Dogs with a long tail

Dogs with a curled tail show a variety of breeds and characteristics. This characteristic tail shape can be both congenital and selected through breeding and varies from a loose cross over to a tight roll over the back or side. These characteristics are often associated with specific breeds such as the Akita Inu, Chow Chow and Basenji, which are notable for their unique appearance and behavior.

Variety and characteristics

Dogs with curled tails are a fascinating group that stands out due to their unique anatomical feature. This tail shape varies greatly between breeds and can take on different shapes and positions. From a tight roll over the back to a looser crossover, there are many variations, each characteristic of specific dog breeds.

Characteristic breeds with curled tails

Akita Inu and Shiba Inu are two well-known breeds with a curled tail. In the Akita Inu, the tail often appears as a tight, loose roll over the back, while the Shiba Inu has a tail that curls loosely over the back. These features are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also have historical and cultural significance in their countries of origin.

Physiological aspects and possible disadvantages

However, the presence of a curled tail can also bring with it some physiological and health considerations. For example, some dogs with this trait may be prone to back problems, especially if the tail is curled tightly over the back and puts extra pressure on the spine. Careful breeding practices and regular veterinary examinations are therefore crucial to identify and manage potential health problems.

Influence of breeding on tail shape

The development of a curled tail is often the result of centuries of breeding practices where certain traits have been deliberately reinforced. While this has contributed to the expression of characteristic breed traits, it is important to keep in mind the impact on the health of the animals. Modern breeders are increasingly committed to responsible breeding that takes into account both aesthetic and health aspects.

Popularity and recognition

Despite potential health risks, dogs with a curled tail are very popular with dog lovers all over the world. Their unique characteristics and charming appearance make them desirable companions and family members. The love for these breeds is reflected in their recognition and presence in households and at dog shows.


Dogs with a curled tail are not only aesthetically pleasing but also contribute to the uniqueness of dog breeds. While their distinctive characteristics evoke admiration, it is important to keep the potential health challenges in mind and promote the well-being of these wonderful animals through responsible breeding practices.


Horizontales Porträt eines Hundes der Rasse Basenji mit kurzen Haaren in dreifarbiger schwarzer, weißer und roter Farbe, stehend im Freien mit grünem Hintergrund im Sommer. Depositphotos / TatyanaBelka

The Basenji is a fascinating dog breed with origins in Africa. Originally bred as a hunting dog, it is known for its smooth coat and elegant appearance. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a companion dog, it is intelligent and independent, with a strong hunting instinct. Its unique ability to yodel rather than bark makes it an interesting pet. The Basenji is popular with dog lovers because of its charming personality and cultural heritage.

Akita Inu

Hund, Fleischfresser, Gras, Begleithund, Pflanze, Schwanz, Hunderasse, Landtier, Halsband, alte Hunderassen, Depositphotos / f8grapher

The Akita Inu is an outstanding dog breed with origins in Japan. Originally bred as a hunting and guard dog, it is known for its thick coat and powerful stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a companion dog, he is loyal and courageous, with a strong bond to his family. His calm nature and protective instincts make him a valued pet.

American Akita

Amerikanischer Akita außen im grünen Gras Depositphotos / kwadrat70

The American Akita is an impressive dog breed with origins in Japan. Originally bred as a guard and companion dog, it is known for its thick coat and strong build. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, it is loyal and protective, especially towards its owners. Its calm nature and protective instincts make it a valued pet and companion.

Shiba Inu

Hund,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Kitz,Begleithund,Schnurrhaar,Landtier,Dingo,Sportliche Gruppe,Canidae, LéWuff

The Shiba Inu is a charismatic dog breed with origins in Japan. Originally bred as a hunting dog for small game animals, it is known for its dense, short coat and compact stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries loosely over its back. As a companion dog, it is loyal and independent, with a strong personality expression. His intelligence and adaptability make him a valued pet and companion for experienced dog owners.

Chow Chow

Chow Chow Hund. Sommerzeit. Depositphotos / Bokstaz

The Chow Chow is a fascinating dog breed with origins in China. Originally bred as a guard and hunting dog, it is known for its dense, luxuriant coat and robust stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, it is loyal and protective, with a deep bond to its owners. His independence and calm nature make him a unique and valued companion.

Thai Ridgeback

Thailändischer Hund Bangkaew im Haus eingesperrt Depositphotos /

The Thai Bangkaew Dog is a fascinating dog breed originating in Thailand. Originally bred as a guard and companion dog, it is known for its dense, two-tone coat and robust stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, it is loyal and protective, with a strong instinct to protect its territory. His intelligence and adaptability make him a valued pet and companion.


Nahaufnahme niedlichen pomeranian Hund suchen rote Kirschtomaten in der Hand mit glücklichen Moment, selektiven Fokus Depositphotos / mraoraor

The Pomeranian, also known as the Dwarf Spitz, is a charming dog breed with origins in Germany. Originally bred as a companion dog for nobility, it is known for its lush, plush coat and small, compact stature. Its distinctive feature is the fluffy tail that it carries over its back. As a family dog, it is lively and playful, with a strong bond with its owners. Its intelligence and adaptability make it a popular pet for city apartments and families.


Pekinesen, auch Löwenhunde genannt, sind eine uralte Hunderasse, die auf dem Boden sitzend eine Ähnlichkeit mit chinesischen Wächterlöwen hat. Depositphotos / PhotoVelum

The Pekingese is a characteristic dog breed with origins in ancient China. Originally bred as a companion dog for Chinese emperors, it is known for its luxuriant, long coat and small, stocky stature. Its distinctive feature is its curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a pet, it is loyal and affectionate, with a strong personality. His independence and alertness make him a valued companion for experienced dog owners.

Do Khyi

Der Tibetanische Mastiff Hund liegt auf dem Teppich und schaut in die Kamera. Tibetanischer Mastiff Welpe mit roter Farbe in Nahaufnahme. Der große braune Hund ruht sich auf dem Teppich aus. Depositphotos / tanyki88

The Do Khyi, also known as the Tibetan Mastiff, is an impressive dog breed with origins in the Himalayas. Originally bred as a shepherd and guard dog, it is known for its thick, long-haired coat and imposing stature. Its distinctive feature is its curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a protector, he is loyal and vigilant, with a strong bond to his family. His independence and intelligence make him a valued companion for experienced dog owners.


Glücklicher hellbrauner Mops (Pug) Depositphotos / belchonock

The Pug is an adorable dog breed with origins in China. Originally bred as a companion dog for aristocrats, it is known for its characteristic short coat and stocky stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail that it carries over its back. As a pet, he is playful and affectionate, with a strong bond to his family. Its friendly nature and adaptability make it a popular companion in many households.

American Eskimo Dog

Der American Eskimo Dog ist eine Begleithunderasse, die ihren Ursprung in Deutschland hat. Der American Eskimo gehört zur Familie der Spitz. Depositphotos / willbrasil21

The American Eskimo Dog is a charismatic dog breed with origins in the USA. Originally bred as a guard and companion dog, it is known for its fluffy, white coat and graceful appearance. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, he is loyal and playful, with a strong bond to his owners. His intelligence and adaptability make him a valued companion in many households.


Zwei süße Eurasier-Welpen im Zusammenspiel Depositphotos / Madrabothair

The Eurasier is a fascinating dog breed with origins in Germany. Originally bred as a family dog, it is known for its medium-length, dense coat and well-balanced stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail that it carries over its back. As a companion dog, he is loyal and affectionate, with a strong bond to his family. His gentle nature and intelligence make him a valued pet and companion.

Finnish Spitz

Finnischer Spitz, Hund stehend auf Rasen Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Finnish Spitz is a characteristic dog breed originating in Finland. Originally bred as a hunting dog for small animals, it is known for its dense, red coat and its medium-sized, compact stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail that it carries over its back. As a companion dog, it is lively and alert, with a strong bond to its family. His intelligence and adaptability make him a valued pet and hunting dog.

Wolf spitz

Niedlicher Wolfsspitz Welpe steht im Herbst im Park. Keeshond oder deutscher Wolfsspitz. Haustiere. Reinrassiger Hund. Depositphotos / SergeyTikhomirov

The Wolfsspitz, also known as the Keeshond, is a characteristic dog breed originating in Germany. Originally bred as a companion and guard dog, it is known for its dense, two-tone coat and medium to large stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail that it carries over its back. As a family dog, it is loyal and attentive, with a strong bond to its owners. Its intelligence and adaptability make it a valued pet and companion.

Norwegian Buhund

Himmel,Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Wolke,Rehbraun,Begleithund,Spitz,Halsband,Schwanz, Depositphotos / herreid

The Norwegian Buhund is a characteristic dog breed originating in Norway. Originally bred as a herding dog and companion, it is known for its thick, weatherproof coat and medium, compact stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, he is loyal and energetic, with a strong bond to his family. His intelligence and adaptability make him a valued pet and working dog.

Norwegian Elkhound gray

Hund,Wirbeltier,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Säugetier,Arbeitstier,Sportliche Gruppe,Landtier,Arbeitshund,Keeshond, Depositphotos / lifeonwhite

The Norwegian Elkhound gray is a distinctive dog breed with origins in Norway. Originally bred as a hunting dog for moose, it is known for its dense, gray coat and robust, medium-sized stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail that it carries over its back. As a companion dog, he is loyal and alert, with a strong bond to his family. His intelligence and adaptability make him a valued pet and hunting dog.


Hund,Spitz,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Deutscher spitz,Deutscher spitz mittel,Schnurrhaare,Begleithund,Deutscher spitz klein,Sportliche Gruppe, Depositphotos / Fxlogo

The Samoyed is a characteristic dog breed originating in Siberia. Originally bred as a sled dog and companion, it is known for its dense, white coat and medium to large stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, it is friendly and affectionate, with a strong bond to its owners. Its adaptability and robustness make it a valued pet and companion.

Swedish Vallhund

Schwedischer Vallhund vor weißem Hintergrund Depositphotos / cynoclub

The Swedish Vallhund is a fascinating dog breed originating in Sweden. Originally bred as a herding dog and companion, it is known for its short, weatherproof coat and medium, compact stature. The distinctive feature of some of this breed is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, he is loyal and energetic, with a strong bond to his family. Its intelligence and adaptability make it a valued pet and working dog.

Icelandic dog

Hund,Pflanze,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Gras,Begleithund,Rehkitz,Hundeverhalten,Schnauze,Hütehund, Depositphotos / Bigandt

The Icelandic Hound is a unique dog breed originating in Iceland. Originally bred as a herding dog and companion, it is known for its weatherproof, double coat and medium, robust build. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, he is loyal and attentive, with a strong bond to his family. His adaptability and intelligence make him a valued pet and working dog.

Swedish Lapphund

Schwedischer Lapphund, Hund stehend auf Gras Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Swedish Lapphund is a fascinating dog breed originating in Sweden. Originally bred as a herding dog and companion, it is known for its dense, weatherproof coat and its medium-sized, robust stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a family dog, he is loyal and affectionate, with a strong bond to his owners. His intelligence and adaptability make him a valued pet and working dog.

Karelian bearhound


The Karelian Bear Dog is an impressive dog breed originating in Finland and Russia. Originally bred as a hunting dog for bears, it is known for its thick, weatherproof coat and medium to large stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail that it carries over its back. As a companion dog, he is loyal and attentive, with a strong bond to his family. His intelligence and strength make him a valued hunting partner and pet.

Canaan Dog

Ein junger, wunderschöner, weiß-cremefarbener, brauner und orangefarbener Canaan, der fröhlich und verspielt über das Gras läuft. Kelef K'naani sind mittelgroße Hunde mit aufrechten Ohren, mandelförmigen Augen, intelligent und sehr gute Wachhunde. Depositphotos / f8grapher

The Canaan Dog is a fascinating dog breed with origins in the Middle East. Originally bred as a working dog for shepherds, it is known for its short, dense coat and robust stature. Its distinctive feature is the curled tail, which it carries high over its back. As a companion dog, he is loyal and alert, with a strong bond to his family. His adaptability and intelligence make him a valued pet and companion.

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