Boxer dog on the background of the fountain Dog Health 27.08.2023

4 effective dogs gentle food recipe for gastritis

5 great recipes for gastritis and other stomach problems of the dog.

Fortunately, you can intervene with some symptoms and help your dog, for example, with a gentle diet.

Here is a small guide: What foods can you combine, how do you prepare them, and which bland foods help with different ailments like diarrhea or gastritis.

To understand: What does a gentle diet mean and when does my dog need it? You give your dog a gentle diet when his digestive system needs easy-to-digest food - e.g. after a stomach inflammation or surgery. Good ingredients include cooked poultry, rice, carrot, oatmeal and lean cottage cheese.

If your dog has digestive problems

You notice during your walks that something is wrong with digestion. This can happen sometimes and is not always dramatic, BUT:

A little advice: don't just rely on online research when you're worried about your dog! It's totally okay to seek expert advice. If you're unsure, take your dog and go to the vet!

If you have digestive issues, these foods are okay:

  • Lean meats (e.g. chicken or beef).
  • Rice and cottage cheese
  • Carrots and a little apple (grated, for example)
  • Boiled potatoes and pumpkin
  • Oatmeal and flaxseed (let swell for a long time)

Our top 4 gentle food recipes for dogs when they suffer from gastritis or stomach problems:

  1. Chicken Breast Breakfast: ideal if your dog has had an upset stomach. You'll need chicken breast, oatmeal, cottage cheese and a drizzle of honey.
  2. Moro's carrot soup: a must for diarrhea!
  3. Classic chicken and rice dish: perfect for keeping your gut flora from getting any worse.
  4. Chicken-oat-carrot curd: Soothes and is easy to digest.

But first, quickly - what actually is gastritis? Then we come to the recipes and preparation steps.

Gastritis in dogs?

Gastritis in dogs describes an inflammation of the stomach lining. There are various causes that can trigger gastritis, and the disease can occur in an acute or chronic form.

Causes of gastritis may include:

  • Infections caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites.
  • Foreign bodies in the stomach
  • Chemical irritants (e.g., the ingestion of toxins)
  • Medications (e.g., certain anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Feeding of spoiled food
  • Food allergies or intolerances
  • Metabolic or systemic diseases
  • Stress

Symptoms of gastritis can vary, but often include:

  • Vomiting (often the first and most obvious sign)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy or general malaise
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Increased swallowing or licking due to nausea
  • Diarrhea (in some cases)


Treatment of gastritis depends on the underlying cause. In many cases, dietary measures, such as feeding a sparing diet and administering gastroprotective medications, may be helpful. In more serious cases, or if the cause is a foreign body or infection, further medical intervention or therapy may be necessary.

If gastritis is suspected or symptoms persist, a veterinarian should always be consulted to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the best treatment plan for the individual dog.

French bulldog puppy eats carrot in grass Depositphotos / Patryk_Kosmider

Effective recipes for gentle food for dogs

Chicken breast breakfast


  • Chicken breast
  • Oatmeal
  • Cottage cheese
  • A drizzle of honey


  1. Boil chicken breast fillet. After cooking, cut into small pieces and let cool.
  2. Pour hot water over oatmeal and let it soak until soft.
  3. In a bowl, mix the chicken pieces, soaked oatmeal, cottage cheese and a drizzle of honey.
  4. Mix well and serve to your dog once it has cooled to room temperature.

Moros carrot soup


  • Carrots


  1. Peel and chop carrots and boil them in water.
  2. After they are soft, puree them with the cooking water.
  3. Allow to cool and serve to the dog in appropriate quantities.
  4. Be sure to serve these meals in appropriate amounts and always monitor your dog's reaction. Always consult a veterinarian if symptoms persist!

Classic Chicken and Rice Dish


  • Chicken breast
  • Rice


  1. Boil chicken breast fillet and rice separately in water until tender.
  2. Cut the chicken into small pieces and mix with the rice.
  3. Let cool and serve.

Chicken oat carrot curd


  • Chicken breast
  • Oatmeal
  • Carrot
  • Low-fat curd cheese


  1. Boil chicken breast and carrot.
  2. Soak oat flakes.
  3. Mix everything in a bowl, add low-fat curd and mix well.
  4. Let cool and serve.

A tip for puppies

Puppies' digestive tract is more sensitive. If your puppy is not feeling well, be sure to consult a veterinarian!

When to see the vet.

If there are persistent digestive problems or pain - always head to the vet!

A balanced diet is important for your dog's health. With the right food you can prevent digestive problems.

Conclusion: It is never a bad idea to have a few recipes for gentle food at hand. For stomach problems or after surgery, you can offer your dog these foods: Oatmeal, lean cottage cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken, rice, carrot, grated apple and more.

Banner: Depositphotos / web.academik
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