Hybrid Breed

Cairn Terrier + Shiba Inu


What is a Shairn-Inu?

The Shairn-Inu, a charming hybrid of the Cairn Terrier and the Shiba Inu. Original and independent, the Shairn-Inu displays the best characteristics of both of its parent breeds. A product of international crossbreeding, this hybrid dog offers a fascinating combination of traits.

Origin and History

The Shairn-Inu is a relatively new designer dog, descended from cross-breed Cairn Terriers and Shiba Inu. The original Cairn Terrier originated in Scotland and was bred to be a hardy, courageous little worker used for killing pests like rats and badgers. In contrast, the Shiba Inu originated in Japan, where the breed was originally developed as a hunting dog.

Alternate Name -
Origin Scotland - Japan
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character and personality

The Shairn-Inu is intelligent, active and friendly. He is known for his deep affection towards his people and often displays a courageous attitude. Thanks to the influence of the Shiba Inu, he is often alert and independent, while the Cairn Terrier in him makes him energetic and playful.

Behavior and Training

While Shiba Inus are sometimes considered stubborn, the Cairn Terrier is considered very willing to learn. These traits balance out in the Shairn-Inu, making him a dog that is trainable, but sometimes needs a steady hand when training. This dog loves activity, so it is important to challenge him with regular exercise and mental training.

The Shairn-Inu is not the best beginner dog, but makes an excellent companion for a person or family that has experience with dogs. Some Shairn-Inus can inherit the independence and strong will of Shiba Inus, which makes firm but loving handling necessary.

Care and health maintenance

The Shairn-Inu requires moderate grooming. Frequent brushing helps minimize coat loss. It is also an active and lively dog that requires regular exercise and mental training.

As with all breeds, health problems can occur. However, the Cairn Terrier and Shiba Inu are generally healthy breeds, so you can expect similar things with the Shairn-Inu. Regular vet visits and a balanced diet are essential.

Breeding the Shairn-Inu

When breeding the Shairn-Inu, it is important to choose respected and reputable breeders who value healthy and temperamental parents. This breed has a strong character and can be challenging for first-time owners, so breeder support is essential. Choose a breeder who uses genetic testing and is open about the health of the parents.

Thisr mix dog usually falls into the category of small to medium sized dogs. Externally, the Shairn-Inu often resembles the Shiba Inu with the compact, muscular stature of the Cairn Terrier.

The coat varies from short and harsh to long and fluffy, depending on the parental genes. Coat colors can be varied, among which white, black, brown, and variations of brindle (brindled) are most common.

Fur length short - medium
Fur rough-haired -
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail short - rolled up
Anatomy strong, hefty, rugged, hefty
Size ♀ 23 - 41 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 9 kg
Size ♂ 25 - 43 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 11 kg
Suitable For Children, Seniors, Seniors
  • Joint problems

    Especially due to overweight, joint problems can occur in dogs.

  • The average life expectancy is 10 to 15 years.

  • These dogs have a coat that is similar to or a mixture of its parent breeds.

  • Shairn-Inus are loyal, friendly, brave and outgoing. They are also intelligent and easy to train.

  • These mixed breed dogs are more prone to respiratory diseases, skin problems, eye problems, digestive disorders and metabolic diseases.

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