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Hiking with dog in South Tyrol - the best and most beautiful routes for you and your four-legged friend

These are the most beautiful hiking routes for you and your dog in South Tyrol.

Dog paradise in the north of Italy: Mountain hiking with dog in South Tyrol

The varied and impressive landscape of South Tyrol attracts holidaymakers from all regions of Europe, not only for skiing. Hiking holidaymakers are also increasingly discovering the mountainous and water-rich landscape for themselves. And what could be better than taking your favourite four-legged friend with you on extended tours?

Varied tours

If you are going to South Tyrol with your dog, it is important to consider in advance what condition you are in and how far your pelt-nose can walk during the day. You also have to consider the difficulty of the route. Fortunately, the hiking trails in South Tyrol offer you many possibilities to make your holiday varied and depending on your daily shape. The region can be discovered at all altitudes and levels of difficulty, for which for example

  • Alpine hikes in the Pustertal
  • high-altitude hikes in the Ahrntal
  • the nature parks of South Tyrol (Dei Zinnen, Fanes-Sennes-Prags, Stilfser Joch and others)


People in nature, Adventure, Dog walking, Wilderness, Canidae, Dog, Hiking, Hiking, Recreation, Dog walking, Hiking with dog, Camping with dog, Hiking in the wilderness

Arrive calmly in Val Gardena and Alta Pusteria

To get started with mountain hiking with your dog, we recommend leisurely walks so that you can get used to the altitude together. In the midst of the three-thousand-metre peaks of the Dolomites lies the Val Gardena, which boasts wild mountain streams and an idyllic alpine landscape. From Ortisei a relaxing tour runs along the adventure promenade of Val Gardena. On a 3,5 km long stretch you follow the signs to S. Cristina or further to Selva Gardena. This extension is another 8km long. Dogs are welcome on the trail and you can enjoy the great view of the rugged landscape of the Dolomites together. The Val Gardena is generally very dog-friendly and even cable car rides are allowed should you run out of breath. Only the excrements of your four-legged friend should be taken care of and not simply left behind. In the higher situated protected areas a leash is compulsory and in the cable car you may have to put on a muzzle.

You can take another quiet walk around the Dobbiaco Lake. This deep green lake is located in Alta Pusteria between the Three Peaks Nature Park and the Fanes-Sennes-Braies Nature Park. A hike of about one hour leads around the lake, which offers you the opportunity to watch birds and to find refreshment in the water. Especially in spring and autumn, the lake is a gathering place for many bird species, which will make your time there educational.

Challenge in the Ahrntal

A popular hike with dog leads from the valley station Steinhaus to the Klaussee. Over a fairly short distance of just under 6km, you will cover about 570 metres in altitude with your furry nose, which is why you should be able to rely on a stable condition. On the trail M33 you first walk along extensive meadows over a slight ascent to the Speckalm. From there you walk off the beaten track up to Kleinklausen to the Klaussee lake. At the lake you can jump into the water and recover after the strenuous ascent.

On your discovery tours while hiking in the mountains with your dog in South Tyrol, you should always pay attention to the applicable protection regulations. Because Bello and you have many doors open in the region to find dog-friendly shelter, but you should of course be considerate of the human and animal inhabitants of South Tyrol. Then the region offers many friendly accommodations.

Dog in South Tyrol, hiking with a dog in South Tyrol in the mountains and near lakes
Banner: Shutterstock / Africa Studio
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