Dogs with a short tail

Short-tailed dogs are known for their unique appearance that sets them apart from other dogs. These breeds exhibit a shortened tail length, often due to breeding standards or genetic traits.

Short tails, great character traits

Dogs with short tails stand out not only because of their unusual appearance, but also because of their unique characteristics and adaptability. These breeds have a shortened tail length, which is usually either genetic or the result of deliberate docking (now illegal in some countries). Despite their shorter tails, they are robust and often display a lively personality.

Various reasons for short tails

The shortened tail in dogs can fulfill various functions. It can help to regulate body temperature better, as less heat is released via the tail. It can also improve mobility, especially in confined spaces or when hunting. Some breeds with short tails have also been bred specifically for certain tasks where a longer tail could be a hindrance.

Popular breeds with short tails

Some of the most popular short-tailed breeds include the Boston Terrier, French Bulldog, Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog. Each of these breeds has their own characteristics and traits that make them popular companions and family dogs.

5+ great dog breeds with short tails

Dogs with short tails are not only visually striking, but also diverse and adaptable in character. Their shortened tails are not only an aesthetic feature, but often also fulfill practical purposes that can improve their functionality and quality of life. We will now introduce you to more than 5 such dog breeds that are known for their short tails.

Epagneul Breton

Gefleckter Brittany Spaniel Hund in einem Garten Depositphotos / CaptureLight

The Epagneul Breton is a versatile dog breed from France, known for its short tail and excellent hunting skills. This breed is famous for its energy and intelligence and is ideal for hunting a variety of game. The Epagneul Breton is characterized by its athletic appearance and short, dense coat. With its loyal nature and hard-working attitude, it is a popular companion for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier Hund auf brauner Terrasse - geringe Tiefenschärfe Depositphotos / bubutu

Discover the Boston Terrier: Characterized by its charming appearance and even temperament, the Boston Terrier is a companion dog with a lot of personality. Appreciated for its compact size and striking black and white coat markings, it enjoys great popularity as a family favorite. Its friendly nature and adaptability make it an ideal companion both in city apartments and in the countryside. Discover the fascinating world of the Boston Terrier and find out why he is such a beloved dog.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Liebenswerter erwachsener Hund Welsh Corgi Pembroke geht im Sommer im Stadtpark spazieren Depositphotos / bondvit

Experience the Pembroke Welsh Corgi: With its cute appearance and charming nature, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi delights dog lovers worldwide. Known for its short legs and graceful gait, it is a popular companion dog and family member. Its intelligent and lively nature makes it an ideal partner for active families and individuals alike. Discover the fascination of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and immerse yourself in his unique world full of energy and kindness.

French Bulldog

Schwarze Französische Bulldogge steht auf Schreibtisch Depositphotos / AllaSerebrina

Discover the French Bulldog: With its distinctive appearance and lovable nature, the French Bulldog wins the hearts of many dog lovers by storm. Known for their charming wrinkles and distinctive large ears, they are a popular companion dog for families and individuals alike. Their calm temperament and adaptability make them ideal for city apartments and country homes. Learn more about the adorable French Bulldog and discover why they are such a special breed.

English Bulldog

Laufende Englische Bulldogge Depositphotos / ammmit

Discover the English Bulldog: With its unmistakable appearance and lovable character, the English Bulldog delights dog lovers worldwide. Known for its massive appearance and distinctive short tail, it is a popular companion dog and family member. Their gentle nature and loyal disposition make them an ideal companion for people of all ages. Find out more about the fascinating history and unique characteristics of the English Bulldog and fall in love with its charming character.



Discover the Bobtail: The Bobtail, also known as the Old English Sheepdog, is characterized by its fluffy coat and distinctive appearance. This breed is prized for its intelligence and loyalty and often has a short tail, although not all Bobtails have this feature. As an original shepherd dog, the Bobtail is a popular family dog and companion. Its calm nature and adaptability make it a valued companion both in the city and in the countryside. Immerse yourself in the world of the bobtail and find out why it is so special.

Entlebuch Mountain Dog

Entlebucher Sennenhund spaziert auf einem nächtlichen Stadtsommer Depositphotos / averyanova

Discover the Entlebucher Mountain Dog: The Entlebucher Mountain Dog fascinates with its robust build and characteristic coat pattern. This Swiss breed is known for its willingness to work and intelligence and is often characterized by a short tail, although not all individuals of this breed share these characteristics. A loyal companion and reliable working dog, the Entlebuch Mountain Dog shows remarkable adaptability and is equally valued in families and as a working dog. Discover the versatility and unique character of this fascinating dog breed.

Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terrier in einem Frühlingsgarten Depositphotos / CaptureLight

Discover the Kerry Blue Terrier: The Kerry Blue Terrier enchants with its charming appearance and wiry, blue-grey coat. This Irish breed is known for its lively personality and versatile abilities as a hunting and family dog. Although many Kerry Blue Terriers have a short tail, this is not true of all members of the breed. An intelligent companion and loyal companion, the Kerry Blue Terrier brings joy to any home. Find out more about the unique characteristics and history of this fascinating dog breed.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd beim Coursing Depositphotos / riha.martin13

Discover the Aussie: The Australian Shepherd, affectionately known as the "Aussie", charms with its striking coat and intelligent expression. This versatile dog breed is prized for its energy and adaptability and can have a short tail, although not all Aussies share this trait. Known as a loyal companion and skillful working dog, the Aussie shows remarkable devotion to its family and tasks. Find out more about the fascinating characteristics and origins of the Australian Shepherd.

German Shorthair

Brauner Deutsch Kurzhaar Vorstehhund. Ein muskulöser Jagdhund steht an einem Punkt im Feld zwischen dem grünen Gras. Ein sonniger Frühlingstag. Depositphotos / Vitalii_Mamchuk

The German Shorthaired Pointer is one of the most versatile dog breeds, characterized by its adaptability and excellent hunting skills. Known for its short, dense coat and robust constitution, this dog is both an excellent family companion and a passionate hunting dog. However, there is one peculiarity: the tail of animals used for hunting is often docked to prevent injuries. This procedure is controversial in some countries and not all dogs of this breed are affected.


Dobermannpinscher Depositphotos / Carmelka

The Doberman is an elegant and powerful dog breed known for its intelligence and protective instincts. Originally bred as a guard dog, the Doberman is characterized by its shiny, short-haired coat and athletic build. A striking feature of many Dobermans is their docked tail, which was common in some countries to prevent injuries. However, not all representatives of this breed have a docked tail, as this practice is becoming increasingly controversial.

French Pointing Dog (Pyrenean type)

Französischer Vorstehhund Pyrenäen Typ, Erwachsener liegt auf Gras Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The French Pointing Dog (Pyrenean type) is a fascinating breed of dog that is prized for its elegance and hunting abilities. With its smooth, short-haired coat and athletic appearance, this dog embodies strength and grace in equal measure. A characteristic feature of many French Pointing Dogs is their docked tail, which was once practiced for hunting reasons to prevent injury. It is important to note that not all dogs of this breed have a docked tail, as this practice is controversial today.

Cocker Spaniel

Hund, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Leber, Begleithund, Kitz, Gras, Schnauze, Arbeitstier, Spaniel, Depositphotos / CaptureLight

The Cocker Spaniel is an enchanting dog breed, known for its grace and amiable nature. With its silky, long coat and gentle expression, it quickly wins the hearts of its owners. A striking feature of many Cocker Spaniels is their docked tail, which was common in some countries to prevent injuries during hunting. However, not all representatives of this breed have a docked tail, as this practice is becoming increasingly controversial and is even banned in some regions.

Bouvier des Ardennes

Bouvier des Ardennes in Showposition Depositphotos / riha.martin13

The Bouvier des Ardennes is a robust and versatile dog breed that is prized for its tenacity and willingness to work. With its thick, weatherproof coat and strong build, this dog is ideal for a variety of tasks. A characteristic feature of many Bouvier des Ardennes is their docked tail, which was historically required to prevent injuries during work. However, it is important to emphasize that not all dogs of this breed have a docked tail, as this practice is controversial and is already banned in many countries.


Schipperke steht auf der Wiese. Depositphotos / volofin

The Schipperke is a charming and energetic dog breed known for its intelligent nature and lively personality. With its dense, black coat and compact size, this dog immediately catches the eye. A striking feature of some Schipperkes is their docked tail, which is done due to a legend. However, it is important to note that not all representatives of this breed have a docked tail, as this practice is increasingly controversial and banned in many countries.

Jack Russell Terrier

Hund, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Pflanze, Kong, Gras, Happy, Begleithund, Rehbraun, Halsband, Depositphotos / ammmit

The Jack Russell Terrier is a lively and lively dog breed known for its energy and intelligence. With its short-haired coat and athletic build, this terrier embodies robust working ability and adaptability. A distinctive feature of many Jack Russell Terriers is their docked tail, which was once practiced to prevent injury during hunting. However, it is important to emphasize that not all dogs of this breed have a docked tail, as this practice is now controversial and banned in many countries.

Spanish water dog

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Begleithund,Schnauze,Pudel,Sportliche Gruppe,Asphalt,Canidae,Straßenbelag, Depositphotos / ots-photo

The Spanish Water Dog is a versatile and intelligent dog breed known for its abilities as a working dog. With a water-repellent coat and medium build, this dog embodies adaptability and energy. Not all representatives of this breed have a short tail, although they are often prized for their agile movements and dedication to their tasks. The Spanish Water Dog is equally valued as both a companion and a worker and requires an active lifestyle to reach its full potential.

Parson Russell Terrier

Porträt eines Parson Russell Terriers im Freien, der im Gras liegt Depositphotos / Madrabothair

The Parson Russell Terrier is an energetic and versatile dog breed known for its intelligence and willingness to work. With a short, weather-resistant coat and a compact build, this terrier embodies robustness and adaptability. In the past, a docked tail was practiced on some representatives of the breed to prevent injuries during hunting. Today, however, it is important to note that not all Parson Russell Terriers have a short tail, as this practice is increasingly controversial and banned in many regions.

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