Bullbasset Mastiff:Basset Hound and Bullmastiff Mix

Hybrid Breed

Basset Hound + Bullmastiff


Bullbasset Mastiff: A unique mix of Bullmastiff and Basset Hound.

The Bullbasset Mastiff is a remarkable blend of the powerful Bullmastiff breed and the charming Basset Hound. This breed mix brings together the best qualities of both parent breeds to create a devoted companion with a strong character.

Origin of the Bullbasset Mastiff

The exact origin of the Bullbasset Mastiff is not known, as it is a relatively new mixed breed dog. The Bullmastiff, one of the parent breeds, was bred in England in the 19th century for anti-poaching purposes, while the Basset Hound originated in France and is valued for its abilities as a hunting dog.

In summary, the Bullbasset Mastiff is an excellent companion for families and individuals. He is a loving and loyal dog that with proper care and training can become a valuable member of any family.

Alternate Name -
Origin France - England
Life expectancy 8 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level low - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible Character Traits

The Bullbasset Mastiff's personality can be described as gentle, loving and protective. They inherit the Bullmastiff's strength and alertness and the Basset Hound's gentle and patient nature, resulting in a balanced mix of watchdog and family companion. Although they can be stubborn at times, these dogs generally respond well to consistent and loving training.

Suitability and Attitude

The Bullbasset Mastiff is excellent for families and individuals. It is a balanced and loyal dog that does well in both rural and urban environments. These dogs are also well suited for first-time owners, as they are usually easy to handle and very adaptable. They are especially suited for families with an active lifestyle, as they love to walk and play.

Care and health

Bullbasset Mastiffs require moderate grooming. Their short, dense coats should be brushed regularly to remove dead hair and keep the skin healthy. As with all purebreds, they can be prone to the health problems common in their parent breeds, including hip dysplasia, eye problems, and ear infections. Therefore, regular health checks at the veterinarian are critical.

The Bullbasset Mastiff is usually a large, robust dog that combines the broad face and powerful build of the Bullmastiff with the longer pronounced ears and pronounced skin fold of the Basset Hound. Coat colors can vary, but are usually a mix of white, brown, black and brindle.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail short - lang
Anatomy massive, hefty, square, hefty
Size ♀ 28 - 66 cm
Weight ♀ 20 - 54 kg
Size ♂ 30 - 68 cm
Weight ♂ 23 - 59 kg
Suitable For -
  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • Disc problems

    Herniated disc in dogs (discopathy). Herniated discs or dachshund paralysis cause dogs severe pain.

  • rolled Eyelid

    A rolled eyelid (entropion) is an eyelid malposition in dogs

  • Teat Tumors

    Tumours of the mammary gland, also known as mammary tumours, are among the most common cancers in dogs.

  • This hybrid breed is usually considered to be one of the large dogs.

  • The average life expectancy is 10-14 years.

  • The Bullbasset Mastiff requires regular brushing to keep his coat healthy and shiny. He should also have regular visits to the vet to stay healthy.

  • Yes, this mixed breed usually gets along well with other pets. However, it is important to socialize them early to achieve positive behavior.

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