spanish water dog cuddles his owner on her arm panting and laughing, in the background you can see the sea, brown dog with curls, spanish dog breed Dog Husbandry Tips 31.05.2021

Bathing in Carinthia with dog - these are the most beautiful tips and places

Holidays with dog in Carinthia - these are the tips.

Carinthia - the most beautiful bathing places with dog

Carinthia has about 1200 standing waters and can serve with versatility and diversity. Whether in the coldest lake of Austria or rather in seclusion for every (dog) taste the right bathing place can be found.

At the better known and larger lakes bathing is usually forbidden for you and your darling, but some lakes are dog-friendly.

If you prefer it private....

The bathing pond in Reßnig in the beautiful Rosental, a small pond with a private atmosphere, explicitly allows bathing for dogs!

At 600 meters above sea level, between Velden and Klagenfurt, lies the Forstsee, which is fed by the Wörthersee. It is a natural lake and is perfectly suitable for nature-loving dogs, but beware, bathing is not allowed at the fishermen's huts, but on the lake side, which is opposite.

Shepherd dog cycling with owner

Another natural lake near Velden is the Saissersee, which offers your darling the opportunity to cool off and play in the cool water. Due to the dark moor soils, the water is slightly brownish, so don't worry. It's all not dangerous!


The lake impresses with a windless location, but can still be quite fresh in summer. Dogs are allowed to swim at the edge of the lido.

If you like to have the choice.....

If you like it a bit more exquisite, you have to go to the Keutschacher Tal with its 4 dog-friendly lakes. Most of the campsites are looking forward to a visit of dog and master. At Camping Nord your dog can also take part in the different offers of a dog trainer.

Do you like it cool or do you prefer it warmer?

The Falkertsee, situated on 1800 near the Nockalm Road, is ideal for dogs (and masters?) who like it cool! In summer the water temperature here can often be as low as 13 degrees! Refreshment guaranteed!

In contrast to this, the Pressegger See in the Gailtal offers the possibility of bathing together with your master and mistress, as the lake reaches a pleasant 28 degrees in summer. The lake is lined with reeds.

Wild bathing:

Beaches are for everyone. Then off to Lake Weissensee in the Gailtal Alps. With 24 degrees, it provides pleasant cooling. Along the hiking trail you can dive into the water and enjoy the wild bathing. If you want your masters and mistresses to have this fun too, there are also three lido baths as an alternative, where you are welcome.

On particularly hot summer days, Lake Weissensee offers perfect refreshment. You will find this at one of the three dog bathing facilities. Here you will find a separate lake beach for dogs at the camping site and at Hotel Moser.

If it doesn't have to be a lake....and where your dog can swim without you:

Carinthia has not only a variety of lakes, but may also call many rivers its own, in which it is very often allowed that your pelt nose treats himself to a refreshment. Be it in the Drau or the Gail - your dog is very welcome. But also in the Sattnitz near Klagenfurt your darling can refresh himself.

Various reservoirs such as the Völkermarkt reserv oir or the Ferlach reservoir in the Rosental offer swimming opportunities for your pet.

Basset hound sits in passenger seat with head with window open, ears flying through wind, mammal, Canidae, vehicle door, dog breed, carnivore, muzzle, car, vehicle, hunting dog,
Banner: Shutterstock / Lucia Romero
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