
Kishu: origin and provenance

The Japanese Kishu is a hunting dog and is descended from medium-sized congeners from Wakayama and Mie prefectures, which formerly formed Kishū. The breed therefore gets its name from the area. Since the year 1934, only solid-colored dogs are allowed for breeding.

At the same time, in the same year, this breed was chosen as a monument of nature.

Does a Kishu Inu dog suit me?

If you ask yourself this question, then you have to consider a few things. Although the Kishu is a classic one-person dog, it is also very family-friendly and also, provided it is used to them, child-friendly. If you have a cat in the household and he doesn't know it, there is generally a risk that he will chase it, even to the point of it being fatal for the cat. Also, never leave the four-legged friend alone with small animals. Experience in dealing with dogs is essential here. The breed needs enough exercise, mental occupation and is not suitable for the city. The Kishu would be perfect for agility training, as it also needs to use its brain.

So before you get such a rare dog, please think carefully whether you can do justice to this breed.

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Kishu Inu, dog breed white, medium dog, half dog, white dog with ears from Japan Kishu Inu, dog breed white, medium dog, half dog, white dog with ears from Japan, Japanese dog breeds, Spitz breeds from Japan Kishu Inu, dog breed white, medium dog, half dog, white dog with ears from Japan, Japanese dog breeds, Spitz breeds from Japan, overview of the four most popular dog breeds from Japan, Shiba Inu, Tosa Inu Kishu Inu, dog breed white, medium dog, half dog, white dog with ears from Japan, Japanese dog breeds, pointed breeds from Japan, overview of the four most popular dog breeds from Japan, Shiba Inu, Tosa Inu
Alternate Name Kishū-Inu, Kishu-Ken
Origin Japan
Life expectancy 10 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high
FCI group Asian Spitz and related breeds
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Nature and character of the Kishu dogs

These four-legged friends are extremely person-oriented and therefore one-person dogs, so they build up an extreme bond to only one owner. However, this makes them extremely loyal.

However, you have to pay attention to their dominant appearance. This can lead to problems with other male dogs. Even in their own home, Kishus tend to pay attention to everything and want to dominate. They rarely show themselves submissive and only carry out orders if they see a sense in it themselves. Therefore, consistent training is indispensable for you.

This dog is very proud and it requires a lot of patience in the education.

Always make sure that you teach the dog leash control, because it will hardly be possible to let the Kishu run free.


Characterized by a strong hunting instinct, this breed is characterized by its intelligence, courage and endurance. It is mainly used for hunting wild boar.

White medium sized beautiful dog Kishu Inu

Diseases of the breed

In general, the Kishus belong to an exceptionally healthy breed, but caution is advised with some congeners, as they are prone to hypothyroidism from time to time.

This inevitably leads to reduced function of the thyroid gland. Signs of this can be fatigue or reduced performance.

So if you own a Kishu Inu or want to get one, you must have these values checked by a vet. The course of the disease is not fatal, but it can be controlled quite well with tablets and the animals are consequently more balanced. Due to the shape of the eyes, the breed suffers from a genetic malposition of the eyelid, which could be corrected surgically. These quadrupeds can live up to 13 years.


The common Kishu tends to be grain intolerant, so you should feed it primarily on meat. Food changes should take place slowly, always a little more. Again, a lot of patience is required.

The coat of the Kishu is easy to care for. Brush it once a week and more often during the coat change. Classically, the ears and claws should be kept under observation.

white japanese dog named Kishu, breed description

The medium sized Kishus are muscular in stature and have a compact build with strong bones. They belong to number 318 of FCI group 5 and exist in red, white or sesame. Due to the pointed appearance, the Kishu carries his tail curled over his back. Equally distinctive are the pointed, erect ears. The height at the withers of females reaches about 46 cm and that of males 52 cm.

For this, the dogs gain a weight of up to 25 kilograms.

Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail rolled up
Anatomy rugged, sporty
Size ♀ 43 - 49 cm
Weight ♀ 13 - 27 kg
Size ♂ 49 - 55 cm
Weight ♂ 14 - 27 kg
Suitable For -


Kishu Inu, dog breed white, medium dog, half dog, white dog with ears from Japan, Japanese dog breeds, Spitz breeds from Japan, overview of the four most popular dog breeds from Japan, Shiba Inu, Tosa Inu
Kishu Inu, dog breed white, medium dog, half dog, white dog with ears from Japan, Japanese dog breeds, pointed breeds from Japan, overview of the four most popular dog breeds from Japan, Shiba Inu, Tosa Inu
White medium sized beautiful dog Kishu Inu
  • Hypothyroidism

    Hypothyroidism is a condition in dogs where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. This can lead to a slowed metabolic rate, weight gain, fatigue, hair loss and other symptoms.

  • Allergies

    Can occur in a number of breeds, regardless of genetic makeup.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

Other medium dogs

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