affection.

Great bloodhound mixes with pictures

When bloodhounds are combined with other breeds, unique crossbreeds are created that can be enchanting both visually and in terms of character. In the following overview, we introduce you to some of these mixed breeds, accompanied by photos that highlight the unique characteristics and irresistible charisma of these coveted four-legged friends.

American Bulldog - Bloodhound Mix

Hund,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Halsband,Begleithund,Tierbedarf,Arbeitstier,Hundehalsband,Schnauze,Elektrisch blau, Nicole Radke

The American Bulldog bloodhound mix combines the rugged strength of the American Bulldog with the exceptional nose and patience of the bloodhound. This mix creates a dog that is not only impressive in appearance, but also shows amazing versatility in a variety of tasks.

As an owner of this mix, you will come to appreciate your dog's powerful presence and gentle nature. They are known for their loyalty and deep bond with their owners, making them reliable and affectionate companions. Their robust constitution allows them to thrive in both active work and family environments.

This mix is ideal for you if you are looking for an active and protective friend who also has a calm and even-tempered nature. Their ability to function as both working dogs and family members makes them a valuable addition to any family. Train them with patience and consistency, and you'll have a loyal companion by your side that provides both protection and companionship.

And so much more!

There are so many more mixed breeds with the bloodhound that you should get to know. We have also received photos of many of these hybrid mixes from you, our dogbible community. Take a look and find your special mix.

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