People in nature,Adventure,Dog hiking,Wilderness,Canidae,Dog,Hiking,Walking,Recreation,Dog walking, Dog Husbandry Tips 18.02.2021

Vacation with dog in Tyrol

So you can comfortably spend your holiday with your dog in Tyrol.

Vacation with dog in Tirol

Dogs belong to the family and are your best friends. That's why they accompany you on holiday. Tyrol is definitely a perfect choice as a travel destination. There you and your beloved four-legged friend can expect impressive landscapes, breathtaking views, great outdoor activities and much more.

Hiking with your dog in Tyrol

You can do this in many beautiful places in Tyrol, and of course it is also possible in the mountains. However, there are a few things to bear in mind. Timely planning of your hiking tour is recommended in any case. On the one hand, the routes have different degrees of difficulty and are of different lengths. On the other hand, some routes are very narrow and include climbing sections here and there. So not all tours are suitable for your dog. Some only take a few hours, others a whole day. You have to weigh up to what extent this is reasonable for your dog. If your dog has the necessary strength and stamina, longer hikes are also possible. Note: If your dog is still young, you should not put him under too much strain, as his bones and joints do not show sufficient stability until he is about one year old. Older dogs should also not be overloaded. In order to be sure that your dog will manage a certain distance, it is advisable to practice a similarly long distance with him in advance. This way there will be no rude awakening on holiday. You should also bear in mind that some breeds of dog - such as pugs or very small or short-legged dogs - are not particularly well suited to walking together. However, if you have a fit four-legged friend who loves to run by your side, nothing will stand in the way of your unforgettable hiking adventure. Because hiking with a dog in Tyrol means a lot of fun and relaxation.

Vacation with dog in Tirol, hiking in Tirol with a dog

Bathing in Tyrol with dog

Optimal here are tours to the Tyrolean bathing lakes. Dogs are always welcome there. Very recommendable are e.g. the following bathing lakes:

  • the Gieringer Weiher, which is located in the middle of the recreation area Bichlach and is surrounded by numerous hiking trails. There are many idyllic sunbathing areas near the shore where you can relax.
  • the Pillersee in the valley of the same name. You and your dog will definitely like it there, too. The lake is not far from Salzburg and Bavaria and can be explored on a hike.
  • The Walchsee, which is located at the foot of the Kaisergebirge. It offers you, among other things, a brilliant lake promenade and is one of the warmest bathing lakes in Tyrol. Especially on the beach of the eastern shore your dog can romp around without any restrictions. There is even an extra dog bathing area for your four-legged friend.
  • the natural bathing lake Urisee, which has drinking water quality and in summer has a temperature of up to 23 degrees. Here your dog will feel especially comfortable, especially since there is no leash requirement.

Holiday in a dog hotel

To make the holiday with your dog perfect, you should not dare to experiment in terms of accommodation, but book a suitable room in a dog hotel. You will have to look for a "We have to stay outside" sign for a long time. Because here not only you, but also your dog are very welcome guests. Both the furnishings and the additional services are designed with the well-being of your four-legged friend in mind. It is not uncommon for comfortable baskets and blankets, bowls for water and food as well as treats to be available when you arrive. Especially dog-friendly hotels even offer professional dog training, special dog wellness offers or various dog therapies. They will also be happy to help you if you need tips for excursions with dogs, hiking tips with bathing opportunities for dogs or emergency numbers (e.g. for a vet).

hiking in Tirol with a dog, Husky goes hiking
Banner: Shutterstock / manushot
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