Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Begleithund,Ohr,Rehbraun,Schnurrhaar,Spielzeughund,Schnauze,Chihuahua, Dog collar and harness 27.06.2023

Effect of EM ceramic dog collar

If you search for tick collar for the dog on the Internet or in forums, then you will also quickly come across the EM collar.

The special effect of an EM ceramic dog collar

The advantages of an EM ceramic dog collar: Effective protection against ticks

As nature awakens in the spring, so does the tick season, which often lasts well into the fall. It seems like the tick season is getting longer every year. Ticks are more than just annoying parasites, they can transmit serious diseases and thus endanger the health of our beloved four-legged friends. Therefore, it is understandable that dog owners are always looking for effective and reliable methods to protect their dogs from ticks.

In doing so, many specifically look for chemical-free solutions, and when searching for a tick collar for dogs, they often come across the EM ceramic collar. But what is it exactly and how does it work?

EM ceramic collar for dogs: what it is and how it works.

EM stands for "Effective Microorganisms", and this is exactly the principle on which the EM Ceramic Collar for Dogs is based. Small ceramic tubes into which these beneficial microorganisms have been baked are threaded onto collars. When dogs wear these collars, they are supposed to be protected from ticks and other parasites. In addition, the collar is also said to have a positive effect on the dogs' well-being and psyche.

The microorganisms burned into the ceramic produce certain energetic vibrations. These vibrations are transferred to the dog's coat and skin. The goal is to create an environment that is less attractive to ticks and other parasites. In this way, the dogs should be less affected by parasites.

Many dog owners are convinced by the EM ceramic collars and especially appreciate the advantage that they are completely free of chemicals.

Individual and stylish collars for dogs

EM ceramic collars are not only effective, but also stylish. They are available in many different colors and patterns. Many EM collars can even be customized and, for example, personalized with the dog's name.

DIY EM collar: chemical-free tick protection to make yourself.

For all DIY enthusiasts, there is also the option of making an EM collar yourself. For this purpose, there are special sets that contain the ceramic tubes with the effective microorganisms. These tubes can be threaded on as desired to create a unique collar for your own dog.

The ceramic tubes work especially well with paracord. Paracord makes it quick and easy to create sturdy and beautiful collars for dogs. Matching sets for paracord collars are also available online. There are no limits to creativity here.

In summary, the EM ceramic collar offers an effective, chemical-free and stylish way to protect dogs from ticks and other parasites. In addition, it can also promote the general well-being of dogs and can be customized or even homemade.

Banner: Shutterstock / Susan Schmitz products.claim
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