Cairnwich Terrier:Cairn Terrier and Norwich Terrier Mix

Hybrid Breed

Cairn Terrier + Norwich Terrier


Cairnwich Terrier: A charming cross between Cairn Terrier and Norwich Terrier

Discover the Cairnwich Terrier, a charming cross between a Cairn Terrier and a Norwich Terrier. This small but sturdy dog is known for its fearless character, liveliness and lovable nature.

Origin of the Cairnwich Terrier

The exact history of the Cairnwich Terrier is not documented, as it is a relatively new mixed breed. However, the parent breeds have a long history. The Cairn Terrier originated in Scotland and was originally used for rat and fox hunting, while the Norwich Terrier, one of the smallest terrier breeds, originated in Great Britain. The combination of these two breeds makes for a small, lively and tenacious dog.

Overall, the Cairnwich Terrier is a delightful and energetic companion that is sure to brighten up any household. With proper care and attention, this charming mixed breed will undoubtedly become a beloved family member.

Alternate Name -
Origin Scotland - UK
Life expectancy 10 - 16 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

A mixture of two terrier breeds, the Cairnwich Terrier is an active and spirited dog. He is known for his intelligence, fearlessness and playfulness. Like many terriers, he can also be quite stubborn, so early and consistent training is necessary.

The Cairnwich Terrier is a social dog that enjoys the company of people and other animals. He is alert and has a natural curiosity that makes him an excellent watchdog.

Suitability and attitude

The Cairnwich Terrier is an ideal companion for a variety of households, including families, couples, and single owners. His size and adaptable nature also make him suitable for city or country living. However, he does need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

Grooming and health

The Cairnwich Terrier typically has a wiry, weather-resistant coat that requires regular brushing to prevent matting and skin problems. Health concerns that can occur with this breed include hip dysplasia, eye problems, and certain skin issues. It is important that owners schedule regular vet visits and watch for signs of these conditions.

The Cairnwich Terrier is a small dog with a robust constitution. He may have the coat colors of both parent breeds, including red, wheaten, black, and grizzle. His ears are often erect, and his eyes are lively and alert.

Fur length short - medium
Fur rough-haired
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail short
Anatomy strong, hefty, rugged
Size ♀ 23 - 30 cm
Weight ♀ 5 - 8 kg
Size ♂ 23 - 33 cm
Weight ♂ 5 - 8 kg
Suitable For Children, Seniors, Beginner, Children, Seniors
  • Joint problems

    Especially due to overweight, joint problems can occur in dogs.

  • The Cairnwich Terrier exhibits traits from its parents, such as loyalty, perseverance, alertness, and intelligence.

  • Since these dogs are very intelligent, you should train them with positive reinforcement and clear instructions. You should not punish them, but always try to reward them with praise for good behavior.

  • The average life expectancy is between 11 and 16 years.

  • Although they are prone to some common health problems that affect all breeds, such as ear infections, these mixed breeds are usually very healthy animals.

  • He needs a diet rich in protein and fiber. It is best to adapt the feeding to his age, size and activity level.

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