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10 hotspots for hiking with dog in Austria

10 places you should definitely know if you want to hike with your dog in Austria. Arranged by province.

Walking with the woof factor

All dog owners know it: the most beautiful walk in company of our best friend is spoiled if he is not welcome or has to walk the whole distance on a short leash. The recreational value for man and dog then quickly reaches its limits. Especially if the journey was a bit longer, this hiking experience will probably not make it into the top ten of dog and owner. But the Austrian provinces have the inseparable duo of man and dog now on the radar.

Hiking with dog tips for each federal state + 10th inofficial federal state East Tyrol

Let's start with hiking routes for humans and dogs in Vorarlberg:

In the westernmost federal state, Kleinwalsertal is considered the ultimate (secret) tip for hiking and vacationing with dogs. In winter, snowshoeing and numerous dog-friendly cross-country trails invite you to enjoy outdoor fun together. In summer there is a lot to hike and the one or other refreshing bath in a cool mountain lake may not be missing of course.

Hiking in Tyrol with a dog (own blogpost to come!)

The Stubai Valley scores particularly well here: the excellent transport links just 10 km from Innsbruck and a varied range of hikes or winter tours guarantee incomparable experiences in the mountains of Tyrol. On the alpine pastures, however, there is a strict leash obligation along the cow pastures.

Sissi's home - East Tyrol. A paradise for hiking with a dog

If you love the countryside, you will never be able to forget East Tyrol. Long walks are possible everywhere and at any time. Excellent dog hotels can serve as a base and also offer pampered guests the perfect stay, preferably in summer. You can hike with your dog on almost every mountain. And anyone who has ever been to East Tyrol or Lienz directly knows that it is surrounded by the Dolomites and Alps, so every direction is a hiking route. Especially popular is the "Böse Weibele", hiking in the Iseltal, Virgental or a nice hike with your dog to the Umballfälle (big waterfalls).

Hiking hotspots for dog owners in Salzburg

The holiday village Holzleb'n in Großarl offers the perfect starting point and, if desired, also the ideal base camp for hikes in animal company. The season here is all year round. Numerous cosy accommodations in the affordable price segment are designated dog-friendly.

In Upper Austria you can also walk and hike with your dog.

The Salzkammergut not only scores with incomparable charm, dog owners also enjoy great popularity here. The picturesque Unterach am Attersee, for example, leaves nothing to be desired in summer for two and four-legged friends. You can enjoy swimming and hiking at the lake.

Hotspots for hiking with dog in Lower Austria:

One province further east, things get glorious for those who don't like to, or can't, cover a lot of altitude. The picturesque Waldviertel with its almost mystical charm offers limitless opportunities to explore nature together as the mood takes you. If you want to stop off, it's best to start your tour in the Kamptal Nature Park or follow the Zwettler Beer Trail.

Hiking in Vienna - also with four-legged friends

Around Vienna, too, you can discover one or two places where your furry friend is welcome and adventure is guaranteed. The 1st Vienna Water Pipeline Trail, for example, leads dog and master directly into the "Höllental". But the shady path actually leads along a truly heavenly route along the Schwarza, surrounded by deciduous forest and in the face of an impressive mountain panorama.

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This hiking tour in Burgenland is something you should do with your dog.

Also for flatland specialists and fans of endless expanses, Burgenland offers hiking experiences galore. An absolute must: a trip to the Neusiedlersee National Park. The diversity of species delights the human eye just as much as the animal nose, which will probably still be feasting on these numerous impressions while you sleep. Disadvantage: Designated nature reserves usually have stricter leash requirements. To compensate for this, the most easterly of the federal states advertises with the promise of 300 days of sunshine per year.

Hiking routes with dogs in Carinthia:

Carinthia has long since discovered family holidays as its core business. Dogs are welcome guests there. Hiking or swimming with a dog has therefore already reached the next level in Carinthia: golfing with a dog is actually possible at the Klopeinersee golf course, provided that the four-legged friend can keep its passion for retrieving in check a little.

Hiking with a dog in Styria:

Green hills, vineyards and a dense network of hospitality distinguish Styria as a hotspot for hiking in animal company. The Altausseer Seerundweg offers one of the best and most impressive landscape combinations anywhere. Numerous benches along the shore invite you again and again to linger. A bath in the lake or at least once the dog's belly a little cool, is possible at any time.

Banner: Shutterstock / Helen Marz
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