Sesame colored dogs

Sesame-colored dogs impress with their unique coat pattern, which shows a mixture of black, red and white hairs. This special coloring gives them a noble and unusual appearance. Originally, the sesame color is mainly known in certain breeds such as the Shiba Inu or the Akita Inu and is often valued as a sign of purity and tradition.

Unique beauties with traditional significance

Sesame-colored dogs fascinate with their unusual coat pattern, which forms a harmonious mixture of black, red and white hairs. This special coloring is particularly common in Asian dog breeds and is often associated with tradition and elegance. Dogs with sesame color stand out due to their noble appearance and unique character.

What does "sesame color" mean in dogs?

The term "sesame" describes a mixed coat pattern in which the black hairs are evenly distributed over a red or white base color. There are several variations, including

  • Red sesame: Red coat with black tips.
  • Black sesame: Even mixture of black and white hairs.
  • Pure sesame: Equal proportion of black and red hairs.

This coloration is rare and is often perceived as particularly aesthetic.

Which dogs have sesame-colored coats?

Sesame-colored coats are mainly found in certain Asian dog breeds. The Shiba Inu and Akita Inu are particularly well known, but other breeds can also have this characteristic coat pattern.

The importance of sesame color in tradition

In some cultures, particularly in Japan, the sesame color in dogs is associated with purity and tradition. It is seen as a sign of a balanced and harmonious character, which makes these dogs even more special.

4 beautiful sesame-colored dog breeds

In the next section, we'll introduce you to some of the most impressive sesame-colored dog breeds. From the charming Shiba Inus to the majestic Akita Inus and rare variations - discover these unique beauties and their special characteristics!

Shiba Inu

Hund,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Kitz,Begleithund,Schnurrhaar,Landtier,Dingo,Sportliche Gruppe,Canidae, LéWuff

The Shiba Inu is a compact and self-confident companion dog that impresses with its friendly nature and intelligence. It is particularly known for its sesame-colored coat, which gives it a unique and noble appearance. With his independence and close bond to his family, he is a loyal and adaptable companion who loves exercise and mental activity.

Akita Inu

Akita inu. Japanischer Hund. Horizontales Porträt eines Akita Inu der japanischen Rasse mit langem weißen und roten flauschigen Fell, der an einem sonnigen Sommertag im Park liegt. Depositphotos / Kristina_photo

The Akita Inu is a majestic and loyal companion dog known for its dignified nature and sesame coloring. Originally from Japan, it impresses with its intelligence, independence and strong bond with its family. With his calm and watchful nature, he is a loyal companion, but requires clear leadership and sufficient exercise.


Porträt eines lächelnden Shikoku-Hundes Depositphotos / anahtiris

The Shikoku is a rare and versatile companion dog from Japan that impresses with its sesame coat and strong character. Originally bred for hunting, it impresses with its intelligence, stamina and adaptability. With its close bond to its humans and its alert nature, it is a loyal and active companion that needs plenty of exercise.


Weißer mittelgroßer schöner Hund Kishu Inu Depositphotos / MolikaAn

The Kishu is a rare and impressive companion dog from Japan that impresses with its calm nature and sesame coloring. Originally bred as a hunting dog, it is characterized by its loyalty, intelligence and strong bond with its family. The Kishu is independent, yet affectionate, and requires sufficient exercise as well as consistent, loving training.

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Seitenansicht eines schönen anatolischen Hirtenhundes (sivas kangal kopek/kopegi) in einer Hundefarm in der Stadt Kangal, Sivas Türkei. Depositphotos /

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is a strong and dignified guard dog that impresses with its loyalty, alertness and independent nature. With its dense coat structure and the possibility of sesame coloration, it is impressive both visually and in terms of character. Originally bred to guard herds, he forms a close bond with his humans and requires clear leadership and plenty of space.

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