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Relaxed walking on the leash despite other dogs - 3 tips for leash leadership

3 Tips for relaxed walking with leash

Leash leadership - relaxed walking is purely a matter of practice!

Walks and excursions with your own dog are something very nice and are not only suitable for recovering from everyday life. In order for walking to work in the presence of other dogs, the dog's leash leadership is a necessary and supportive tool.

Is your dog used to constantly pulling on his leash? With loving consistency and training, you too can teach your four-legged friend leash control. In order for your dog to know what behavior you want from him, he needs you and your instructions.

Here are a few useful tips to help you with your training together.

Dog, dog breed, Canidae, mammal, leaf, yellow, muzzle, beagle or begador on leash in forest, autumn, carnivore, nose, Shutterstock / Halfpoint
  1. Tip: Practice leashing with your dog in situations that he enjoys. The "taking on the leash" can take place during feeding, playing, petting or even cuddling. The important thing is that your four-legged friend gets to know and appreciate the leash as something positive.
  2. Tip: By taking the lead while walking, you can signal a trust to your dog: You are his personal sanctuary. This also means taking on more decision-making than your four-legged friend. In doing so, don't be irritated by his distraction tactics such as nudging, sniffing around or tugging on the leash. To be accepted in your leadership role, it is important that your dog performs the maneuvers you initiate.
  3. Tip: In the beginning, your dog will be easily distracted. Be sure to have short training sessions in a quiet environment. Your own yard or garden or the living room is enough for the first steps. Subsequently, you can continue training on field paths, in the forest and near other dogs.
    During the training build-up, your four-legged friend should also learn that "running in front" is not fundamentally forbidden. With the command "Pull" you can consciously allow him to "run in front".

Start of training

  • Take your dog relaxed on the leash and tell him on which side he should walk. Now talk to your dog and take the first steps. Make sure that the dog's attention is on you when you speak to him. The leash should hang loosely. If he walks relaxed at your side, you can best reward him with words or a treat.
  • In the beginning, your dog still has to learn what you want from him. If he pulls on the leash again, talk to him briefly. If he does not respond, calmly turn away from your companion and wait until he pulls less. This turning away may be necessary several times at first. Don't give up and signal each turning away maneuver to your dog with your speech or a click of your tongue. This will give him a chance to follow you each time. 3.
  • If your dog wants to overtake you, change direction. This is your way of letting him know that he needs to pay attention to your path. The change can be done at a faster pace than walking.
Banner: Shutterstock / hedgehog94
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