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Vacation with dog at the lake in Germany - the top 5 places

You want to spend a vacation with your dog at a lake? Then Germany is your destination.

Vacation with dog at the lake in Germany - the top 5 places.

What a joy it is when your own four-legged friend can play and romp exuberantly in the lake. Almost all dogs love water or love to swim. We present you the most beautiful bathing places with dog in Germany.

Would you like a little bit of lake?

Freshwater lakes are perfect for a relaxing swim with your dog. Some dogs like the mild water in inland lakes much better than salt water on the coasts.

At the lake, masters and mistresses can relax and enjoy together with their dogs. It is clear that dogs are not welcome everywhere, even at lakes. Nevertheless, the German lakes often offer even more opportunities for an eventful vacation with dog, than the completely built-up and crowded coasts.

Here are the top 5 destinations for vacations with dog at the lake:

1. Lake Constance

Basically, swimming with dogs is possible at Lake Constance. Lake Constance is a popular destination for dog owners, and there are many public and accessible areas where dogs can splash around in the water.

However, the rules for swimming with dogs can vary depending on the location and beach. Some places allow dogs to run free off-leash and swim in the lake, while others may require leashes or have specific times when dogs are allowed on the beach.

It is advisable to obtain information on the relevant local regulations before visiting Lake Constance with your dog. This can often be found on the websites of the municipalities or tourist offices of the region.

Also, while bathing with your dog, be sure to follow common rules and courtesies to ensure that all visitors have an enjoyable time at the lake. This includes cleaning up the dog's mess to keep the environment clean.

Two greyhounds sitting in front of a lake, longhaired whippet Silken Windsprite dogs and a shorthaired whippet greyhound Shutterstock / Michal Kimmel

2nd Mecklenburg Lake District: Vacation with dog at the lake

On the approximately 117 km² large vacation area there are quite a few great corners for relaxing with dogs at the lake.

Center are all lakes around the Müritz (Plauer See, Fleesensee, Kölpinsee).

In the area there are some designated beaches for dogs

  • Bolter canal dog beach
  • Waren dog beach
  • Inselsee Güstrow dog beach

But actually you can go to the water with your dog almost everywhere in the area. Where protected areas begin, signs indicate leash requirements and bathing prohibitions. But this is really the exception. Also in the gastronomy you are usually welcome here with your four-legged friends.

Thus, the Mecklenburg Lake District is the top tip for vacations with dog at the lake in the northern part of Germany.

Here, even in the main holiday season, it is usually not quite as crowded as at other lakes.

3. Bavarian lakes

At the Tegernsee there is a wonderful dog beach near Rottach-Egern ("Hundestrand Schorn"). In addition, there are plenty of restaurants and accommodations in every price range for masters and mistresses.

At the Chiemsee your dog is only allowed in the water at the free bathing places in Übersee, Chieming and Bernau. Northwest of the Chiemsee, the Eggstätter-Hemhofer Seenplatte with 17 other smaller lakes invites you to splash around.

Caution is required at Lake Starnberg. It is unfortunately considered one of the most dog-hostile lakes in Bavaria.

4. Edersee, North Hesse: Lake where dogs are allowed

Hesse's Kellerwald-Edersee National Park offers pure romance and relaxation. In addition to the main lake, 1,000 springs and refreshing streams await you.

At the Edersee itself, the best place to swim with your dog is on the Scheid peninsula. There is an official dog beach and pure nature. The area is very well developed for tourism. From cozy campsites to posh hostels, you'll find everything your vacationer heart desires.

5. Schluchsee, Black Forest: Vacation with dog in Germany

The area around Schluchsee and St. Blasien in the southern Black Forest offers swimming fun and hiking pleasure. While the big brother "Titisee" is quite crowded and less comfortable for dog, there are sections at Schluchsee, where Bello and Wuff can get into the cool water undisturbed.

Officially, bathing with a dog is not allowed, but away from the main streams it is not forbidden.

By the way, "cool" is the program here all year round. Due to the high location, the lake never really gets warm even in midsummer.

Banner: Shutterstock / Ingrid Pakats
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